Sandbox Sandsation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by I Black I Eye I, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    Sandsation - Remake

    First: Thanks for taking a look at my map.
    well...then let's start reading xD

    About Sandsation:

    I guess it's nearly said enough with the 2 words "Remake, Foundation"...
    It really looks like the original one. It's a bit smaller because of the Object-Limit, but the gameplay is similar.

    For those of you, who didn't play Halo 2 and therefore don't know the map:

    - Foundation is a symmetrical, mid-sized map that takes place (now) on the main level of Sandbox.

    - It's an open map, designed for FFA and Team gametypes. (Sandsation supports every gametype)
    It plays best with 6 - 8 players.

    - There are all kind of combats in this map. long-range from one end to the other, mid-range on the sidewalks or short-range in the rooms / bases.

    - The weaponlayout isn't just BR & Sniper. There are much more different weapons, which makes the gameplay more interesting.


    Random Dude asks:

    Why did you forge another remake of Foundation from Halo 2?

    We already got some...

    and I answer:

    Because I personally don't like the other Foundation remakes, so I thought about doing one by myself.
    There are some things missing like interlocking and the look isn't right =)
    If you like the others more, simply close this and don't post here please.

    But one picture counts more than 1000 words...

    Pictures from Sandsation

    Overview 1


    Overview 2


    Turret / Rocket 1


    Turret / Rocket 2


    Turret / Rocket 3


    BR / Shotty 1


    BR / Shotty 2


    Centerstructure 1


    Centerstructure 2


    from one corner (Redbase looks the same except of the colour)


    Bluebase from the other corner


    "No-colour Room"


    Purple room


    Bluebase sign


    Redbase sign


    Geomerged Gravlifts




    - a little smaller than the original Foundation

    - the 4 gravlifts are geomerged, looks better and they're indestructable

    - every block/box/wall is interlocked, so no grenade will fall between something

    - the centerstructure is geomerged into the ground, so you can shoot over it to the other side of the map

    - Purple room: you can jump on these blocks, like in the original one.

    V2 (UPDATE)

    You could "rocket-grav-jump" out of the map.
    I put some double walls into the air, so you can't jump oom any more.
    AND even if you do it, WHAT the hell do you want out there xD

    The 2 Versions

    I made 2 versions of Sandsation.
    One with all the original Weapons
    and another one with Halo 3 weapons and equipment.

    I'll make a new post with the two versions,
    because I have several pictures with the weapon layout
    from both map-variants and there are only 20 pictures allowed per post.

    #1 I Black I Eye I, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2009
  2. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sandsation H2:

    That is the Halo 2 version of Sandsation.
    It contains every weapon of the Halo 2 map "Foundation"


    2x Battle Rifle
    2x Shotgun
    2x Rocket
    4x SMG
    4x Magnum
    4x Needler
    1x Energy Sword

    2x Machinegun Turret

    8x Frag grenades
    8x Plasma Grenade


    Pictures / Weaponlayout








    Sandsation H3:

    That is the Halo 3 version of Sandsation.
    It contains not only weapons from the Halo 2 map "Foundation".
    There are also Halo 3 weapons and equipment on this mapvariant


    2x Battle Rifle
    Covenant Carbine
    2x Shotgun
    2x Rocket
    2x SMG
    2x Magnum
    2x Needler
    2x Spiker
    2x Brute Shot
    1x Energy Sword
    (NEW) 2x Plasma rifle (before the base where on the pic no weapon is placed)

    2x Machinegun Turret

    8x Frag grenades
    8x Plasma Grenade

    2x Bubble Shield

    Pictures / Weaponlayout








    #2 I Black I Eye I, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  3. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    In my humble opinion this is the best Foundation remake I have seen to date.
    You not only included the columns around the stairs(which I have not seen anyone else do on a reasonable mep) but also geomerged the grav lifts which is just really good forging. And I know how tedious it can be to interlock every object so it shows you put for a lot of effort. The halo 2 version was also a great idea.
    ITz SrOnGzIDe I am very impressed with this you did an awesome job. Kudos
  4. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks mate =)
    Jeah I just wanted to have the old halo 2 feeling, and the few games I played on it had a really gooooood feeling^^ dualwielding the SMGs, annoy the enemies with the rockets and grenades...
    WELL thanks I really invested MUCH time into this map (I guess you see it).
    And i have to turned out very well =)
  5. Drake Volker

