Debate The world

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lefty0904, Jul 30, 2009.

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  1. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    To start off, this technically isn't a debate. I'll make it one later but the first part of the post is just my views on the world.

    Think about this. We spend our time alive worrying about what we wear, how we act, what we drive, basically our appearance to the world. People work at jobs they hate 8 hours a day. So for 40+ hours a week, people are spending their time stuck in a building just to support their families. If a person doesn't want a job or can't find one, they will have to live on the street asking other people for money in order to survive. Everybody bases who they are on someone else. You can say you're an individual because you do individual things, but the things you think of as "original" have already been done by someone else. The only truly individual people are the ones that take originality to an extreme level, and society hates those people.

    How long will it be before we can make ourselves perfect? Every time I watch TV I see an ad for a product that can change the way we look. Soon, everyone will look the same because everyone will be able to have the surgery that will make them perfect. When everyone looks perfect, what will be next?

    Every person thinks they know more than everyone else. This is true for everyone. Think about it. Drugs are illegal because someone thinks they're bad for you, and therefore you shouldn't be able to take them. Every day you will be influenced by at least one person. People tell you what to eat, what to drink, how to live. Your whole life is controlled by every other person you ever meet. Billions of people have died because they have a different view of the world than somebody else. This is not meant to be offensive but religion is a joke. Do I really care if you believe in a God with a different name? No. How does that affect me at all? The reason people try to convince others that their god is the only god is because they are actually still trying to convince themselves that they're right. But here's the problem I have with it: NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW. You can tell me that God has spoken to you, and I will tell you that you imagined it. Neither of us are right because neither of us are wrong.

    Last thing: Death. Everyone has a different view about death, but I want to explain something. You are going to die. It may be tomorrow, it may be 80 years from now, but at some point you will be dead. Why does it matter when it happens? People say they would rather be alive than dead, but why? Does anyone know what its like to be dead? When you lose all fear of death, you can do what you want. Death is the underlying source of all fear.

    Sorry I couldn't organize my thoughts very well, I kind of just sat down and typed. If I think of ways to explain things better I'll edit this.

    Ok the debate: It's basically about prohibition. I know this has been done a thousand times before but if you are for the prohibition of drugs/alcohol, I just want to know why you care what people do with their lives. Also if you have any thoughts about my views we can debate that too if you want.
  2. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    Whaaaaaa society hates me, too. Let's cry together. I got news for you pal, your stupid.

    Okay so today is the 4th day of band camp. Guess what I wore today. A light-colored t-shirt and shorts. Guess why. Because I'm gonna be out in the sun all day. What a coincidence! Guess what other people who thought they would be an individual wore. Black long sleeved shirt and black jeans. I bet that sucked. I'm glad I wore something practical instead of wanting to be an individual!

    Of course does any of you observations matter? No. Do you know why? it is because you came to the wrong conclusion. The reason we worry about appearances is not something evil and despicable, it's called your brain. You want to be part of a group because people in groups survive better. At least that was the way with our ancestors and that is how we have evolved. So it's just nature and nature isn't evil, it's impartial.

    On to your next silly observation. My mom doesn't hate the job she works at. Do you know how I know? because she doesn't have to do it. She used to be in the floral business but the company started to collapse so she quit. We could have just lived off my dad's salary but she wanted to be a kindergarten aid because she loves kids. My friend wants to be a missionary to Africa why? because he wants to help people. That doesn't sound like a job that puts food on the table but he is going to do it because it is what he loves to do. People working at jobs they hate is their own fault not a fault in society or anyone's besides their own.

    If a person doesn't want a job they should be checked for mental illness plain and simple. And heaven forbid there be beggars, maybe that's why there are people who want to help like my friend.

    My hero's are most of the president's because I want to be president. Does this mean I'm gonna grow up and free the slaves or how bout I go chop down a cherry tree or two. I can say for certain that I am an individual because I know something you apparently don't.

    You're being retarded here. Everything has been done before so we're not individuals. How about you say that to our first black president, or the Apollo 11 crew. Why don't we all just sit on our asses and do nothing oh wait that's been done before, too. darn.

    "The only truly individual people are the ones that take originality to an extreme level, and society hates those people."
    Hey guys let's all be non-conformist together, that'll show society!
    It's not that society hates you, it's that you hate society and love isn't a one way street.

