ODST and REACH news thread.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mace, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    No offense, but thats kind of a dumb idea, a single flood infectious form could kill you, not to mention the fact they you will easily be overwhelmed without spartan agility, 'Sents only have like one or two types, which would be horribly boring to fight, and rebels have no real shields and would be weak to anyone with a pistol or BR or sniper rifle or carbine etc... The covenent are there because they are well varied, all types use different tactics, different weaknesses and strengths, all in all, they are fun to fight and arn't all over/underpowered.
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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  3. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I'm going to be going into campaign first. I mean thats really the main part of ODST. I don't know, maybe I'm a little OCD but I always go into the campaign of games first, to me going straight for MP just seems a little noobish, like your paying $60 for 3 maps.

    Oh and I have a question, can you fight Elites in firefight?
  4. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Good point, works especially for me because I've pre-ordered the limited one, for the controller, as I need one. And about the elites, well I doubt it, bungie said elites won't be in ODST (at least the campaign) so who knows? Although I'm guessing against elites being in firefight. I wish Elites would be in ODST, I hear their fun to fight (especially since Halo 3s AI would make them smarter then ever, that is if they stop nade spamming!)
  5. abandoned heretic

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    One question in one of the pictures an odst is using a machine gun turret that has been detached I though only spartans had that type of strength. As for what i'm doing first is im gonna forge through the maps then i will go to campaign.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I think(if it's available) I'll play the Reach demo first, followed up by picking the skulls up and doing a forge through of the maps, and THEN I'll start on campaign, and THEN I'll do some firefight, and once all that's done, I'll go for the achievements.
  7. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Hate to break it to you, they said that Reach demo won't be available at launch.

    What I'm doing:

    Step One: Go on forgehub and start my campaign playthrough log.
    Step Two: Start by giving reviews on maps.
    Step Three:Giving Skull Locations.
    Step Four: Playing campaign on normal.
    Step Five: Playing campaign on Legendary.
    Step Six: Playing firefight.
    Step Seven: Getting teh reconz.
  8. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Im going glitching in campaign first end of ;p
  9. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    I want to see all the new maps and try to make them in forge.
  10. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Although I Doubt it will be very exact, it does remind of something. What is going to be "Special" about the forging menu for these maps, with citidel be similar to construct, or unique? same goes for heritic and assembley, longshore and (Foundry?) I'm basing this question on the architypes of the maps.
  11. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    May i note you guys on this, if you havnt found out already Halo 3 ODST has a SANDBOX STYLE GAMEPLAY, therefore the campaign will be extremely fun. And, ODST is well worth the 60 bucks, considering CoD5 has **** zombies, Gears 2 makes it better, and Halo beats both of those games for a mile, so who knows what they will supply!?

    Stop complaining about the price, its not going to change. Bungie has been working hard on this, so dont complain about it now. And can you not wait for the new forge items? the BRUTE PLASMA RIFLE! PWNAGE!

    Mabye they will bring the Brute Ghost... Omg that would pwn.

    Look guys ODST is going to redo halo in ways we cant imaging, ive already proved that with the Pictures, look at the amazing graphics, and look at the friggen HUD. Its starting to look like a normal shooting game! I hope Bungie comes to their senses and gives us more possibilitys with forge. Imaging unlimited items on sandbox.. I would make halo have a completely destructible enviroment. it would be red faction style. Everyting made out of barriers. itd be hard, but awesome. imagine a tower of fusion coils? ooooo!
  12. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Uh, I do hope you were joking about the brute ghost, because if anything, that would be the chopper. And ODST will bring a hell of alot of new things, to enjoy (Doors, please let there openable/closable doors for the new forge maps that we can place! Oh please Bungie! yeah I know it's not working) Or ones that are just plain fun (a little challange that resembles Donkey Kong, you trying to get up a series of hills and a brute on top is throwing barrels and other misc junk at you.(just got a new gametype idea) Maybe they'll have a scarab gun, just for our enjoyment (muhahahahhahaha), we'll never know till we get the game (and/or hackers hack it and find of of the stuff) or heres an idea; A Crowbar in a store, and a sign next to it says, Crowbars! The weapon of Free Men! a HL (half-life) reference, just like the crowbar it sandtrap (another possible HL reference) maybe they'll have a Micheal Jackson reference somewhere. Hey, who knows?
  13. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Sandbox gameplay =/= fun.

    Sandbox gameplay = Chance for fun.

    Honestly I want to play the game before I say whether it being sandbox was good or not. I honestly am happy that they will give us the option to go directly to missions we've completed in the past, rather than walking to them again. It's been seen in videos, even if not stated.

    And for the record, unlimited objects on sandbox would be very bad. Verrrrrry bad. And increased limit I could live with, but no limit would lead to many, many laggy matches in matchmaking. In the end, that is.
  14. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Indeed, and lag=bad. But atleast we will see the first ever engineers ingame without mods ever. I wonder what would happen if I jumped on a grunt in that game....hmmm. I hope we can get into wehicle and just splatter everthing in 'em and maybe some overpowered gun to :)
  15. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Lets keep this OT please.

    How long do ya'll suppose the Campaign is going to be?
  16. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Not expecting it to be incredibly long for something that was meant to be an expansion. Didn't bungie say it wasn't as long as H3 campaign already?
  17. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    somewhere between 4-6 hours long, but thats only if you know what to do and where to go and just do that, odds are people are going to explore more then the Bungie Staff did.
  18. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    I didn't have the time to run through this whole thing, and someone's probably posted it already, but Halo: Reach is going to be based on Halo: First Strike, the novel.

    If you listen when the explosions start, you'll hear, "We just lost a bird!" which sounds like what happened to the 26 Spartans that were going to Reach. After that, Sierra 320 says, "We've got Spartans on the ground. we're not going anywhere." Red team lands on Reach, which was led by Red 001, Fredric.
    Anyways, I just wanted to explain what Halo: Reach is probably gonna be based on. I just finished First Strike, so yea.

    Oh, and for the people who don't know when Halo 3: ODST takes place, it takes place in October 2552, a few weeks before Halo 3, a few days after Halo 2.
  19. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Fix'd. At least from what I understand, haven't read the book in a while.

    JOHNSON!! And notice how you can have your emblem on your body piece. I thought it was kind of cool.
  20. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    interesting picture, I wonder is Johnson can get his hat blown off, like if shot on upper part of his head or on his hat. Now, lets go find a place to camp where the Covies can't get up. I bet people will find those within a few days. Shamless explotation FTL/W (depending on your point of view)

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