O.D.S.Z. (Orbital Drop Shock Zombies) UPDATED: 8/2/09 Note: This Map is only about 30-40% finished, though the Gametype is pretty much done. Hello there, I'd like to introduce my newest project, Orbital Drop Shock Zombies, or ODSZ for short. ODSZ will be an Infection game taking place on the Main Level of Sandbox. The Gametype will be called "ODSZ," and the Map will be called "New Mombasa." I came up with the concept way back in March, when I first got the Mythic Map Pack bundled with Halo Wars LE. Though I started on the project back then, numerous setbacks and time constraints have prevented me from making any real progress until quite recently. I mention this because there is one thing in particular that you (the reader) may accuse me of stealing, but I assure you that I came up with the concept back in March, and built it then. But we'll get to that later. So, what makes this Infection game different, and what about the Zombies makes them ODSZs? I'll tell you. First off, the Zombies have some pretty standard traits. Forced color Black, 125% Speed, 75% Gravity, No shields, 150% Damage Resistance, Primary Weapon Energy Sword, Infinite Ammo, No vehicle use, no weapon pickup, blah, blah, blah. However, the Alpha Zombie does 110% Damage, and has an SMG as his Primary Weapon, as well as an Energy Sword as his Secondary because he's still a Zombie. What?!! A Zombie with a gun?!! OMGWTFBBQ?!! Yes, the Alpha Zombie has an SMG and a Sword, to tie in with the ODST theme. It is important to note though, that only the Alpha gets a gun. And before you ask, he cannot Dual-Wield SMGs because weapon pickup is disabled. Subsequent Infected only have swords as usual. Continuing with the ODST theme, the Alpha Zombie on his initial (and ONLY his initial) spawn appears inside a Drop Pod and falls into the map, crashing through the roof of a garage. He is then free to roam the map, shooting or slicing humans as he sees fit, until he dies. From then on, all zombies -- including the Alpha -- spawn inside their ship, floating high above the map. The ship is not in the Sky Bubble, however. It is simply at the top of the Main Level of Sandbox, which means that all Zombies have a clear view of New Mombasa, and get to jump down to the map below, surprising unsuspecting Humans. In case you haven't guessed, that ability is another part of the ODST theme. Also, most of the buildings in the map have damaged ceilings so that the Zombies can fall through into hiding spots. Enough with all this Zombie-talk. The Humans are pretty standard except that they run at 110% Speed, and spawn with a Magnum, without grenades. No infinite ammo, so I don't think anyone will be getting a Killionaire or an Invincible. Because of the settings, it takes either 3 body shots, or 1 headshot to kill a Zombie with the Magnum. Good luck with that. You'll probably want to upgrade quickly, or it's likely you'll get cornered and die. Especially if you've got Zombies literally coming through the roof. Fortunately, there will be SMGs, Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles, Frag Grenades, and the occasional Shotgun or Sniper Rifle scattered around the map. I'll even throw in a few Mongooses free of charge. Lucky you. Phew. That enough text for you? Good, because I've only got a few more tiny little things to say. For now, let's move onto the pictures. Captions and descriptions are above the picture they're talking about. Okay, first off, The Drop Pod: Comprised of 4 Barricades, the Alpha Zombie spawns cozily in here on his initial spawn. (Now, this is the part where you may accuse me of stealing. Some of you may have come across rifte gifle's map, ods3, which also has a drop pod composed of barricades. However, I did not take the idea from him. As a said before, I thought of (and built) the drop pod waayy back in March. It just happens to be a funny coincidence that we both thought of the same way to build a Drop Pod.) The Alpha Zombie in his Drop Pod: The Alpha Zombie crashes through the Garage: And now here are some pics of what I've completed so far in the map: Inside the Garage: The Gun Shop: Inside the Gun Shop: The Roof of the Gun Shop (I'm very proud of this,): The Bunker (It's across the street from the Gun Shop, and I'm working on the second floor): The collapsed section of the Bunker's roof provides a ramp to the second level: Now, you might be wondering what those Tube Sections are doing behind the Bunker. Well, those will eventually be pipes, one of which is closed, and the other which has been damaged, and will allow Zombies to sneak into the second floor from the ground. That's all I have for now. I'll keep updating this post as I get closer to the final product! Update: 8/2/09 Well, everybody, it seems as though I've run into a slight problem. It's not huge, but it's quite irritating, and I'm hoping someone here might have an idea on how to fix or deal with it. So, I've been trying to build a long, one-story building with three rooms. All was going well