    Instead of lamenting about plastic surgery, how about you do something moderately helpful and lament about how people don't have things that you take for granted like clean water. Then maybe at least you'll get someone else to do something that is important.

    I don't think I know more than everyone else. I just think I know more than you about the subjects we are discussing and right now that is all that matters. We each have our talents and yours obviously isn't philosophy.

    Oh no government took my drugs away. I would absolutely love to take heroin all day and smoke and drink. That would be such a great idea, screw government I'll learn from my own mistakes!!!

    Influenced isn't the same thing as controlled. Just people are talking doesn't mean you have to listen. "Your whole life is controlled by every other person you [have] ever meet." just so you know I'm influencing you by telling you proper grammar. HOWEVER, only if you follow my advice are you being controlled.

    I absolutely died laughing at you pathetic attempt to disprove religion. You start off horribly. People have died because of religious intolerance therefore religion is wrong. If you can see, I'll explain. Intolerance of any kind is because of the person and not the thing. What you are describing is like saying because White people enslaved Black people all White people are bad.

    Then the next part, lol. I know and I'm sure many people you have encountered know that God exists. Maybe you should look at yourself. I'm no phsycologist but it seems to me that you arguement that they are just trying to convinvce themselves is a reflection of struggle over whether you really are correct in your assumption that God is imaginary.

    Ok let's take a scenario.
    I tell you that I have a religious experience.
    Let's look at the facts I know: |||| | Let's look at the facts you know:
    I know I had a religious experience. | I told you I had a religious experience.

    Based on these facts we can safely say that I had a religious experience. Since the only facts we have is that I had a religious experience and that I shared this experience. So hey guess what you are wrong!


    You say I didn't. Where does this come from? Is it supported by the facts? No.

    What you claim is something that is a result of taking the facts a distorting them to fit your flawed view. You see when you claim that God doesn't exist, you are stating an absolute negative. In order to state an absolute negative you would have to know every possible thing there is to know. Because if there is even .000000000000000000000000000001% of knowledge missing, proof of God could be in there. The same thing goes for we will never know or something along those lines.

    Your next problem is that you take this flawed belief and you make everything apply to it. There is no stopping you. Whatever it is it has to be cohesive with this belief otherwise it is wrong. That is close mindedness and your asking for problems.

    The thing is that you can't just direct this back at me. I'm not the one stating an absolute negative. I'm stating a hypothesis, God exists. This hypothesis is supported by my religious experience. Now wait a second I could be lying. But I assure you that I'm not. If you don't believe in my personal experience just look around you, there are millions upon billions of people who claim to have religious experiences. The world isn't lying to you, remember it's not society that hates you.

    Ok now that that is over, let us get to debating.

    Oh wait.

  3. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    No you!

    There, fixed and proves you're a hypocrite
    #3 DeathToll77, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  4. abandoned heretic

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    If were all dead in the end why the hell does anything matter just let people do whatever cause it won't matter in the end right? that was to try and prove a point btw. And el diablo I agree with your religous points. back to he death thing why do you care about originallity or how people do things if we all just end up dead and as diablo stated if theres even a small chance god exists than an after life could be there to its useless to discuss such topics.
  5. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Lol thank you for your opinions. But I want you to look at this from purely a survival perspective. Do we absolutely need to wear designer clothes? And you're telling me that you want to work? Yes people do good things, like your friend. That was a good point. I'm not sure why you felt like you had to flame me so hard, but I guess I don't really care. And band camp? Really?

    Why do my observations not matter? Because I have a different view about life than you do? How does that make me wrong?

    Right now I'm taking philosophy classes at my college. It's kind of just a way to fill the gap, but maybe you're right, I should stop.

    I didn't say it was bad to be a part of a group. You're right, people in groups survive longer. But forming groups has also caused countless problems, such as gangs, and from a larger perspective, countries, and wars. And I don't really care about being an individual. This girl I know recently started trying to dress a certain way because she was trying to be cool and individual, but it was what everyone else in my school was already doing.

    My dad worked at a job he absolutely hated for 20 years because he needed the paycheck. He basically wasted 20 years of his life. Does that seem right to you?

    I'm not talking about having clean water. I have no idea where that came from. I'm pretty sure that you read through my post thinking about ways to argue or make me look dumb instead of actually thinking about what I was saying. Every day, more and more products come out designed to make everyone look better. Soon it will be socially unacceptable to be anything less than perfect. In my opinion.

