Heya, This is the first map in my mongoose series and the hardest one I've made so far. Each one tests certain parts of driving skill. This one tests control over small areas while the next one tests speed control. Anyways, pics: [/URL] The start and a few basic jumps [/URL] Half Walls and tube balances [/URL] Parallel beams [/URL] Awkward jump and ramp [/URL] A few more obstacles [/URL] A few more wall halves and a corner jump [/URL] The End Download here: Map: MONGOOSE: TOUGH Gametype: MONGOOSE
OMG is this whole thing even possible? some of those jumps are amazing. good work the last area looks just a little sloppy.
Nice map looks very fun. But yes a little sloppy is a good word to use. 4/5 I would say this is not a mini game i would say a race track since your racing to get to the end.
Hmm, it's an obstacle/race course. Anyway, it looks like a challenging map. I'll download and try it.
I have seen a TON of Mongoose courses and IMO, This looks like one of the hardest ones yet. Are you sure this is even possible to do? Have you done it youself? and have others done it? Otherwise, 3.4/5 A little awkward and looks impossible. I'll give it a try sometime and see.
Thx for the feedback, it is possible, me and my friends tested it, they can do it, but in sections, I'm the only one out of them who can do the whole thing in one go, but I've only done it once. Also, the next course I've made, it's alot easier because my friends wanted more fun map to play
holy poop face that looks hard. is it even possible?... anyways looks good... sloppy looking but good. }=9 that makes no sense. anyways could use an overview pic. 3.5/5 You should make a second version just as hard but neater looking. =) i'm a neat freak when it comes 2 maps