Deep Thoughts Deep Toughts is located in the crypt of Sandbox. it's a symetrical map with plenty of interlocking. each half of the map has a red or Blue theme so if you have trouble knowing where you are just look for the colors. made for Slayer. 4-8 player's Weapons list: -2 Sniper Rifles -8 BR's -4 AR -2 Shotguns some plasma nades -3d Model, should explain a lot - red base - Mancannon to Corner - U-Tunnel - Teleporter the map isn't really done yet but it's fully playable. this is my 1st posted map, I didn't know that you wanted wep-list's and all that.
Welcome to Forgehub and you did a much better job than most for your first post. The map appears to be large and taking up the entire Crypt but you need to add more pics so we can see your awesome map. Also I understand you said that this map is built for slayer but what other gametypes are supported? Once again good job so far
looks good for using up all of the crypt, but the red corner looks a little overpowered compared to the blue. and yes its posted correctly! the layout looks a little open but i dont really know that much about slayer, not my strong point.
I will edit in more pic's when i find all the glitches and object's that do not spawn from the start. I made a model In Google Sketchup for planning the map geometry. I posted a pic of the model now
Not to nitpick, but spelling the name right is a BIG decider on whether a map gets downloaded, at least in my view. It's an attention to detail thing, know what I mean? And I'm just not seeing the creative use of objects that makes this desirable.. there is so many maps coming out nowadays, that having things like "tube intersection in the middle of the floor with tube ramps leading into it so you can go in and.. fight and stuff and maybe get a weapon, I guess" just doesn't cut it. Also I don't like random killballs. I don't want to be all negative, so I will say that I really like your 3D model, it makes the map look like it's got a good flow. Keep forging, and stay creative!
This map seems kinda... hmm how would i say..... sloppy. Just seems like a lot of stuff put together. Not sure how mancannons in the crypt will help you geta round but what ever. The best part of your post i would say is the 3d model. dude that looks sweet. Try to make your map look like that. nad if it already does, i would say take off the mancannons and sheild doors. Make it look it nice and have a theme or somthing.
If you compare the pictures with the 3d model he is showing red BASE and blue CORNER, i assume, red BASe and blue BASE are therefore the same
this man is correct. also the shields is for making a safe place to spawn without getting spawn killed by a sniper in one of the platforms. I suggest downloading before commenting on the map, the 3d model is as accurate I can make it and it's hard to get good screenshot angles In the Crypt(roof blocks the movement).
There's no weapons list! We must see this to criticise you! The shield doors may add a little decent gameplay, but they're ugly. Actually, that's my issue with the whole map. It's ugly, not ugly interlocking, just ugly from an overview. It plays quite swell though, I like the distinct landmarks. But add some flat blocks or at least some cover in the open spaciness.
Judging from the picture, I must be picky. You said the area above the killbal is a "sniper tower". It seems that even just one person up there could dominate the rest of the map. And putting a killball under it, that kinda seems useless. Not only is it an eye sore and a distraction, but somebody trying to shoot the sniper might not even be able to see him. Just a thought or 2.
yeah thanks for honest comment's and things to improve everyone. I have made more detailed screenshot's and I'm gonna link them soon. I've also fixed some of the con's that you pointed out.