TRIANGULATIONTriangulation is a map that i have worked long and hard on, and rusty helped with spawns. but then roche and friends came and we (i) knocked everybody into the spawn room with a killball in it (not there anymore) and everybody died. anyway, the idea of the map was to create a map that had an odd shape, but plays ctf exceptionally well. this map ended up to be the one that you will hopefully download after you read this. the map gets it's name from the giant right angle triangle that is its shape. teams spawn at either end of the triangle and at the point, there is a lift that leads to the central bridge. if that is to hard for you to follow, here are some pics. that would be one of the bases, of to the left, is the way out, and to the right, there are ramps that lead to the bridge. here is the ramps leading from the right side of the base, at the end you can see (hopefully) two smgs. this is a picture taken from the central lift, looking down the bridge. on the right, you see where the smgs from the last pic are. on the left, you see the same area on the other side. (next pic) here is the other bases entrance to the bridge, it is the same as the first base you saw. again, you can (hopefully) see the two smgs here is the attackers base (i think... it was made about a month ago) here you can see where the flag is) i suppose now you're wonder to yourselves "but what about the rest of the map?" well fear not here it is here is where we left off, this is right outside of the right exit from the attackers base (previous pic) you can see the lift at the tip of the triangle, and at 90 sec the ramp to the tower spawns, making it easier to get to. this allows teams to change up thier strategies mid game very easily. this is the view out the left exit from the defenders base. almost a mirror image of the previos pic, because it was taken from almost the same place, opposite side of the map. weapons are as follows smgs x4 carbine x2 ar x2 needler x1 plasma rifle x2 plasma grenades x4 thats all i think. all default spawn times but the carbines are 60 sec if you missed the link here it is again Triangulation vid will be up on tuesday august 4th/09 (vid is broken, it wont load to youtube, ill get it on after i get back from albeta) oh and the map works well only with ctf, but it works with both 1 flag and multiflag. hope you enjoy, this is my 5th map it is also 100% completely symetrical. anyone who cares, whilst this was posted, our 30174th unique user has signed in for the first time so conratz to everybody for getting us to over 30k members feel free to comment and critique as you see fit, spam will be reported. if you do not download please leave a reply on why not. when you download, fee free to rate on bungie, it looks bad for 2 100%'s
i like the map, so far. i love it's shape and how you have made that work with ctf. i'm not going to be whining about "did you interlock, i cant see any from the pics" i also love your weapon list. no br, no i'm not a guy who whores the ar all the time, but when i'm in custom i want to play something different than br ***** fest, you just made that possible. i'm downloading and going to play a classic smg starts game on this
Looks really good can't wait to try it out Any way the usual from me it has good forging, looks fun, and downloading it to play Congrats Also I like the way you put the flag I did that once but with assault not very successful since no-one noticed it but it looks good Can't wait to download
This map is a classic. So original! I like maps that are worked on hard since as you can see here's the result. A great, original and nice-to-play-on map. It was a really good idea to try to make a working CtF map shaped quite oddly. This you made very well.
Downloaded. This is, quite frankly, r0x0rs teh s0x0rs awesome. The build quality isn't great, but it plays phenominally, and there's so much potential for crafty grenade throws. And the weapon set is spot on, and not overpowering at all for such a small map. I've only got a few niggles for an otherwise great map. > There's a distinct lack of grenades, which is kind of a shame given the tactical stuff you can do with them. That said, frags everywhere would ruin it. Maybe some spike grenades would be nice? > You can break out if it at certain points. It's not easy, but it's possible. Other than that, A* from me.
no it doesn't, v2 will work for assault though, slayer would just be bad, because from the start it was designed for objectives.
This is one of the things I enjoy, when someone takes a simple shape and makes it into an awesome map, its more than meets the eye, good job on this map, and objectives look amazing on this map, im going to try this later on CTF - 5/5 - Some Trees
thank you, objectives are quite fun in thierr own way. mostly because i took the time to set up spawns for every circumstance that could happen in game. i appreciate the download as im hoping that this will be my 'first' good competitive map.
The shape is really original. Haven't seen anything like it before. I like the bridge the most for some reason... I can't tell why
I like the concept of the map. Looks like it would play well with most objective gametypes. only thing is it looks kinda sloppy in some places but not anything to have a negative effect on gameplay. Also, no BR??? really? well if thats how you roll...
i didnt want to use a br because in alot of maps, its domenant, i wanted to go with a map with a different feel, to the same type of gameplay people are used to.
just like to thank those who downloaded the map, it is now at 75 downloads, which is currnetly the most dls i had on any single version, yeh, you may laugh at me. so what? hopefully my newest map breaks the curse of less that 100 dls. i already have some positive feedback on it from the preview, link is in my sig if you havent already seen it!
it has broken the curse, over the last little while, it has been recieving about 1 dl every 2 days, its now at 110! yay! hopefull more people download it...