Just goes to show how much empty space there is around blackout Also, a cool wallpaper. (This is their background on Bungie.net right now)
I think it looks pretty cool! After the new maps come out people will be getting Screenshots like this too.
I don't think that's going to be permanent. Once Blackout is old, they'll probably re-change the bakground again.
I doubt all that space will be usable in forge. They have the debug mode in the retail version, they probably used that to get out there. Then again, it doesn't have to be in game. I like it and I'd use it as a Wallpaper but it's too small and I'm not a fan of stretching images for my 'paper.
God I hope all that open space is available to forge in,however it seems quite large so it's doubtful. Plus,every map you would make would be wicked dark.
but we are getting something to place in forge thats pretty much the same as invisible walls i know off topic
Hopefully, the only killzone is the Glacier wall and the ocean... that would be sweet. And somewhere far out in the ocean, too. So, with floating objects, we get a huuuge blank slate.
As sweet as it would be, I think it's doubtful that Bungie would give us all of that space. Hopefully they will give us a decent amount of space over the ocean to play around with, it would almost be like Foundry.
If you watch viddoc then they say they made a lot of space because they said they gave you a bunch of stuff that you can float in the air.(kinda hard to catch)It aint that much space as pic but a good amount.
You people are dumb. They got that far in theater, its really not that hard, but you can't place stuff out there.
Actually, you're the dumb one. They don't just 'go that far in theater'. Since they made the maps, they have the power to turn off the death barriers and juts fly wherever they want.
Dude with all that empty space out in the ocean and the water below acting as a death zone we could remake maps like Lockout. Lawl.
You seriously believe that is all forging space, lol.... The barrier is about 10 metres away from any area of the map. That image is computer generated, not from a halo disk, but from the software that created Halo. The field of view there is like 100+ degrees. Its only like 80 on halo 3 We have seen in the video multiple times of a player hitting a barrier, somewhat 10 metres from the structure.