Sandbox ...Problem?!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by TimelessHalo, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. TimelessHalo

    TimelessHalo Ancient
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    Map Name:

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Assault, Capture the Flag, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, VIP, We're.

    That's what you'll be asking, once you play this map.;)

    I don't really know what to say. It's just epic. That's the only word to describe it. Some might say it's a zany action on a crazy contraption. Others might say It's a stupid map with random weapons and spawn killing.

    Well, I like the first quote, and so will you!​

    Here's the gametype first. (The title is "We're")

    -Everything is normal, except for a few settings.​

    -Primary and Secondary weapons, Random. ​

    -Spawning is 3 seconds and no penalties. I do recommend playing on the 0 Respawn Time Mod, with random weapons. ​

    -The custom powerup on the map gives you 150% speed, which isn't always a good thing.​

    Here's the map.​

    Yep. That's it. Small, right?​


    Cool aesthetic thing. (Lights are randomized!) lolforggasm....​

    Trust me, this is fun! Give it a chance.

    This supports all gametypes. Make sure you set random weapons when playing anything other than the custom gametype.

    So far, the most it has been played with is 4 people. I say it is best with 3-4 people, but I'd like to try it out with more.

    Thank you!
  2. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    I'm really getting sick of joke posts.

    If it isn't a joke post and I just think that the map has no concept, I apologize. This map really took you two minutes to make. I really don't think this qualifies as a map. If it is a serious map, then at least make aesthetically pleasing and impressive, because from what I can see the map contains five pieces of scenery, not including the random inaccessible structure.

    Also, I'm not sure if mods are allowed here on ForgeHub.

  3. TimelessHalo

    TimelessHalo Ancient
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    It may seem as if it is a "joke post" that you "hate", but it's not. And all it needs is 5 scenery pieces. That's it. I don't need to interlock anything. I say that very proudly. I don't care if it looks nicer. It's a simple map that doesn't need anything else. I don't see what's wrong with it being simple.
    And I didn't really post a mod.
    Please just try it with the "We're" gametype.
  4. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    he never said hate so don't quote him as saying it... mods are not allowed on forge hub but you are right you didn't post one, I do agree with Fousu though the map just seems too blank empty and simple I think the map needs more work >.> well maybe an overhaul... what is the point of the cp it makes you fast? so you can what run the 2 feet of the map and jump off the edge? what happens when someone gets a sword wont they just spawn kill? how many people does the map support?
  5. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    No way your so cool! -Sarcasm-

    On-Topic, I'm not following the point of this map, it seems all that was done was laying walls next to one another and giving us random weapons? Spawn kills? And i'm guessing only about 3-4 people can play due to the closeness of the walls.
    #5 CombatGam3r, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  6. TimelessHalo

    TimelessHalo Ancient
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  7. zyx

    zyx Ancient
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    wow really? I never thought of posting nothing before. this map seems enjoyable for a chimp or a two year-old. I never thought someone would try to make spawn killing the only point of a game but you have surpassed the rest of humanity with your brilliance. I agree with the previous posters that this map seems to support the same number of objects in the map: 3-4. But in all seriousness, try and put some building or just something aesthetically pleasing in the background other than the lights and platform-golf-thing. That would make the map 3 thousand times better and not affect the gameplay at all. So overall I would say this map has potential, but needs revision.
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Just to clear up all confusion, this isn't a joke map, but I can well see why people think it is. It's fun when you have three people total in a party and you're sick of matchmaking, if you want to screw around, go ahead and download it. I don't blame you if you don't, but don't come here to ***** to the author about how his map needs interlocking, I'm not expecting downloads to happen, but be polite about what you have to say. Was the map thrown together quickly, definitely.
  9. paves911

    paves911 Ancient
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    The map is fun. I understand that. It deserves a space because of that. But at the same time it's just too simple. forgehub maps tend to be.. well. amazing.. haha..

    If you really want your map to be well recieved then you should put time into it. No matter how fun it is, if it is simple, people will flame you :-\
  10. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
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    Doesn't look like you put a lot or any effort into this map. I agree with you thats its simple but i also have to say that its WAY TOO simple. I dont know how you can justify saying "spawn killing is the point and its fun". Its fun when your the one spawn killing and no the victim yes but i doubt anyone could have fun on this map.I also can't understand how this supports "All Gametypes". If you enjoy the concept of Random weapons with people spawning on a platform then by all means go ahead and create a bigger platform with some variety to it. Use some interlocking and make it look asthetically pleasing. Look at Forging-101, for some help. 1/5
  11. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
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    This is a rubbish map. it just a little groud with a wall in the middle + 2 shield doors! Its SOO easy to make!
  12. thrame

    thrame Ancient
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    ok i get it if you just want to screw around but couldn't you have amde it bigger and seriously spawn killing is the point of the map you have to be kidding me
  13. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    im sorry but this has to be one of the worst maps ive ever seen on forgehub.
    you have a HUGE database of ideas, tecniques and help on this site and you choose to post this?......

    i can se where you were coming from when you thought of this, but people dont want to download this when they can make this kind of thing on thier own on a blank canvas.

    1. there is not structure to play on
    2. spawn killing is the most boring kind of play on halo (person getting killed only gets to see themself die, over and over again)
    3.the asthetics are awfull, (small, badly put together, not nice looking)

    i dont even think i need to go on.
    look at ANY other map on this site and see what they did. they spend TIME and EFFORT on their maps, so they are fun to play and look at.

    next time you forge, try to make a good map

  14. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    also some maps on here may be fairly bad but at least they put in some form of effort, next time try to make a map which can fit at least 20 spawn points and can hold more than 2 people 0/10 worst map ever i dont care if i get an infraction for this it was worth it
  15. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    im sorry but this map looks way to simple i mean i have played maps like this but they have allot more playing space and are usely inclosed to insure people dont have a long life span so your ideas not new and the map is forged okay..... but WAY TO SMALL DUDE! make it bigger and then well talk but for now im gonna give your map a generous 2/10
  16. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Mods are a no-no on Forgehub. Please remove linky before infraction.
  17. OMFG Im Booth

    OMFG Im Booth Ancient
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    You could maybe make more platforms, to put a little more time into it. Or just make a tower in the middle that you all have to race too or something. This map would be something i let my two little brothers play on. Think about some updates on it.
  18. ZhonLord

    ZhonLord Ancient
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    I understand that you think what you have is enough for gameplay, but your aesthetics need a lot more work. Right now it's a platform in the sky with a little lighting. Try boxing it in, making fireworks, add unreachable pillars, etc., SOMETHING that will keep the map from looking hasty/sloppy.

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