Okay... So does anyone else think its a good idea to make a contest where you enter something that you've previously made and you can't have anything new? Cuz I was just making my 2v2 sig (Or trying at least) and it seems like all my good ideas are gone. So anyways... What I'm saying is a new contest that entries are a day and votings a day that you can't make anything new for. It'd just be a theme. Not stocks... ever. Also I want 2v2 to allow previously made sigs. Its always obvious as to who made it and so I think previous art should be allowed. CnC... Or at least discuss with a high level of intelect.
honour rules. heres my suggestions... i say entries 2 days, voting 2 days (people would run out of sigs lol) and you can only use something that is at least a week old. and you can only submit things that apply to the certain theme.. i really like this idea. need any help setting up, il help out i think this would be a great and frequent contest
Well, it wouldn't have to be a link from here, it could be from any GFX site... Most people request CnC for most of their work, so it really shouldn't be an issue. If there is no CnC thread, then they can't submit it, simple as that.
i can make a ok sig in like an hour, thats why even 2 days wouldnt work, ill keep to the rule, but i dont think many people will...how bout we post our galary and pick one from there....
I personally dont like this idea. Its great and all that you can submit your best work. But I feel that all of these different contests are for improving and showing off your newest works. Also if we did this there wouldn't be any surprises, it would be kinda stale.