I've been working in photoshop for about 2 years, and would be more than happy to give back to the community that has given so much to me. I made thumbnails so nothing is stretched and weird. Most of the logos are from album covers and band logos I've done and the things in other are from web/graphic design I've done. Logo's: Button's: this is from a myspace I did and I didn't feel like putting in 5 examples, but theres five buttons within there so enjoy. Other: [/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]
wait wait, i'm a little confused, a make forge hub something like that, or make a forge hub version of it? nvm i'll figure it out
Make something that goes with the forum that would signify new posts. It's just a test of creativity.
The forum would be filled with spam then D: Pretty nice work. Your logos are the best, imo. The myspace work is pretty meh. Suggestion for Furious: I think you should hold a competition for the buttons. y/n?
hahahaahahaha dude, i saw the video on youtube, zamzar.com'ed it, imageready and i was like oorah. hahaha perveted but oo rah
thank you, i agree, i strongly dislike myspace, just because of that reason, you can't do anything coding wise, plus, its all just bands, and i'm not going to get paid 20 bucks and spend time on it. you can't even do anything creative its stoopid.
alright nitrous here you go, from the looks of things you wanted a kind of web 2.0 glossy thing that you kids seem to eat up these days, i'm personally not a fan of it, but here it is. I sized it down to match yoru size kinda, if you want .psd or full size images just holler. i just realized that thye weren't centered, i did em in like 20 minutes, but if you want an actual copy i can change it just holla
With some manipulation I could make those work. I'll keep looking for more portfolios, but you are one of the front runners.
my myspace work is pretty meh? this is pretty meh to you? is it or is it not better than this hmm. darn.
You've got a hell of a lot of talent for a 14 year old. What program do you use for those logos? If its photoshop, what tools do you use to make all those nice lines and curves?
thank you, cs2, and learning cs3 but i'm still comfortable in cs2 so for commercial work cs2, but i'll switch over soon enough... I use the pen tool and custom shapes, which one do you mean?
Cool, I've never tried the pen tool or custom shapes and I've been using photoshop for years. I should probably give it a go. I was talking about the first two logos. Just wondering, did you make all those flowery curves on the 'a rocket to the moon' logo?
thats actually from a picture i took of some ting in some garden while in australia, i just photoshopped it to get the shape, and voila