    Drake Volker Ancient
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    lolz some constructive criticism about the one. you forgot 2 minor detail and 1 major one....the 2 minor details r where are the ghost and wathog...the major detail is the fusion coils...XD i love shotting the fusion coils when playing bruteshot and rockets on this map a bigger bang when the walk near it. XD
  6. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    too bad you hit the OLN the map is amazing good job keep forgeing!
  7. SufferedCoder

    SufferedCoder Ancient
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    I believe that this remake is the closest I've seen yet. Nice interlocking and attention to detail. I'm going to download this one and replace the other Foundation remake I got. Keep forging.
  8. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    It is nice. I still think I can escape with those lifts though. I'll download and try right now. You owe me an e-cookie if I succeed.

    Update: I win. Escaped. Picture sequence below.






    and finally:


    Told you. :)
    #8 Kronos, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  9. FunkyRobot

    FunkyRobot Ancient
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    Bravo, kudos, props and all of the above. This map is the ****!
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    jaw drops.....
    sonofagun that is one secsy remake. everything is excact on the h2 remake. the h3 version looks fun as well. quick question; how long did it take?
  11. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    This is definitely the best foundation remake available. Without a doubt. Fantastic job.

    I do agree with Drake though about the fusion coils. You could put them in and raise the wall in that area so that people cannot escape. What it takes away from the remake aesthetics, it will add to the remake gameplay.
  12. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    He cannot add anything, he hit the limit. It's much easier to just take out the coils. Besides, the coils never respawn in halo 2, so who really cares? One use, then . . . "poof!"

    If he had the items I'm sure he would have made the wall higher, at least near lifts and coils.
  13. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    You know, the featured one was pretty cool, but this one just puts me back into the mood. Probably cause of the sandy object like in the original, but w/e. Now, if only we had good movable scenery like in foundry... Nonetheless, flawless forging, I'll run through it with a few Halo 2 fans, see what they say... Now, gotta find a way to do the invis turret glitch...
  14. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    THX everyone for the replys =)

    It took me really long to forge that map.
    First I started in the crypt (without an oln map)...turned out bad!!!
    Finished the map after several hours and then...
    spawns....placed one..placed two...*click* too many objects!!!!!!!!!
    I waited a week or two because I definetly had no fun buliding all again.
    But I did it and now it's finally finished^^ man
    It took really a long time because I tried different possibilities to build the structures like the turret or the br spawn and the rooms too.
    And finally I found the best ways to build the map I guess =)

    But I think I can change some things on the current version.
    The pictures showed it^^
    You can get out. But i don't want it, so i HAVE to do something against it.
    I'll find a way to prevent outgoing xD
  15. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Looks very well made. i can see alot of work went into this. you've got my DL
  16. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    I told you geomerging those grav lifts would help :p This is a very nice final for your remake, though I must admit that my gameplay analysis will be somewhat limited because I never played a game on Foundation. I found the gameplay to be very tactical for the most part, as I found myself maneuvering to get a good view of the next spawn for the other team. However, I only really utilized the rim of the map. This could just be my playstyle, but it could also be how the map is intended to be played. Since I don't have experience with the original Foundation, I will never know. Very nice job on the map though, keep up your forging.
  17. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    I am able to add items to make higher in those regions. I added Huge Wedges.
  18. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Beast, that is indeed how Foundation played in Halo 2. The only reason people really went down off the rim is to grab a weapon, and then come back up, or to do the superbounce . . which put you up above the map.

    bmurf, that's good to know. I think he's going to change it, read his post up there a few.
  19. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    O boy, do i love remakes.... lol, thanks for the help on my map... it was well worth it. and im glad to see you finally got this gem out onto the forums. Its plays, looks, and feels exactly what foundation represented back in halo 2. and this is why i love remakes so much... People bringing back classic memories for people like me and you to play out everyday again. It is a masterpiece...
  20. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Wow. I loved this map from Halo 2. It was my favorite H2 map, and now it's on Halo 3! Good times. Remember everyone, how "zombies" was always played here? And also, it's good that this map is escapeable, because the original was. Good ol' Halo 2 glitches. I'll download this when I make room by deleting old maps.

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