Sandbox Pyramidal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by isntnoobspellednewb, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Pyramidal
    The unfinished pyramid was a symbol for mankinds unfinished evolution, now it is dominated by supermen. (3-12 players)
    Download Pyramidal*

    Pyramidal is an intense in-your-face type map. It is great for any type of game, be it multi-team, free-for-all, or classic 4v4, the games are always well balanced. The map is set up for oddball, King, CTF, assualt, infection, vip, juggernaut, and slayer (team or FFA). Pyramidal consists of three levels all circling around a pyramid, hence the name. There are many elevators and ramps linking all three levels into a seamless gameplay.I've been builing and testing and builing and testing and then building alittle more, and I think it came out wonderful. But enough with words, you want pics...

    WEAPONS: BR x7 (60s respond)
    Carbine: x4 (60s respond)
    Plasma Rifle: x2 (60 respond)
    Plasma Pistol: x2 (45s respond)
    Sniper: x1 (180s respond)
    SMG: x2 (45s respond)
    Rockets: x1 (180s respond)
    Shotgun: x1 (180s respond)
    Needler: x2 (90s respond)
    Brute Shot: x1 (120s respond)
    Overshields: x1 (180s respond)
    Bubble Shield: x1 (60s respond)
    Power Drain: x1 (60s respond
    Plasma Grenades: x6 (20s respond


    The Pyramid in the middle holds the rockets, so it usually ends up the focul point of the map, although other times it goes completely unnoticed.

















    there it is guys, i'm almost 98% u'll have a good time on this map,

    Download Pyramidal*

    #1 isntnoobspellednewb, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I'm guessing it's symmetrical, but it's hard to tell from the pics... Anyway, for being called "Pyramidal", that's really one small pyramid. I expected the game to play on a big pyramid from the name and front picture , but I was proven wrong given how tiny it is (proof seen in second picture). Anyway, great. 3.5/5
  3. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    Seriously who cares what the name of the map is....

    This is why I love reading forgehub. I am a big fan of the layout of this map. An open, center area with rocket spawn and multiple levels of view would make for a great slayer or KoTH match. This map is definately worth a DL and possible feature in your future.....
  4. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    Yes the map is 100% symmetrical forgot to mention that. And the pyramid isn't big but it is still the focul point of the map and u can see it from almost anywhere u r on the map 3.5 ain't bad tho, higher than my grades in highschool!
  5. TheReaper9456

    TheReaper9456 Ancient
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    I haven't downloaded it yet but from the pictures, it kinda reminds me of Epitaph(because of the small passageways on the sides of the map), im not a big fan of KoH but this looks like it could be fun
  6. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    As said above, this map seems good. Though I've seen many maps that are somewhat better, this is a great map for warm-up, maybe some real matches. The map has really good aesthetics, also.

    Gameplay- 9/10
    Aesthetics- 7/10
    Playability- 10/10
    Overall- 8/10, might need some small improvements.
  7. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is very impressive, layout is solid looking and will probably make for an intense FFA or KOTH match, my only advice is where the pyramid is, make two paths connecting to either side of the pyramid and make 2 doorways where it converges. Looks great overall, you have my DL.

  8. kill4overkill

    kill4overkill Ancient
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    This looks pretty good, not to amazing. The forging looks could be a little better but it looks like it has nice solid gameplay. 8/10
  9. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    I forged on this some more today and came up with some good results I think. I was out of money so I deleted the lights and did this...

    The map is in mackthemost's file share titled pyramidal 1.7



    and this

    those tube corner pieces prevent people getting on top of those double blocks, and I blocked of the gravity lifts so it's harder so destory them, does anybody know how to make the gravity lifts have instant respond? That would be greatly appreciate the feedback everyone...
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ok, you linked the pictures right the first time, but when showing us wat you improved, you did it wrong...
    the map is very three dimensionally and it has a pyramid in the middle as everyone has noticed. i personnally like how the pyramid is setup, i also like how there is no floor under said pyramid. 4v4 seems to be pushing it a little bit but 2v2 and ffa look tlike they would play well. ill download and try it with some friends when i wake up.
    good luck on future projects and other things.
  11. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Yep. Your pictures that you want to show us refuse to work. Fix it. Also, on the subject matter of fixing, you said that you made a few changes. That's good. Some areas needed a tiny bit of staightening up. It really wouldn't actually affect gAmeplay but just a bit of the feel/aesthetics. I feel comfortable giving this map a solid 4/5 opinionwise. I don't rate until I download.
  12. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    I just have to say that the superman part of the description made me giggle.
    It looked like a stupid small hallway map, but its a super cool hallway map, I was also wondering if the overshield was in the center or does the other side have a active camo?
  13. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    the overshield is kind of in the center, u get to it from the top level, through a 'tube peice' at the top level. you have to drop to get it, but it drops you right to the rockets (pic 6). No camo though, I've thought about it at times, but I just cant find a way to fit it in...

    anyway here are those updates i did



    #13 isntnoobspellednewb, Aug 7, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  14. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    If u don't want the grav lifts to be destroyed then you should merge them with something.
  15. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    How??? Is there A tutorial?

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