17 Cool Forge Maps Everyone who has made this list has accomplished it by making their map creative, cool, and clean. It may say 17, but I can extend this list to 50 (Map+Gametype) as every single map listed here has or will be downloaded onto my hard drive and probably many others. If you want to be on this list, message me with your cool map (make sure it follows all 3 C's: creative, cool, and clean). It can be any kind of map you want, infection, slayer, capture the flag, assault, or even a map based on looks that plays well. I want to base it mainly on ForgeHub so if you find any maps from other forums on this one tell me so I can replace the link. Credit: If you have received a message congratulating you on making the list it is because you have posted the map. Do not expect me to hunt down the actual creator; if you did not make the map then please do not post it as it just leads to confusion. I do my best to make sure the credit for each map is correct. Kudos to everyone who has made this list: 1. Profound - adelyss 2. Interrutore - Goatnuts420 3. MXD on Elim Chamber - TwiztedMatt1007 4. Russian Roulette - sdrakulich 5. Marooned REVAMPED - Fiat Luxor & Pirates 6. Chronic - Blazen Nite & Lyceon 7. Sun Stream - the invader18 8. ObstacleCourse3 - Letol 9. H3A Launch - Ferretness & HomerSPC 10. LIMA 74-T11 - DieHardAssassin 11. Cape Canaveral - oO SLiK Oo & x DREAM 76 x 12. Ataraxia - Xx Pr0 F0rge xX 13. Sumo Hogs - MuseA7X 14. The Great Journey - geranamo 15. The Halo - Joe is Outside 16. Shakedown - scapegoat9595 17. Dead Ship - Doomsdale
We have a featured section that has plenty of cool maps. The great journey one is the best out of the list IMO though.
Was that an insult or a compliment? Anyways, just want to show people who want to download some fun maps a list of...well...fun maps. If you want me to add any for you, just ask and I will check it out. The list is open for business.
Do you have anything to back that up? i.e. Bad spawn placement, messy, horrible gameplay I guess that makes you HomerSPC?
According to my Profile: Bluejayfan94 Heroic Member Bluejayfan94's Avatar Join Date: Jul 2008 Gamertag: HomerSPC Location: Saskatchewan Posts: 1,091 Blog Entries: 2
xD I do not go through everyone that posts and look at their profile. Anyways, have any other great maps to add to the collection?
New map has been added to the list, "Shakedown". Still open for people wanting to get their map on the list.
Here is another two that has to be on the list. 1. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-halo-maps/69449-back-burner.html This is backburner and is truly incredable. It is seen by many racers as the first great snadbox track. Heres a pic. http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll306/ShaddoBlade/bb1.jpg 2.http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/73318-tetradymite.html the other is tetredaymite. It offers unique arhitecture and plays extremely well. here is a pic.