Shock said to start up a discussion on the possible changes to the Light Skin. Banner, buttons, text, you name it.
Make it so the box holding your name, avvy and junk isn't so gray and boring. Also the blue they used is really boring. It needs to be more prominent. Overall it's just boring.
The banner is the one aspect that is most likely to change, others may be tweaked but assume they will stay as they are. The skin is intended to be fairly simple and clearly laid out, both for ease of use and so that the site loads quickly and responsively.
The banner needs to flow more smoothly, it can keep the dual focals if you can make it work. Just make it smoother so your eyes don't jump back and forth so much.
Knowing the dimensions of the banner might be helpful for those who attempt to make their own. I could figure it out, but I'm far too lazy and my statement would need to be reinforced by someone else anyway. Speaking of skin fixes, there's a black box around the ICQ icon, in FH Light.
Just for your guys info, most of the white background/grey background is styled based on just two colour choices, so changing the shoutbox to a white background, for example, would also change the grey background in the postbit (◄) to white, etc etc.
I'm not feeling the gray in user's mini profile's when they post, the gray in the shoutbox, and how the gray is done in the cells in the user cp. To add on to Shatakai's statement any where that Shock's name appears on the site in gray looks really bad in my opinion. I'm not sure if it's the color of the yellow or just the yellow on the gray. [664px × 182px] [1px X 182px] [285px × 182px] Dammit! I figured no-one would notice that one as it's the least used, and was banking on changing it tomorrow. Oh well, I'll fix now.
It's not fair, when you double post, you can just delete one of them ):< Also, idk if I should post this here, but whenever I try to switch to the FH Light X theme, forgehub freezes.
I noticed that to, looking at shocks name in the mini profile thing, is like, burning my eyes and i have to squint to look at it clearly.
I think the grey just needs turning down a little more, it's currently #DDDDDD, perhaps #EEEEEE would work better, although it'd be brighter. I will have to redo some gifs if I change it however, so I'll hold off on that for tonight. Something I forgot to mention, but fairly common sense, the images for the banner don't have to conform to their current dimensions, but you should bear in mind that the three images cannot exceed 950px width otherwise it'd break the fixed width skin. Also, the left and right images shouldn't be too wide as otherwise filesize would start to become a touch too large. [664px × 182px] [1px X 182px] [285px × 182px]
It repeats in the fluid skin to fit the width of your screen/resolution. In the fixed width skin it can also repeat, it's just cut off by the width of the skin, which is 950px, so it's not noticeable (unless you expand a resized image inline) eg.
The repeating image doesn't have to be 1px wide either, you could have a 5px wide image if you wanted more control over repeating elements in the banner. If there's no variation then 1px is all that should be necessary, however. As I've said feel free to have a go at creating an alternative banner by all means. Try to produce something in keeping with the colours and style of the skin as it stands now.
I dont fully understand, Do you just use it Between the guy and the forgehub symbol and however many it needs to fit your screen, it adds?
Ah, Thanks, i get it now.. For the banner, should we try and stick to a dark image? just to match the white/gray theme?