Just came across this on YouTube... pretty ****ing hilarious. It reminds me of that Cluster Bomb Cheat in COD4. Watching it in HD helps dramatically, but I recommend going to YouTube and watching it so that you can see a bigger picture. YouTube - Standoff Apocalypse
What's wrong with it? That's the best BTB Standoff tactic you can use. You get a hog and the other team doesn't. Also, if the other team isn't organized, your team picks up a lot of free kills from the warthog explosion.
It's actually a legitimate strategy for the whole team to spam jades at the enemys hog. I do it all the time along with the rest of my teammates.
I remember seeing this a long time ago. I think this was actually at an mlg event too. Pretty funny tactic when it works and the other team gets wasted.
This is actually a very good strategy for Big Team Battle on this map. Im sure that team got 5 kills instantly, thats a great lead and will help you throughout the whole game. I'm too lazy to try to count all the kills.
ugghhh This happenede to me once. Me and my friends just wanted to play anice game of team flag for double exp weekend and we got paired up with a group full of generals and they had 2 5 stars.. it was ridiculous. They got rid of our hog by that and then the whole rest of the game they controlled the field with their hog. We had no chance. They camped with the flag at their own base just to torment us. I think the gunner of the hog got like an invincible er something.
This was especially important for games of Heavy's as you'd need to get that gauss hog out of the picture as soon as possible. It's always nice playing with people who know what they're doing, those grenades are always there.
And why is this sad? O wait, let me see.... it's not. Having your teammeates nade the hog will pick up a few kills, disable their warthog of use and help set-up the rush for laser. It leaves the opposite team with: - a few deaths - no warthog Having no warthog will make way for the other one to barrel through with ease seeing that no other one is against it and laser is on their teams.
I've heard of this happening, but never seen it successfully pulled off. They got quite a few kills with that it seems too. I think I may try this since I have a hatred for the Hog on Standoff when in enemy control. Now I'm afraid to leave the base on Standoff, great. :\