[SIZE=+2]Deterioration[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]By TcK SwordScar[/SIZE] Many know of the war against the Covenant and the Marines, but what of the unknown heros? The civilians whose primary objective was to survive. Designed for Conquest but plays all Origionality- being an engineer I think that most/all of my maps almost require having a switch inside. This was my idea, what if a conquest map with 1 way around the map (hallway-style) was to open up and have multiple points of entry after activating a switch? Thus, Deterioration. This map is most definitly the best work I have done, with 90% + of the map Interlocked to make sure it is appealing to the eye, with little bumps on the floor. The map layout is basicily a medium-sized(4-12 players) circle, with a few points of interest and hot spots inside. This map was designed for conquest, and such, has many duels and revolves around pushing into the opponents base. Heres some quotes during the play-testing phase by some respectable members of forgehub... Enough talk, heres some pics! the center area, where the trigger is located. Toss a well-thrown grenade in the hole and the bridge will open One of two symmetrical bases, after the bridge has been opened A base entrance one of the circular-paths The Platform Gameplay Pics--- The losing team opening the bridge, changing the flow of the game you might wanna wait before crossing the bridge, single-file line is never a good thing... XD porcupine but XD [SIZE=+1]Weapon List[/SIZE] 2 Battle Rifle 6 Spikers 2 Snipers-1 extra clip, 45 sec spawn 2 SMG 4 Plasma grenades-20 sec spawn 2 Frags-20 sec spawn 2 Spike Grenades-20 sec spawn 1 Regenerator -60 sec spawn Storyline- Many know of the war against the Covenant and the Marines, but what of the unknown heros? The civilians whose primary objective was to survive. While Master Chief and the Marines were fighting in the cities and the Metropolis', the civilians were doing everything in their power to defend themselves against The Covenant. Because of many hours of fortification, they found they could defend themselves, and they just might have a chance at life once more. Evil and darkness soon befell upon them... The day of the apocalypse, the day The Flood awakened upon the earth, the Humans soon found their Fortified Buildings, businesses, and landmarks useless. These new enemies, could wriggle their way inside every nook and cranny and No amount of defense could stop them, as everytime you killed one, it somehow ressurected, and everytime another human died, it meant another enemy to defend against. Now, even after the flood is destroyed and burnt away from the earth, the remains of this evil slaughter remain, Deteriorating with the dead corpses around them. An Unfinished process of fortification remains, a sign that a battle once took place here. These supply trucks - no longer active, await the next time they will activate, weeks, even years later. Trigger Description--- The trigger used was a minimum/maximum trigger, with the destroyable object being a Machine Gun Turret. How this works is, after a grenade is thrown inside of the hole, it plummets down into a line of fusion coils, detonating them and destroying the turret. The Turret's settings are run time minimum 1, with place at start Yes and Never respawn. Because of Never respawn, another turret with place at start NO, and respawn 180 secs will take priority to instant respawn from runtime minimum 1. This turret is placed halfway inside a double box open, with half sticking out underneath the area of the crate-bridge, keeping it afloat. Because the turret is upside-down, you cannot get on it, and you cannot destroy it because it is halfway inside another immovable-object. //Huge thanks go to the people who tested, and broke the map. Especially to the people who broke the map, you guys made sure that it was impossible to get outside! Download Conquest ------------------------------------------ [size=+2]The Furious Review has struck![/size] Rated Overall: 8.5 10/10 for Gameplay.
Very nice. This looks really well put together. Im curious to how this bridge mechanism works, and is the warthog accessable? Also your link is a bit messed up. The entire block of text is a link atm.
This looks like a really good map, i love the use of interlocking, looks wonderfull keep up the good work!
It was made like that on purpose, but I dont like the way it looks but unfourtanetly I cant edit it because either A. the post is too big to fit in the edit box, or B. My laptop is running incredibly slow. And no, those are just asctetic pics, outside of the map but within view. Put in just to show some of the storyline
The map looks sick, I can't wait to play it. However, I noticed that you have a regenerator and plasm grenades. I guess these items work for this map, but they are not traditional conquest items. That bridge switch is sick by the way. Absolute awesomeness.
Plasma grenades arent part of conquest? Wasn't aware of that, but yeah, they fit the map pretty well. As for the Regen. I needed that platform to be a point of interest and the regenerator fits in nicely to make sure people want to control the top.
Looks really sweet. I'm a huge Conquest fan myself, so I'll definitely be checking it out. I'll get back to you, but the switch is an excellent idea.
I may be lost in making Conquest, but I felt some what out there when I played your map, it was Conquest. I felt like I was playing Conquest UP till the point the switch activates and you can get to any point on the map quickly... which means any fighting for the first 2 minutes was wasted... and the last 30 seconds used to capture any territory including the enemy start points seemed which seems all to easy.I don't want to disagree with the fathers In Conquest in saying this, but its what I felt at that. It is perfect up to the point of the end. I know its a personal thought, but I don't know. I loved that fight up till then end.
Looks interesting and I love the switch idea so you have a download. Is this your first map? I'm interested in seeing what else you have done if it's not.
awesome dude. I could never figure out how that minimum maximum stuff workerd :| better read up i guess... but this map looks pretty well made. Especially the brige This game is gonna be awesome. Ill try it out! =D
My goal on this map is to make a map that IS conquest-y for a while, and if your team is great and conquest you will have a huge advantage in the end. Making sure the enemy doesnt activate the bridge is also a huge factor, so you try to keep them stuck inside their hallway. Eventually though, the bridge will most likely activate and afterwards it is like the losing teams last ditch effort. (a full team gank) It ends up that the game shifts from pushing into the enemy base, into crowd control and trying to keep your territories you have gained from being stolen back. So like you said, the first 2 mins is definitly like a conquest map, but I dont think that after the bridge activates everything before is meaningless, as you will have 5 territories to their 2. The bridge simply changes things from a one way map to a multiple points of entrance map.
lovin it This is such a good Idea. I love how you made it aesthetically pleasing and yet, functional. I also think it was briliant how you incorperated the bridge in. The idea that you have to walk on it with the crouvhing bit just blows my mind away. Good work!
I have 5? maps posted on forgehub, but it is about my 60+ map made. This is by far the best one though, and about the switch, I have only been making them for my recent 10-ish maps.
Lol pessimist... But really, yeah starting grenades helped for our party(because we had a 2v2/3v3 going) so small parties = starting grenades is good big parties = starting grenades is bad. But then again, I cant really change that as conquest is a standard gametype. p.s. Your team was bad...
Since I was working with some people on their maps and had many projects to do, it was about 3 weeks from start to finish. In actual forge time I couldn't say exactly, but I guesstimate about...23 hours?
I've never played conquest before *gets slapped many times from many directions* but if you're online and have a party of people playing, send me an invite. Your map looked fun from what you showed me.