Well, I guess its good, I don't like the white line above the reflection, but other than that its good. The whole idea is overused, but was executed very nicely.
Well I like it, however I would take out the red light on her neck/shoulder. And the text should go or needs to be a different color. Other than that its simplistic and nice, another thing is that on the far left side the cloud thing gets sharp, which I don't like. And the border is very thick on the sides, although it doesn't effect whats in the sig it doesn't look good in my opinion.
I made this by request from my sig shop, and I really liked the outcome. The request was basically to fit as many grunge bands into a sig as I possibly could. If Hells could CnC, that would be great. Edit: Hells already CnC'd.
Well all the edges are rough, smooth them out and it would be better... I'm not a fan of the blue lights on his sides, or the text. Take both out, redo the text, and bring some of the color back to the picture. Other than that I can't see that you did much...I could be wrong, it looks ok but it needs some color and the blue must go.
Not really any flow going on there, I see you're starting to work with your text more, but that's the logo so it doesn't count that much lol, and the colours of the text really stick out to much so try fixing that up, nice effects but add more flow effects, and make your lighting a tad stronger, other than that nice tag, I prefer it with the first border. I will split the CnC up in paragraphs, so first paragraph is referring to the first sig etc. Not too fond of the lighting on there, looks like you just put it where his head was, it should be on the left side of his head rather than the right, this also has floating head syndrome, you should show some shoulders, not really diggin the text either, you should go more experimental with it, the C4D on the left side are just going a bit too much 'everywhere' for me, but hte right side is nice with the flowish movements. Hm, lighting is just a tad overboard on this one eh, tone it down a bunch, and the text needs some work, i like how you experimented with it more though, nice flow, and get some depth in there, you should work on shading some of the signature as well, because you have light coming from every angle, other than that it's lookin good other than a few oversharpened bits and areas that are too bright. Interesting focal, never seen that before, looks like you achieved some nice depth here, I would personaly darken up the 2 bottom corners to emphasize your lighting, if you just changed the font on your text it would be perfect, I like the flow you got going on there, nice tag overall, just fix up text and shading. Nice concept, again not a huge fan of the text but I like that you are really getting more experimental with it, sharpen up the lashes a bit because they look a tad blurry, other than that looks great, maybe get a more emphasized lighting in there without brightening it up too much. What is up with people and saying full review? Alright well, here we go; colours are quite bland you should bring some more vibrancy up, colours are a good thing, the light source is really off, as you can see off his forehead the light strikes down immediately over him, so it shouldn't be in the corner, put it above his head, add some depth, some more flow, sharpen up the focal some more, and emphasize your focal by bringing it out a tad more, just because something is centerred doesn't mean that it's the main focal. Overall, it is your most decent piece because you didn't sharpen the heck out of it, anyways, just try some of those improvements and update when you can, and if my CnC hurts your feelings, then I am sorry, but you'll be forced to get better in a way, trust me.
Can you do this LP since my thread got zero replies. I used a city stock, a surfer stock, and several water stocks: Edit: this too Edit: Edit: this too too: