I was just looking around YouTube out of sheer boredom, & look at what I found. ODST Achievements! I linked the video below, but be warned: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS SPOILERS OF A GAME NOT YET RELEASED! IF YOU'D LIKE TO DISCOVER THE ACHIEVEMENTS FOR YOURSELF, THEN DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO!! YouTube - Halo 3: ODST Achievements
I discovered this monhs ago. Can't wait for those vidmasters though. Only melee on any campaign mission on legendary...FUNN
Yeah, Classic's definitely got to be the hardest out of them all. It makes you wonder, though; when they say "No shots fired", do you think they mean by you, or by anyone, INCLUDING the Covenant? If it's the case of the 2nd option, then you better dedicate a whole day just to get this Vidmaster!
They were all easy, I was thinking this wouldn't be a challenge... then the vidmaster achievements came up... Those look difficult to say the least. Though not impossible, the "no shots fired" one should be easier than most people are making it out to be.
Endure, Classic and Campaign on Legendary are probably the hardest. Endure- You need to stay alive for an incredibly long time on Heroic firefight. Classic- No shots or grenades, since the game is stealth based, it should be hard because its pretty much saying that you should not be seen for an entire mission. Legendary- this will most likely be harder than H3 legendary, ODST has a health bar, and does less damage than spartans, so difficulty will most likely be multiplied....
The reason that one vidmaster is called Classic is because it's a throwback to the Marathon vidmaster challenge. In those, you had to beat all levels on Total Carnage (hardest difficulty), with just a pistol to start and 1x health.
Well, I think these ones seem easy enough, if not fun, apart from Endure. I don't mind the wave based game modes (**** Zombies, Horde mode, and Firefight), however, I'm not too good at them. Thusly, I prolly won't get this achievement easily. Classic seems alright, you could do a Rookie mission by going through side streets. Unless there are Brutes looking for crack in dumpsters. Then you'd have a problem.
I never realised they were putting Huragoks in the game. Should be pretty cool. I also heard mention of a flamethrower in there.
I agree. There are probably missions where you have to sneak around and try to avoid as many enemies as possible.
Huragoks are the little purple floating sacs that flit around, repairing and creating objects with no concern for sides, and one, Lighter Then Some, I believe is responsible for creating a Prowler/Chopper, albeit crude in design. Spoiler Anyways, I think Classic will be the Hardest, but at the same time the most fun. At least now they're putting in hard achievements... Tank Dropper? Come on Bungie
They are the engineers in Halo Wars Huragok - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and more
They are Covenant engineers not only in Halo Wars, but the entire Halo universe. Just another alien race.
now you dont need to do anything insane to get it now, now, you just need to get all the vidmasters, i along with 80% of the halo 3 community hgave all the h3 vidmasters.