As described in the title, this Base is for my new clan. Unfortunately, the reason why I'm posting this is because someone by the name of xT0X1C WA5TEx has threatened to take my hard work and post it as his own. Anywho, on to the map, it is a large fortress located high above sandbox. It features a keycard door originally converted for sandbox by Avocado 100. I unfortunately only have one picture for this map at the moment. Picture. By the way, it is currently 30-40% done as I still have the wings of the building to do.
The map looks very pretty and it sucks that someone has threatened to stealyour map. Its also nce to see you haven't got single wide walkways but you have instead have built floors.
Looks cool and what I do to claim my map as my own is place an object out of the map. Like I pushed 1 shield door out of my map that is unreachable unless your really that determined to steal my map. But if anyone claims it as there own I point out MY shield door!
First off, that's ingenious. Also , I don't like the idea of raised catwalks in a fort ever, as it makes more sense in my opinion to lay it out in rooms. By the way, there's a hooker palace in the fort. on the topic of plaguerism, I'd like to give full credit for the idea to itz Fuzzywig for the idea, but mostly I'd like to thank him for the idea of the hot tub. that was so useful for it. also I finished working on the atrium and am now working on the left and right wings of the fortress.
Might be a cool aesthetic map, but I'n my opinion clan meeting maps are pointless. A renaming is in order perhaps?