I don't think there will be I have been watching G4 and they have only talked about the release date no Beta. :'(
No. Its two months out. If they were gonna do it, it would have been in spring. Similar to Halo 3. They'd need time to digest the info gathered and time to fix it. That isn't gonna happen in two months.
That's true. A beta would give away too much of the story. At least too much as far as I'm concerned.
This has been asked for very frequently... No it will not. Thats like asking for a Halo 3 campaign Beta... Doesnt work because it would probably reveal too much of the story or the player may have no clue of what is happening... It could also be changed in the future and that could upset players.
No. Those were firefight demos to show what firefight was going to be like. Are there going to be demos? No. If you have further questions, I'd ask bungie themselves.