Alright I've watched tons of videos and read tons of instructions of how to merge/interlock objects and yet I still do not get how to do it. I would like to know how to push objects in the ground on Foundry. Any very detailed instructions or good videos would be much appreciated.
Place a box. Place objects around the box to "lock" it in place. Take a door and place it upside down on the box. Let it settle then grab and let go of the box. Yes, it is really that simple.
yes, but you forgot to mention that the box rarely ever goes where you want it to go, even if you lock it...... I just avoid "geometry merging" all together...
It can take several tries. I prefer to lock the box in place with other doors placed next to it. Always save before you merge, that way the floor won't "eat" your box. The box usually goes where I want it to though, maybe I just have the magic touch.
Yes, if you will notice the door has very interesting properties. You can place the door inside an object. However if you grab the object you placed the door in, it acts as if you are pushing it out.
yes, or on its side. You'll notice the door sink into the box partially. That's a good thing. I like to use 2 or 3 doors at a time on a box, creating an even distribution of pressure on the entire top of the box (if that makes sense).
Thank you for the compliment. But please edit into your last post. It just one of the many things that helps to keep these forums the neatest and the best they can possibly be. Also if you place other objects on top of the box like a bridge and then the doors, you can regulate teh merge height.
LMAO I hate the evil foundry floor that is always hungry for my boxes! But it doesn't eat it I don't think, it just takes it and then spits it back out into the pallette list. It is frustrating so just avoid it unless it is necessary.
Try locking said box in with boxes laying on their sides so you get the flat bottom up against the wall,rather than the slightly rounded side. Also another technique that I just invented is using receiver nodes to merge open boxes into the ground for a smooth run through it. Just place your box where you want it,set it so it doesn't spawn at the beginning of a round. Next place a receiver node right on top of the teardrop that marks the location of your box. Let it spawn and the node should appear merged in with the open box. Now grab and let go of the box very quickly. It done right it should merge into the ground with no "locking it in with other boxes" required. Just a box and a node. I haven't pefected it yet,but I have got it to work flawlessly a few times.
Thats awesome Creep, I'm gonna have to try it out pretty soon. Would save alot of hassle when merging. Good work