Der Riese - Call of Duty World at War's 4th **** Zombie map.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Speed-e-cake, Aug 3, 2009.


Does this look like it will be different from the other **** Zombies map's playstyle?

Poll closed Aug 6, 2009.
  1. Yes, it looks nothing like the others.

  2. To early to tell, I'll have to play it first.

  3. No, looks same old, same old.

  1. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    On August 6th, Map Pack 3 comes out for Call of Duty World at War including Breach, Battery and Revolution, and the more interesting, Der Riese. Dubbed by developers Treyarch, "Zombie Factory", Der Riese is a rearranged Nightfire from Map Pack 1, set up for **** Zombies similar to Asylum is to Verruckt.

    Der Riese's selling point seems to be upgrading what you have, whether it's yourself with Perks, your knife with swapping it out for the Bowie knife, or your weapons with the Pack-a-punch machine. The Bowie Knife is a replacement for you regular knife that costs 3000pts and is a one hit kill for the earlier waves (approx. 16, according to Josh Olin of Treyarch). The Pack-a-punch machine costs 5000pts to use, with 16 upgradable weapons according to Treyarch, that upgrade weapons in different ways. For example, the BAR will shoot faster.

    In Shi No Numa there was a Zip Line for players to travel around the map fast and get players who are swarmed out of a jam. In Der Riese, the idea is taken a step higher by adding Teleporters, that require activation and 1500pts for each use.

    Hell Hounds will be making a return to **** Zombies, but this time, instead of all spawning all around the survivors, they spawn randomly around the map. Characters from Shi No Numa will be returning and with a new batch of quotes to annoy you with.

    A new "Waffe" weapon will be joining the Ray Gun and Wonder Waffe DG-2, named the Monkey Bomb. Not much is known about it, and speculated to be similar to Left 4 Dead's pipe bomb. The Monkey Bomb will not take up one of your two weapon slots, according to one of ten of the new achievements added, for holding all 3 "Waffe" weapons. The new achievements add 250 gamerscore to World at War and are as follow:

    [​IMG]Locksmith! 25 [​IMG]
    Open all doors in the map. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]The Might of the Monkey! 25 [​IMG]
    Use the Monkey Bomb. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]Wacker Packer! 25 [​IMG]
    Upgrade any weapon in Pack A Punch. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]Frequent Flyer! 25 [​IMG]
    Use the teleporter 8 times. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]40 Knives! 25 [​IMG]
    Kill 40 zombies with the bowie knife. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]Der Electrician! 25 [​IMG]
    Link all teleport pads before round 7. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]Acquire Waffle Weapons! 25 [​IMG]
    Obtain the Ray Gun, DG-2, and Monkey Bomb at the same time. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]Perkaholics Anonymous! 25 [​IMG]
    Survive until round 20 without buying a single Perk. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]Pack Addict! 25 [​IMG]
    Upgrade 5 weapons at the Pack a Punch Machine. (Map Pack 3 only)

    [​IMG]Elevate Your Senses! 25 [​IMG]
    Activate the Fly Trap. (Map Pack 3 only)

    Some videos and trailers where I found some interesting information:

    Official Trailer
    YouTube - Call of Duty: World at War Der Riese DLC Trailer [HD]

    Gamplay and Interview with Josh Olin

    YouTube - Call of Duty 5 **** Zombie Map Pack 3 - Der Riese Gameplay

    Der Riese will be available for download on August 6th, with the 3 less interesting multiplayer maps for 800msp.
    #1 Speed-e-cake, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  2. elvins97

    elvins97 Ancient
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    Can't wait. Looks like Treyarch wants to give it their all in a "finale" before MW2
  3. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    This looks amazing! I can't wait to see what the pack-a-punch machine does. I think the teleport pads will also be a nice feature.
  4. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    'Mazing stuff right der.

