
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by I Shadowsth I, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    I DL'd a wile ago and did a 3v3 Conquest and it was god damn epic. I actually caught one of my friends off guard envying those choppers. The layout is something I've never seen before, and the aesthetics blew me away. The fact that you stuck with your theme throughout the entire map really won me over. Anyway great map, no complaints on this, and keep making moar.

    I'll have to DL the new version though.
  2. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    This map looks very nice. :)
    I can tell you took some time on it. If you ever need a review for it. Don't hesitate to call on us. :)
    ForgeHub Judge Team
  3. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Really? Is that all you can say about the map? You could go into details about what could be improved, but I'm afraid that would be too much to ask of most Forgehub members. It's people like you that have made me go from loving Forgehub to despising it, along with the majority of its members. But please, carry on with your obviously inquisitive nature, which is implied, I assume, by your lack of capitalization and grasp of grammar.

    If I would be banned/infracted for the content of this post, let it be. I really don't give a ****. With this, I am proudly leaving Forgehub and all of its members behind. What was once a great and friendly site has now begun a violent downward spiral, and it will be soon nothing better than the Bungie forums. Goodbye.
  4. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Oh yeh, Atleast he actually said something about the map he posted on, unlike a certain someone ^. Anyway, bye ^_^

    P.S. Forgehub will never be as bad as the Bungie forums, everyone on there is so rude and big-headed.
  5. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    Nice! so far my favorite map on FH. I love the idea of unaccessible aesthetic areas! the map looks smooth and well forged, which should add to the already awesome looking gameplay. my only complaint is that i don't see the lights in there, which i love, but maybe i just missed them. Keep up the good work! 5/5
  6. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    If you downloaded it on the night of 6/30 @ 9:30 PM PST, you should already have the updated version.

    The lights are here, but just at the beginning to identify the starting territories.
  7. youtubeuser

    youtubeuser Ancient
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    Hey man, although new here I know a good map when i see one and this is no exception. The gameplay of this was stunning and perfect; everything a good conquest map should be! I have seen a fair few of conquest maps and this is right up there with the best!
  8. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    Well Messiah is officially a feature now on Xforgery and I've been getting a lot of positive comments from you guys here at Forgehub. I would just like to say thank you all for downloading, enjoying and supporting this map since it's release last month. The community and feedback is the only reason I haven't stopped forging yet as I strive to make each map better than the last. Will there be another Conquest map from me in the future? Who knows. As of right now I'm working on my next map currently titled "Project Zodiac" and that will be my next competitive map. Expect that to be released pretty soon.

    Once again thank you all for the support. :)

    If you're still doing it, sure go for it.
  9. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    Awesome map, definate download! can you tell me though, how did you do the "jail" looking bars?
  10. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    Scaffolding interlocked together.
  11. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Very very nice Conquest map!

    I have never seen a jail themed map design yet... Very nice!

    I will have to Download this and check it out! I like when people put extra things in the map..Those 2 purple rooms add alot more of an aesthetic touch to your map.

    Gameplay looks excellent and I also like how you gave one team the Odd numbers and the other Evens.

    Looks feature worthy to me.

    I just figured out that Conquest is from Star Wars BattleFront!
  12. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    really shows that you put a lot of time, effort, and research into this map. I can't wait to get some solid games in with fellow conquest fanatics. The fact that you took it a step further to add those little extra aesthetic touches shows that unlike some, you take that extra care and attention for your map that others should strive for.

    I'm definately gonna download to get some good test runs in, and if all proves well and good this should be a keep on my HD.
  13. B a m X m e R

    B a m X m e R Ancient
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    Could you put any more weapons on there? And you forgot to delete the teleport
  14. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    The teleporter is for assymetrical gametypes, and Conquest is symmetrical.
  15. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    This map looks very very very good indeed. the aesthetics are insane, and it definitely doesnt feel like one corridor with all the 'doors' and jails etc.
    two things tho, the make is very serious looking whereas the golf balls are a lol? dunno, maybe replace with something else?
    also, the second territories (eg, 4 and 5 i think) kind of hang off the ramps if u no what i mean, it just looks a little funny i think.

    Final thing, if u wanted im sure u could open up the purple rooms and make a pretty decent slayer map, or even neutral/multi objective games!
  16. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    You know there are times where I was thinking of making a "Neutered Messiah" that supports the other gametypes, but that would mean removing a lot of stuff, creating extra hallways to connect places, adding more spawns and putting in the objectives for the gametypes. While I didn't hit the object limit, I know for a fact that I'm getting close to hitting it which would limit me even further.

    It sounds like a good idea at first, but I don't think it will ever happen. =(
  17. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.8-Master Piece
    game play- 1.6-Heave On Forge
    Originality- 0.5-Exotic
    presentation- 0.5-Shark Attack

    Over all= 4/5

    I must say that this is one of the few Conquest games that I do like most of them turn out to be a piece of BLEEP but yours stud out to me and my team. Not just because of your great aesthetics but also for its Game play even though it only got a 1.6 out of 2. its Game play was still great in allot of ways I felt that weapon set ups were nice cover in the middle was set up perfectly and the design was well thought out. Plus we loved the window idea but there were just few problems with the map for example we did not feel that the spawn had enough cover do to 3 to 5 spawn kills a round and we wished the map to be just a little bit bigger. Other then that great job with out a doubt...
    Almost a 5/5 keep up the good work and good luck on your next map. :)
  18. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Featureworthy, perfectly perfect. I'd have to say that I'm jealous. This map is perfectly perfect regarding aesthetics and gameplay. I'd be a fool to give you anything less than a 5/5.
  19. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I like this map, it has gold rush on a run for it's money. I like how you recognized good forgers as well. When people really make the extra push in their map, aesthetics and gameplay alike, then the map deserves to ride shotgun on my harddrive. Beautiful job with the geomerging of the scafoldings and a great layout for conquest. 5/5.
  20. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    The Xforgery featured video is now up for you guys to enjoy. Special thanks to the Halo Evolution team for creating the video.

    I heard that from a lot of people that they liked this map better than Gold Rush. However Gold Rush is still a damn good map and Gunnergrunt is a much better forger than I am (Rock Solid is a great example). Needless to say I'm still surprised to this day when people say that. However once I get back on live my expectations will be raised as I try to push my forging skills even further with my next map. I'm also messing around with layouts for my next conquest map with originality and a strong theme being the most important factors.
    #40 I Shadowsth I, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009

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