Entangle By iTz Flair Recommended Players: 8-16 Suitable Gametypes: Battle Lasers, Battle BR's, Battle Snipes, Battle Tracks "The tenth and concluding racetrack creation by iTz Flair" A quote remembered thoroughly by many, many people. Yes, it is hard to say, but this is indeed my final racetrack creation. After approximately 6 days, this true masterpeice came out exactly how I wanted it. With plenty of cover and incredible lines of sight, this entangled mess of smooth banks, glowing, tight tunnels and awsome S-waves form a very satisfying, and final racetrack. I would like to dedicate this racetrack to these people: oO SLiK Oo: For being one of my best friends, and always inspiring me to keep forging. Jnewcomb: For also being one my best friends, making me laugh and assist me in creating videos. x DREAM 76 x: The guy who got me started with real racetracks. One of the best, coolest and helpful guys out there Rogue Shaddo: Also a huge inspiration. His incredibly smooth racetracks always inspired me and kept me forging. Also is one of the most mellow guys out there And for anyone else who I forgot, thanx :[) Here are teh pix: Overview 1: Overview 2: Geo-merged starting point: Smooth Dip: Incredible Banked Wave: Wide Flat Turn: S-Wave/Banked Turn: Pink Tunnel: Tight Lava Underpass: Intertwining Turn: S-Wave 2/Banked Turn: Wall Corner Turn(Lasers NOT blocked) VIP Point/Smooth Drop-Off Note: I may not neccecarilly be done forging. I still have a slight interest in competitive maps, so watch out for those! Download Battle Lasers
LMAO i klove how every picture you have has as complament right next to it, "Incredible Banked Wave" i mean dont get me wrong your right but still, this map is veary well made but at the same time this map could be a lot better, for instance why not in the sky bubble? other then that i dont think there is any thing you could change, i really like this map and im sure it took a lot of time to make i have to realy give it a hands down 5/5 game play is fun and the track is very well made! i enjoy the idea of having lasers insted of those stupid rockets. This map is nice and I hope to see this featured real soon. Congrates!
The track is very good but would it kill you to think out the aesthetics a little more. I mean i guess their ok, but we have already seen trees on another racing map. try to do something cool and creative that hasn't been done before
Yes that's true, if your referring to space and woods, but that map wasn't the best racetrack. Plus it was breakable and you never really got to see the trees, or even the airplane. The map in front of you at least has the trees at a more noticable height, not to mention that the track is so smooth and looks actually fun to drive on. So OP of the map, great job! If I could only throw down my downlaod it would make my day.
yay, someone finally gets what all the nubs on this site are trying to say. All those kids who just can't appreciate good forging and need something original: here. Let's hope they stop complaining now... IMO, great map, I haven't tried it yet and can't DL cuz my **** has been full for 2 months. But looks original, fun, and well forged, which is baby all I need. 10/10 supa job chodenuts!
NICE! Wow, what a great way to go out. I love how smooth it looks! Unfortunately, my GT isn't linked so But, the tunnels are good and everything seems well interlocked. Also, good choice on the Splaserz instead of rockets. 4/5
Looks awesome, and incredibly clean. Just a shame that we have lost yet another source of awesome Race Maps.
Nobody convinced you enough? sadfaic The map looks amazing, of course. I still can't do what you did in the fifth picture with the wave bank. I just can't get it to work right. Oh well. The track looks crazy smooth and I really like how much the map intertwines. Great job and a great way to go out. As AZN said at XF, try making a different kind of map. Take your racetrack making skills and make a competitive map or some really innovative mini-game. It's really sad to see you go.
nice map flair i noticed you removed that one wood bridge that was to low. but to details this track is great.
This map is really good... oh and everyone stop complaining about not being origional and not having asthetics... don't get me wrong the asthetics are nice but they truly don't do anything for a racetrack lol... oh and many tracks play with battletracks which includes lasers... snipers... Br's... and the normal Ar for small racetracks... do some research! lol On to the actual map... I haven't played this with anyone except myself and a guest... this track is really smooth and very well done... but the one thing I really don't like about this track is... (you know where you have the trip mine spawned righ?) well that little tunnel deal... the way the turn goes into that it makes your mongoose go off the track and then you hit the side wall... there were a few times that the sheild door saved me... and one time I even fell off... that is like the only problem with this map though 4.8/5 =)
Geez. Worthy of a feature more than Triton's Twist. I can see why you retired, I couldn't put up with 10 maps worth of this crap. How long did it take you? 20 hours? I attempted a racetrack and it drove me crazy. I'm glad to know that now you'll have a life. I'm saying this as a compliment, because this map is so good, I couldn't stand to forge this because it looks like it took so long. AND DEFINATELY NOT 10 OF THEM! 10/10; And that's saying alot because race maps have the cleanest interlocking.
One problem: the tunnel. The corner is too sharp and I keep hitting the wall on the right side where the shield is (the majority of times I went around the map, I never touched the shield). The camera screws up a little, too, so I can't exactly see where I'm going, therefore, it ain't my driving skill.
IMO, great map, I haven't tried it yet and can't DL cuz my **** has been full for 2 months. But looks original, fun, and well forged, which is baby all I need. 10/10
Nice to see your next racetrack. The layout and lines of sight are great. The aesthetics could be executed much better, although they are fine as they are. The track flows really well, and it has ace gameplay. It's a shame that this is your last racetrack, your tracks were some of the best.
It is your driving skill. Start turning before you go through the tunnel, and you will drift through it with the greatest of ease. This is such a great map. I loved it since the moment I first saw it, and although I had my doubts on how you were going to finish it up and connect it, you managed to do it with style and keep the awesomeness of the track going. Everything about this track is amazing. The one thing I really thought you could change involved blocking those two guardians. Some idiots are bound to just walk out there and cause the guardians to shoot at them, but instead they just pound into the track, stopping racers from ever reaching the finish. You wouldn't have to redo the budget glitch because you can just use two tin cups. I'm sad to see you go, but this truly is one helluva map to finish with.
i have to say, this was pretty damn intense with the laser gametype, the race track was amazingly smooth and the lines of sight were great, but the trees werent very great looking. good map though 4/5
what to say to that... hmmm... I had the exact same thing happen to me... and you know that i'm a really good driver lol... I almost always hit the wall ... you probably just have to take it the way you intended which I am guessing is to go out far and cut sharply in... I basically always stay to the inside of the track so I alway hit that wall lol... so yeah... but i'll try it some more and see
I cruised here yesterday in these are the only things I have in mind: - Very well thought of design. Nice structures here and there. - The racing feels unique in terms of turns for some reason. That's quite it. Even though I have tried this map out already, I have not much to say. Good job.
What is this! JOCKED aha jk flair, you are as much a founder of the tree as i am ahhahaha, anyways, i love the look of the track and the mushrooms hahahahah i hope that i could race this soon, ugh, hahahah i just want to laugh idk why well i like the way your track looks, ive heard that it is incredibly smooth so thats a plus. Btw i am going to finish Branchy, i may just name it Branchy aha, plus i got some other really awesome stuff, i finished stonehenge and made changes to a couple other tracks Keep up the good work AnF