Foundry MLG Foundry

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Riff, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    Download MLG Foundry

    Before we start you should know that this is not a remake. This is merely a symmetrical attempt to create similar experience while improving on some of the gameplay flaws that restrict default foundry from being embraced competitively.

    The weapon layout is similar to default foundry. Consisting of two snipers in the forward corners, rockets in the center tunnel. Custom is now in the Back hallway that was originally blocked off.

    Weapons in detail:

    8: Brs - Full ammo - 10 sec respawn
    2: Snipers - 8 - 150 sec drop spawn
    1: Rocket launcher - 4 - 180 sec drop spawn
    8: Frags - 30 sec
    2: Plasmas - 45 sec

    All text from here on referrs to pictures below.

    So lets start with the team spawns. The teams will spawn Back A & B Sides As they do on default foundry. Like foundry there is usually an epick fight over rocks. although teams now have custom and a flank to work with. The choices made here will most likely affect the outcome of the game.


    This back hallway has now been opened up to prevent spawn camping and now serves as a resting place for the custom. I would like you to notice the door above the custom. The empty back rooms have now been blocked off. Every other doorway on the map has been left open.


    The towers towers are now slightly more powerfull with new lines of sight and three ways up but none from the rocket side of the map. You can also see the back window in the top right corner of this picture blocked off using window panels and stairs to prevent crouch jumping through.


    There is quite alot in this picture such as the rocket spawn and the sniper up aginst the double box in the top right corner. I've added an open box beside the stairs to prevent dead end plays.


    Plasma nades spawn in place of the power drain on the double box on the left. Barriers have been added serving as a jump up to rocket tunnel.


    Opening hill now has a shild door serving only as a window looking on to the other half of the map.


    You would peobably be suprised to find out how much time and effort went into making foundry playable while still feeling like foundry. I tried to avoid merges and geos in the true spirit of default foundry. Although they are still present the merges are done well and the geos will probably not even be noticed be the avrage halo player. First one to find them gets a cookie. :p


    Download MLG Foundry
    #1 Riff, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Very nice, I`ll give you a 5 for originality. Weapon list would be nice, you cant just say that there are rockets and sniper, is there mauler and how many BR's? I actually would have blocked off the whole back area all together since people tend to camp there. Also in the center where the shield door is, i would take the shield out. The whole reason the fence wall is there is to shoot opposing enemys on the other side, by putting that there you defeat the purpose... Anyways good job, not every day you see an MLG Foundry.
  3. angelcakemuffin

    angelcakemuffin Ancient
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    I completly agree with you about the weapons list. But after playing this map camping in the back rooms would be pointless and stupid. (No offense.) You would have to be a complete nub to camp on a map like this and hand over map controll and power weapons to the other team. Taking out the shield door would be a bad idea. fenced walls would not play well in mlg. Just my opinion anyways...
  4. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    I am glad you Liked it and I took your advice on adding the weapons list.
    thanks for the ratings enjoysauce.

  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I know what you mean, but with the shield door, in a KOTH game if the hill is in the center, what if to people are on each side, how is one going to kill eachother? I know its a stupid question but im just saying its better if you can shoot through, also i noticed you made one way into the back room of foundry, and you blocked off the window panel. The problem with that is that some people like to hide or camp there, what if a whole team were to steal all power weapons and camp in that room? Because by blocking off the window panel, it would take a while to kill them...
  6. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    The shield window: I could see all the points you are trying to make and they make sense when you think about it. and concerning the hill you may not be able to kill the person on the other side of the hill but luckily you have three able bodyed team members who can. The whole reason I blocked it off was to simply test out a method of contesting the hill. In all the playtests so far gameplay has been both unique and fun.

    Back hall camping: Even though I blocked off the windows there are still technicly four ways in and out. One reason camping is not so popular in MLG would be of course map controll. having all four members in such a small space would also make the team a magnet for nade spam. I could also think of a simmilar area containing a sword on another map that is just as often camped in default games but never in MLG. My point being camping is alot harder in MLG. and ineffictive enough that its usually not worth doing at all.

    Sry for the long rushed post.
    If you do come across any gameplay flaws please keep the video & send it to me.

    Gt. Rifick
    #6 Riff, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    This map is very original, and I tested it out and the gameplay itself works out great. You really should update it and put in a weapons list though.
  8. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    Already did. Glad you enjoyed it.
    If you manage to get a 4v4 on it would you send me the vid?
    I'm looking for gameplay useable footage for a forgetage I might have coming out to preview some new maps.

    thnx agian :p
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Its looks okay. Nothing special nothing terrible. But mlg foundry maps barely allow one sniper, but two!!!!!!! Thats not good
  10. The T in Teabag

    The T in Teabag Ancient
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    u should delete the 2 fence walls in the middle and the shield door
  11. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    Looks nice. I haven't really seen a remake of foundry... on foundry... yet. The forging looks good but i would interlocked everything, e.i. the in signs into the boxes and the bridges into the boxes (i would flip them upside-down, they look better that way). I would block off the back hall bacause of two-sided objective games. But it looks good. Great job. Keep forging!

    P.S. Geomerging is starting to be a must-have on maps like foundry, so if you ever decide to remake this, you should incorporate that. Just a heads up.
  12. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    Default foundry spawns with two snipes.
    I have yet to see them be used in an over powering manner For each team has equal oppritunity for at least one sniper. as well as the limited ammo keeps them from controlling the map for too long unlike the narrows and pit snipers.

    if I were to delete the shield windows for any reason it would simply be replaced with a double wall. But I have yet to find reason to.

    If gameplay supports your claims they shall be deleted or replaced.

    #12 Riff, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  13. UnderlineFlyer

    UnderlineFlyer Ancient
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    This map = epic.
    I personally lyk the shield dorrs.
    If you get to many complaints just playtest the map without them.

  14. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Wow. I've always thought that Foundry needed to be symmetric. Thanks for pleasing the people's needs. Not only that, but it's MLG. I think that as long as there was no merging or interlocking at all, then this could officially replace the original foundry. Great job. I'll give it a 4/5.
  15. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    Unfortunatly I was not able to achive my goal completly without interlocking. There are roughly 6 merges and 2 geos not that anyone so far has noticed. :p
    #15 Riff, Jul 31, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  16. UnderlineFlyer

    UnderlineFlyer Ancient
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    I've played this map over and over. You can beat down through the shield doors. Dunno if you consider it to be a problem. Just letting you know.
  17. Caucasion Tift

    Caucasion Tift Ancient
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    wow i wonder why i never thought of redoing foundry to make it MLG pro... probably cuz it wouldn't have come out near as good as you've made it... great job 5/5
  18. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    It's kinda cool how you kept parts from the original map, i like the shield door idea in the middle of the map, great job.
  19. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    Good to see some one likes it :)
  20. angelcakemuffin

    angelcakemuffin Ancient
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    AWSOMESAUCE!!!!!!!!! it's a 5/5 <3 the sheild door in the middle -^-^-

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