I guess transparent would be a better word? edit: I googled it, and I saw more than one way. I just used the paths tool to make the selection around the image, then inverted it, and cut. Any better way?
I feel like I'm wording this weird. Anyway, I really just mean like an image with no background, like I first said. Like if your spartan didn't have the rectangle around it. Just the spartan, and nothing else. really simple example is my sig right now. - Is there a decent way to do that to make it less choppy?
Oh! Like that! Now I understand it! Give me just a few minutes to download GIMP (I'll need it anyways, Photoshop is going to run out soon - stupid trial) and I'll help you out =]
Maybe this'll help you out. If you've already seen this website please tell me and I'll search some more. How to make a transparent background/selection on an image using GIMP
alright, thanks. I read it, and it sounds like I just need to take more time on making my selection, but at least I know how to do it for sure.
Well, I know in Photoshop, when you create a new .psd you can select Black, White, or Transparent background. Also, when there are no layers on the canvas, it's transparent. The transparency is shown in gray and white blocks across the canvas.
All you need to do is save as a .PNG and it should say Interlaced/None. You just select Interlaced and anywhere you didn't have stuff will be transparent.
In GIMP when creating a new image you will see a little tab saying background or something, you click that and it will say either foreground color, background color, and transparent, hit transparent.
Okay, I just opened GIMP to make sure it works, and I found you need a little bit more instruction Okay so you go to new image, you put in the dimensions you want then you hit the little plus next to advanced options. Then one of the little scroll down things says "Fill with" and you will want to change it from background color to transparent. And like said before, when saving, save it as a .png file.
I did the "fill with transparency" before I made this thread. It has the checkered background and all, but when I post it somewhere it has a white square background.
yes, but hold on. I'll start completely over and make a squiggle or something. To see if starting over helps. - it worked this time. I think drop shadow was messing it up, I tried with it, and it had white after hitting preview, without it, and it has no white.