    Senior Member

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    With this I may actually start playing **** Zombies again. It all kinda depends on who I have to play with, Unless I get stuck with some dumb ass who try's to get everyone killed before you get to round 8. **** Zombies is really fun except for the last map pack they released, I hated that map and it was more like a waste of 800 "Fun points" Just for the **** Zombies which is the only thing I play. Then again, I have bad luck at getting that stupid teddy bear which ****s you over when you have to move to a different spot.
  6. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    OHH yes that is hardcore I think I might enjoy ripping the guts out of my fallen brethren...... yeah thats right you heard me I'll enjoy ripping the guts out of my fallen brethren...... that must mean I'm like Doctor Richtofen ..... I am one sick bastard but mmmm the Vunder Vaffle plus glitch equals= uber win
    #6 spartin2000, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  7. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    i think people just rip on treyarch too much. i mean idk about their past call of duty games, but i've been going strong on waw for the last couple of months. i personally thought their last map pack was awesome. shi no numa is my favorite zombie map to date. and all the multiplayer maps were suprisingly good, even subpens which is usually just a mp40fest.

    i have high hopes for map pack 3. der reise looks pretty solid. i just hope that the map isn't impossible to navigate, because right now it looks kind of complicated. the multiplayer maps also look pretty unique and interesting.
  8. elvins97

    elvins97 Ancient
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    True. They support their existing games with continious patches and map packs, even making the bold move of not allowing grenade launchers for the first few seconds of a search and destroy games.

    Anyway, we should setup a thing on ForgeHub so that when Der Reise comes out we can play with each other instead of douchebags in MM.

    Senior Member

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    cant wait til august 6th
  10. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    The videos of it are awesome!

    From what I can see, it looks like you spawn in pairs and away from each other, and have to teleport to the others. I also noticed the awesome Browning and MG42 designs, they should've had those designs be unlockable for headshot challenges :(

    Also, lots of bouncing betties...lots of them. And bridges. I wonder if you can de-activate the bridge too? Didn't see a lot of new traps though :(
  11. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I doubt the map'll be hard to navigate considering it looks like a version of Nightfire from Map Pack 1 that supports Zombies, it should just take some time to get used to like Verruckt did even though it was a re-skin and rearrange of Asylum.

    The 2 and 2 idea is possible, considering Verruckt was like that, but I doubt you have to Teleport to each other since it costs 1500pts to use each time.

    I was wondering the same thing about the bridge, and in Verruckt, people did a similar strategy with the betties and lasers, so they could've just held off the zombies from that spot to get the footage. The only traps I noticed in the video were the lasers, and the Achievement "Elevate Your Senses!" mentions a "Fly Trap", which could be the Teleporters considering the pictures for "Frequent Flyer!" and "Elevate Your Senses!" are similar. Or it could be the bridge, like, de-activating it while Zombies are on it so they fall to their deaths. Hopefully, whatever it is, it'll be more useful than the Flogger...
  12. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    yeah the flogger isn't fantastic, but it is fun to watch.
  13. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Definitely. It's not as satisfying as the electric fences or the bouncing betties. They should have pungee pits with the spikes in the ground. That would be awesome seeing a pit full of zombies with holes in them.
  14. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm downloading the map pack! *Spaz Out on Ground*
  15. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    me too! downloadin right nao!
  16. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Need... 2400... Microsoft Points... Now....
  17. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    its only 800
    edit: this isn't that great. one of the multiplayer maps sucks hard. The zombies map is decent, but the zombies one hit kill you to often, and I've come up against an invincible dog
    #17 SRC48, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  18. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    I've liked it so far. The zombies are more dangerous. Bowie Knife rocks, I was one-knifing zombies on round 6. Costs 3000 though.
  19. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    My guess is, they aren't done just yet.
  20. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Tips for Der reise players:

    Leave a crawler at the end of each round and repair the barricades for a little extra cash.

    Activate all teleporters to access the pack a punch machine, which costs 5000 so make sure your upgrading a weapon you want to keep.

    Use pack a punch on a ray gun for the ultimate weapon.

    Open doors in a linear fashion.

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