I just went and bought the original after hear so much about them before. I think bioware is a great dev, and so far I am enjoying this game. I'm not to big of a fan of hmm "one click" combat in consoles, but maybe it's just because I'm not very far in and don't have all that great of weapons, or a complete understanding of the game. Anyways, this was one of the big original xbox titles and it would be great to see it back on the 360 in updated graphics and gameplay. This would further the 360's success I'm sure.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is their new next generation game. It supposedly has KOTOR elements mixed into it, but I think it's a more linear type of game. After that though, a new KOTOR might be in the mix, who knows.
Yes I saw a preview for that while watching the Star Wars movies on spike this weekend (I have a life, I was just sick this weekend lol). But I can barely bring myself to buy linear games now as replay value is near non-existant and CoD3 was the backbreaker. That game was epicly pathetic in the CoD universe...it was like 6 hours long. Games like ME and such are worth the money, but if I don't follow a series, I hate buying the third game or so (like Corruption) without playing the previous ones. Thats why I love games like Oblivion..it has connection to the past games, but they aren't necessary. Its open and replayable and fun.
Oh, trust me, this is going to be one unforgettable game. Check out these amazing developers interview things. If you don't want to watch them, I AT LEAST suggest you watch ALL of video number 2. It gives me the shivers: Doc part 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-_827DJnRY Doc part 2. (BEST PART AND DEFINITELY WORTH WATCHING) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldgdLW3aQEA Doc part 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQYJSr4115E
Uhm, there is already a KOTOR for the 360 its called Mass Effect and Bioware did make it. You guys are confused Lucas Arts is making the Force Unleashed.
I'm not confused, I was just talking about Star Wars games in general, not a specific developer. Also, Mass Effect is a great game, but I don't think it's comparable to KOTOR (I do think Mass Effect is better though).
Star Wars the force unleashed looks godly awesome, but I'd still like to see another KoToR. Only gripe is that bioware didn't make KoToR 2 and it wasn't as good. I'd want KoToR 3 to be made by Bioware, because they seemed to capture the elements of Star Wars better than most other game makers have.
Yes I know Bioware made both ME and KOTOR and I know LucasArts is working on the force unleashed. ME is not KOTOR because there are no lightsabres end of story. ME is great and I can't wait for 2, but not the same as kotor. And yeah thanks whisper I will check those out.
if the force unleashed lives up to the hype then i could care less about kotor for the 360. i'm so pumped for it.