[FONT="]Seeing as the update has removed guilders, i cannot submit this as my application but will post is as such for peoples opinions Forge Hub Application Form Gamertag: TEC Spartan Location: Australia 100 Forum Posts: Yes Contact Information: MSN – mattpritchard_15@hotmail.com Xbox 360 Gamertag – TEC Spartan Map 1: Call Of Duty 4 FNG Time Trial Remake Description: Cant decide which is better, Halo 3 of COD4?, now your problems are solved, get the best of both in this remake of Call of Duty 4’s world wide stat tracked time trial, The F.N.G. It includes the opening walk into the Cargo ship mockup, the computer screen monitoring section, weapon change and flashbang pickup at start, a timer implemented into the Gametype. Enemy targets positioned at precise locations around the map, rooms setup to allow flashbanging and a speed boost at the end so that you truly can “Sprint to the finish†Pick up flashbangs and swap your weapon Drop down the rope when your ready Hit the targets Down the stairs Flashbang through the door Hit the targets Check your sides Sprint to the finish [/FONT][FONT="]Links: - Map: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28065766 - Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28065918 - Fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=TEC Spartan[/FONT]
Wow, this is very frikkin awesome. You have everything covered that was in COD. You even got the sprint to the finish. The start/finish line... nice touch as well. The flair doesn't quite work for a flashbang, but who's to fault you for that. Very, very good job. (I didn't get very far in COD4, it wasn't my style, but I did at least get through this part)
thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. about the flares, i know they dont really work and last too long but it gives you the general idea, i have also tried it with firebombs, and normal grenades but it doesnt give you the same authenticity, feel free to swap the flares for other items if you feel they work better and please let me know so i can update the map with the new changes (yes i will put your name in the map details/credits) Edit* im also really happy that noone has got to say that this map does not meet the standards etc etc
Sweet! I only have one thing. What is stopping people from jumping the wrong way at the go down the rope part?
yeah thats what i was going for but like 9/10 maps that i look at have that posted somewhere lol, yay im special Well not much really, but the fact that if some drops down the side and finishes the map in like 3-4 seconds its sorta obvious that they cheated.... i could put in some barriers or something but as in the actual trial there is nothing stopping people from jumping off the sides
Wow, this is really good. I myself was a huge COD fan, and it looks as if you have everything covered. It looks amazing. Great job! ~SS
thanks guys for the comments, bit of a shame about bungie.net being down i had the same problem before
thanks guys, once i get back my copy of COD im going to try another map just for the hell of it, probably one of the multiplayer maps, anyone have suggestions for good maps?
I was thinking of making something like this lol. Flares seem like a bad choice because of how long they last but it wouldn't be authentic without it and after all, this is an aesthetic map so good job! I probably would have used spike grenades since they (somewhat) look like it, but it might "kill" the targets in that room for you. I would have used 30 second respawning fusion coils instead of barrels but the chain reaction might have been bad.
As you may notice it is FNGTimeTrial version 3, i have tried many possibilities and the layout i use currently i find works the best i have tried fusion coils but the distance between targets is to close and a chain reaction occurs chain reaction = sad face also targets dont usually explode across the room and create huge explosions when hit by a rifle bullet Exploding across the room = happy face but not authenticity face Flares last a long time but are authentic Flares = happy face Spike grenades although faster also more often than not will explode knocking over the barrels in the room losing the intended effect Spike grenades = sad face Frag grenades are not like flares and they explode Frag grenades = sad face Plasma grenades also blow up and destroy anything and i dont think call of duty 4 has covenant forces in it Plasma grenades = sad face Thanks for the suggestions, great ideas but as you said it is an attempt at authenticity so i have made it as it is for that reason. It would be good to see how you would make the map so we could compare and together make an awesomer map