Sandbox Unbound

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by xXMILLS17Xx, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    Creator (s): xXMILLS17Xx

    Race Track Name: Unbound

    Map Name: Sandbox

    Description: This track holds four people in its over track uncheatable start gate which will let them go when signaled by lights after 10 seconds, everyone starts behind a mongoose ready to race and then can go after 10 seconds when a wedge takes them up to the height of the drop down wedges which lead them to the track smoothly, from here racers sprint down the first straight under 3 overpassing bridges then are lead onto a quick right turn which leads onto a ramp, the 2 ramps in this race have an element to them which means depending on how well you drive the track it will make the ramps smoother with a less air bourne landing, after the ramp you go onto a 280 degree right turn which soons leads onto a 100 degree right turn, after this you pass over the track youve been on then go down a series of drops back to ground level all on a straight, at the end of the straight you make a 300 degree left turn made out of wall slits which i have cleverly filled in with wedges, then you go up the next ramp which takes you back over the track youve been on then to a 290 degree right turn which will lead onto another straight that yet again takes you back over the track youve been on, after this there is a single drop down which shortyly leads onto a 90 degree left turn, followed by a 120 degree left turn, followed by a 70 degree right turn, after this turn you drop down to floor level again and take a 45 degree left turn followed by another 45 degree left turn which leads you to the uncheatable checkpoint under the starting gate.


    What inspired your creation? I wanted to make a track that was a long non banked almost endurance track, that wasnt made on the floor as this makes it so there is still bumps, so this is a lot more like a real life racetrack, its long, smooth, has difficult corners, and challenges everybody.

    How long did it take to create? This only took about 5 hours to make overall because i spread it over saturday night, sunday morning and sunday night doing just under 2 hours each time.

    What aspect took the longest to get right? It took longest to get the ramps right because people were complaing that they were to bumpy, this is true but that is supposed to be the feel of the track, but to keep everyone happy, i made them a bit smoother but still need control to race them properly.

    #1 xXMILLS17Xx, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  2. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    It's a good all around racetrack but it is way too straight to be of hardly any challenge. A fun racetrack has curves and turns all over the place but this one is for the most part straight with a few turns here and there.
  3. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    hey again lol, erm if you play this with 4 people the straights and the flatness of it (which by the way are for effect) seem to fly by and are extremly fun, just get a party of 4 and have a go on it :) its fun trust me :p
  4. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    It's a bit too linear as in there isn't much level variation/angles. It is forged pretty good and I like the length. It is hard to find a pretty good race track with some length to it. Try to add some variation/aesthetic stuff in your next map.
  5. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    when i first made this one i was planing on making LOADS of scenary but i didnt use the money glitch and by the time i had thought about it, it was to late :(

    as for the linear effect, sorry if some people don't like it, i went for this style on purpose as not many tracks do it
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    This map looks like loads of fun with the tight turns and high speed you can get from the straight parts of it. I also like the beginning because you can't get any headstarts. However, usually when I play racetracks with the large ramps like on the sixth pic, it turns out bumpy.
  7. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Well, unlike what most people do, I thoroughly read your post. Therefore I am not one to criticize the turns that interrupt the flow of the track (However, I prefer banked turns by far. Too many flat turns is like a flat chest. If you know what I mean.). The one thing I do have to say is aesthetics. Add them. People download maps for three main reasons. They like the gameplay, the originality, and the aesthetics. Aesthetics? You have none. The map just looks like a bunch of blocks interlocked together. There is also nothing original about this map, so no download from me.
    #7 Mongoose, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  8. drunk

    drunk Ancient
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    Good race track, nice interlocking. Its just too flat. But don't worry more and these and you'll be a pro : )
  9. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    yes they are a bit bumby but read my post and you will realise this is the effect i was going for

    the flatness of the turns doesn't actually decrease the flow of the track it just means you have to tackle them in a different way which can make you a lot more of a skilled driver :)

    i can do most of the techniques people use to make amazing tracks, but after my first track (go see and comment) i wanted to go for a completly different style that i hoped others would enjoy, i think this is still worth the download to anyone who hasn't yet

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
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    this track looks very well forged and has a simplistic and clean look to it. I have a flat track too (banshee boardwok) which is a remake of a mario kart track, so I know from experience that flat tracks can be fun too and you don't HAVE to have big jumps and banked turns to have a good racetrack. You did a great job keeping things neat and making the track look nice. However, if you have any budget left I think you should add some aesthetic elements to add to the fun of your track. It will keep people more entertained on their way around the track and they will like your map more. Overall good track, but just think about my suggestion if you have any budget or items to spare.
    #10 KNEE TO FACE, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  11. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    You really need to accept some criticism, and not argue about every statement.
    I did race with 4 people and it still was quite boring and flat. With the un-bordered turns it was much too easy to get pushed off by other racers, and even if you want it to be skill based, it was annoying and forced me to delete it. Usually, when you are trying to be unique, you make it unique in a positive way. This track is unique in a negative way, by having no bordering, scenery, hills, none of it. The flow was decent, but again the mini drop offs and steep ramps caused unsteady landings and also got irritating. Work on making the track more exiting and exhillerating, instead of just a simple race course.
  12. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    im sorry no budget left :(

    and thanks for realising it has a good feel being flat

    first of, you dont like me because we had an arguement on forging grounds,

    i answer everyones statements because im sure they would like to know what i think about the view,

    if you need the turns to be boredered you need to practice your racing skills,

    otherwise i will ignore the rest of your post as it is of a negative attitude due to our fall out on forging grounds
  13. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    Regardless to what others may think. I like a map without all the banked turns. Because when your on a banked turn you realy cant see your opponents. When you cant see your opponents it does not feel like a race. Maps with straitaways are epic because you can see were you are compared to your opponents. That gives me the Perfect race experience.

    8/10 because I think you need to add walls around some corners.
  14. HarryGoss

    HarryGoss Ancient
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    theres to many straight parts and sharp turns. you should make banks and hills.
  15. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    thanks for the comment i suppose but to be honest i did say i was going for a map away from all that^^ (look at my other map if thats what you want)

    and im sure your post isnt even up to forge hub standard, as your supposed to give your view then a point that i could use to improve it, (other then going against the style i chose
  16. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    No, you're right. It doesn't decrease the flow. It destroys it. People can get pushed off way too easily and makes the track less enjoyable. The things people look for in a track are decency of flow, interlocking, and aesthetics. Your interlocking is decent, I admit, but the flow of the track is horrible and there are no aesthetics. You need to stop arguing a point over every comment and take some criticism.

    Banked turns give drivers elevation. Elevation makes it easier to see opponents. What kind of banked turns are you talking about? Just curious.
  17. Riechers

    Riechers Ancient
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    Make 2 infected, give one of them a fuel rod, give them one mongoose, put a custom power up at the end, sick infection map(already did this, IT IS)
  18. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    looks like it would get really boring after a while, because its all flat and straight aways, try adding some more angle to make it more interesting. but you did seem to interlock it nice and smoothly on some of the turns, but it looks like you didnt do that on the rest of the track, which could make it bumpy. in the third picture it looks like the walls are not very well aligned, other than that you did a good job.
  19. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Nice. It disobeys the rule of bank turns and the whole thing is flat. I like that, it gives you more space to add on to the map (which you did!), but I also regret to say that people might not like the concept as much as me. 3.7/5

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