YouTube - Sexy Poker Nintendo Channel Info Video Who says Wii doesn't have M games? Click here for high res footage.
I thought the game looked funny.. And seriously, this isn't something you would see Nintendo coming up with.
Wow that voice is annoying.. but this game would definitely make me lol if I played. Can you make it so that it shows the high res footage? The youtube one kinda sucked.
C'mon, you don't have to hide it like that. If this kind of stuff gets you off and you want a higher quality video just admit it with dignity.
Not only that but that guy who is talking was annoying and you could barely hear the gameplay souds. But yes I am a picture quality *****, not gonna lie.
ROFL. *Raises hand "I for one got a boner". Dude, over and over again Asian companies have been voted the most "sexual" by G4. Hahaha.
I don't know I don't have a wii. But seriously would you expect this to be something the wii of all consoles to have? Can't embed it.Stop being a quality ***** lol.
Ever heard of MadWorld? People make these kinds of games for every system. I'm not surprised this is on here. Frankly, I'm more surprised an actual sex simulator using the Wiimote hasn't been made or atleast mass marketed yet. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.
I could see that happening but Nintendo/Wii is supposed to be the family friendly type. That's where they get most of their money from anyways, the parents and the target audience is children. Having a sex based game could make parents dissaprouve of the wii in fear that their kids will get the wrong idea. I know they'd gain some horny new customers, but is that the future of the wii then? The first sex-based gaming console? And would it make sense to have 2 branches- one for children, one for adults?
Yes, yes it would. Also, I wasn't saying it'd necessarily be a good idea, I'm just saying that I find it surprising that nothing like this was ever mentioned, talked about, or even speculated upon.