Well, I love mine. How do I add a rep? I want to give you as many as possible. LOl... I guess mine is kinda odd because I am not Saxophon3Hero any more... O well, still keeping it.
at the bottom of the column where it shows the user that's posting there is a little scale that you click, and thanks for the rep (and 100th post in this topic w00t!)
Ahhh! Thank you very much. Keep up the great work. EDIT: Could I request an 80 x 80 avatar? It would be kinda like the "Fear the pink mist" acheivment medal, but be gold intead of pink, have a cartoony saxophone instead of the needler, and have music notes instead of the hearts... thank you very much. I know it will be sweet. PM me if you need more info/ anything else...
Actually Knight would you still do my request? I've got a rotor going on and would still love another lol. You can use either of the pics already provided, or heres a coulpe extra. Sorry they're small, all I can seem to find in good quality have mics in the way or she's pulling a face or something. http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o154/theMallet/press001b.jpg http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o154/theMallet/press005a.jpg
albyhouse's avy is done: no fancy background: no fancy background or drop shadow on the hearts: pm me for changes next up: xXmooregamesXx
Hey Ak, youve been doin some great work with the sigs. I don't think there's a single one that i wasn't impressed with. I was wondering if you would be willing to make a simple logo for my grifball team? Team name is Thus I Refute Thee. Here's a pic I would like to be used. Its the assault bomb, obviously. I'd be looking for basically the bomb cropped by itself pretty much just like it is, only the words stick out more, perhaps in a different color. maybe red or yellow or blue, i dunno, whatever looks best. I'd appreciate it alot man. If you just stick to sigs though then thats cool I'm not gonna worry about it. Thanks! Edit: Oh and somewhere around 200 pixels if possible.
ak1knight, how are you doing the splatter stuff? I dont mean to intrude on your secrets, but I thought they were awesome. You make cool sigs, and I want to know how.
lol it's not a secret, just make a new layer and take a splatter brush and brush (in any color) where you want the effect to go, now hide that layer and make a new layer above that and go to Image>Apply image and hit ok. Now right click on the apply image layer and go down to create clipping mask; now a little arrow that points down to the splatter layer appears. Now just move the applied image layer to where ever it looks good. xXmooregamesXx I'm starting on you request right now.
Cool... thanks. Ummm, do you have any brushes that you can link me to, it would be much apreciated. Like the brush packs you use... thanks.
xXmooregamesXx is done: and for comparison: pm me for changes next up: Mallet Yeah i use photoshop, but I used to use gimp. You can do clipping masks in gimp as well, or at least get the same effect, but it's a little more complicated. check out that link Mallet has because that site also has splatter brushes (and pretty much everything else you could ever need for graphics).
Mallet is done: BW: tanish-yellow: pm me for changes It's not nearly as good as your current one, but I'm not even close to semi at NSL (maybe mid-high mod) so I hope you can still accept it lol.
Thanks man, it's really nice I love it. I can definitely accept it lol, I only managed mod in my prime. I am thinking however that the left side is a little too dark and empty, and that the text is lacking. You weren't online and I couldn't resist taking it into photoshop and making a couple of minor changes. I hope thats ok, let me know if its not and I'll delete it. It's still all your work of course, I won't take any credit or anything. Thanks again <3