    If I want to smoke heroin all day, how does that affect you? And you're telling me that if you weren't around people, you would be the exact same person you are now?

    You're obviously very set in your religious beliefs. Good, I'm happy for you. If you want to call me an idiot for not following a 2000 year old book then go for it. Once again, it doesn't affect me in any way. I don't care what you think. Christians have spent thousands of years trying to convince everyone else that their god is the only god, and that if they didn't believe in him, they would burn forever. Think about that. You believe, yet you have no reason to. Congrats for thinking that you've had a religious experience. But please don't even talk about religion because its obvious neither of us is going to change our mind.

    Lol I don't believe that society hates me. I was driving home today and I saw a homeless man on the side of the road. Do you really believe that because he can't find a job his life should be absolutely terrible? I don't.

    And I'm not trying to make you feel the same way I do. I just wanted to state my views.

    Grammar? Really? Did you even read your post? lol

    For some reason you seem to think I'm not very smart. I don't know why, but if my post offended you that much, I'm sorry.

    I'm not complaining about society. That's not what this is about. I would just like you to consider what I'm saying.
    #5 lefty0904, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  6. abandoned heretic

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    You can't get rid of problems. Nothing will ever be perfect here nothing will ever be "right". If you want to live without a religion than what do you live for you have nothing to look forward to except the nothingness of death. There can be logical ways to "prove" the bible but I'm about to go to bed and don't feel like describing that right now maybe tommorow.
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Let me start off by stating that this is not a debate, it is a rant. At best this belongs in General Chat, though why no one uses blogs to let out is beyond me. Second, you're an idiot El Diablo. I skimmed your post, because your pathetic attempt at a "roast" bored me. You are being a trolling idiot, who (as Mr. Deathtoll has pointed out) is a hypocrite. Of all the backward bullshit you spewed though, this is the only thing that stayed in the quote. Why? Because any reasonable person will read this and know you are an idiot. I don't even have to point out why, but I will shed some light because it is a pass time of mine.

    You are using Religious reasoning:
    God doesn't exist.
    Prove he doesn't.
    Prove that he does!

    If I told you I had superpowers, I wouldn't ask you to prove me wrong, you would ask me to prove myself right. However, it is Religious reasoning that goes against such logic, asking the atheist to defend his view instead of defending their own. Though you seem to have taken it to a slightly different location. Let's call it Diablo's reasoning:
    God doesn't exist.
    Oh, so you are stating that as absolute fact.
    Well, yes, that is what I believe to be true.
    Well you're wrong, because you don't have the compounded evidence to support your absolute negative.
    You can't just say no to something without being 100% sure!
    And so your belief that he does exist is okay?
    I am not stating an absolute truth! I am stating a hypothesis.

    What is the difference between these two sentences?
    God doesn't exist.
    God does exist.

    If you said that one is an absolute negative and the other is a hypothesis, you're a ****ing moron or El Diablo.

    But you have to go and surprise me! Aren't you a little bag of fun! A little bag of fun who has had a religious experience I might add. Here, let's take this example:

    Things I know as FACT: I flew to the middle of the forest with only my superpowers.
    The things you know as FACT: I told you that I flew to the middle of the forest with only my superpowers.
    I think it's safe to say that you're an idiot. Oh, and that I flew to the middle of the forest with only my superpowers.

    Now, seeing as I got that out of my system and this isn't a debate, I will be getting a lock here soon. I urge you all, to consider whether your topic is a debate, because chances are it isn't. Put in in General Chat, Off-Topic, or in a Blog. And El Diablo, I did direct it back at you, and I didn't even have to do all the work. You did half of it for me.
  8. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    First two sentences: Everyone tries to make a world that's perfect for them individually.

    Heaven is described as being so much better than life. So what's the point of being alive if you believe in heaven? It goes both ways.

    X5, I put this in the debate section because it's the most serious forum. But if a mod is going to lock this, could they just delete it? It's kind of turning into a flame war/ religious debate anyways.

    Oh and one more thing: I actually think I have a pretty good life. It's not like I hate the world.
    #8 lefty0904, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  9. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
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    If you want to start a debate then do it properly. Re-post this thread (minus the rant) with an appropriate title relevant to the topic of the debate and post your rant in a blog.
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