as I began to build the outer wall. Unfortunately, I'm known for being a bit of a perfectionist, so I spent a lot of time making sure that all the walls were perfectly straight. I only got about a quarter of the way through the outer wall before I had to save and quit. Here's what the section that I was working on before the problem occured: And before you ask, NO, the walls on the ground won't stay on the ground. Those are just placeholders for the moment. When I came back, all of the walls were crooked, just like when you put walls on their sides in the Sky Bubble. However, these walls weren't on their sides. They were straight up, and were perfectly aligned before I saved and quit. So now, all my beautiful walls look like ****, because they became crooked. Here are some pics of them so you can see the issue (For the easily confused: "Normal" obviously means there's no glitch in the picture. The numbers also correspond, so "Normal 1" is in the same place as "Glitch 1," which is the glitched version of that wall.) Normal 1 Glitch 1 Normal 2 Glitch 2 Normal 3 Glitch 3 Normal 4 Glitch 4 I've tried forging in Local, but even that doesn't solve the problem. Anybody have any ideas on how to fix this? If you do, please post below. That would be great. (Some of you might think, "Dude... it's not a big deal. It didn't move that much. No one's gonna notice." Well, people will actually notice. Though I didn't really get a good pic of it, when you're walking around, it really doesn't look that great. It looks like I didn't put much effort into the map, which is not the kind of impression I want to give.) Questions and/or Answers The drop pod stays together until it hits the ground. I've tested it multiple times. The map also isn't complete, so don't worry about it being open. That won't be a problem. I decided to make the Drop Pod drop immediately, because I wanted the Zombie to get into the map quickly. I didn't want him to have to worry about figuring out how to release it. For the story... well, I'm thinking about it. I'm not sure whether or not I'll do one, because all of the stories I've seen so far have been pretty lame, with the exception of Manifest. That one was only semi-lame. ... *sigh* Can we please get past the stolen Drop Pod thing? I never said that he stole it. All I said was that I thought of it back in March so that you guys wouldn't accuse me of stealing. If you guys believe that you can't steal ideas, then great. Wonderful. I have nothing to worry about. Now, if you're going to comment, please comment on the map itself, not about the "stolen" Drop Pod thing. I'd much prefer actual helpful comments, or suggestions and ideas for improvement over silly arguments. Thank you.
This is a great idea, and I love your drop pod even more than Riftes. Hopefully this will be a fun infection game. There aren't many
i love the idea for this map and i can't wait to see it finished because what it looks like now is just great
I like how you made your drop pod, but it seriously looks like it would break really easily. Can't wait to see the finished product, (or even before it's finished ingame?) you've done quite a lot of geomerging I can already see. Too bad you couldn't make it so that you can choose when to drop, thanks for not using my idea but I've already seen a couple maps that incoorporate the drop pod so I no longer really care.] Also you linked ODS3 to the unfinished preview version D:
Although I don't agree that the idea of four barricades in the shape of a pod can be a claimed idea by a specific person, I like how the map is going so far Awkward! It looks very well made, and to Rifte about the whole chosing when the ODSZ drops thing... Although it would kinda make sense, what's saying a zombie would know how to drop a pod anyways? I understand the player playing as the zombie isn't a real zombie, but... Wait... How did the ODST turn into an ODSZ in the first place? I want a story and I want it now!
I know conker... but I just mean it's too bad that the drop pod couldn't have been made that way. If you really think about it, this is lots diffrent than the pod I made. Awkward's is much simpler, made of 4 and unmerged, mine is composed of 2, merged and has a VERY complicated pallet drop pod system. ohshi-
The drop pod doesn't look like it would stay together for the entire fall... which I suppose doesn't really matter, but it would feel wrong. Otherwise, the map looks a bit open which would make it hard for the zombies.
The drop pod stays together until it hits the ground. I've tested it multiple times. The map also isn't complete, so don't worry about it being open. That won't be a problem.
Yes, I know it's not complete. It just looked a tad open so I thought I would say something. I'm sure the final map will be great, good luck mate.
You cannot say that the idea of ODST drop pods were stolen. Even Ive made Drop pod maps back when there were no DLC maps- Sandtrap and drop pods (small cylidrical containers) and crates. All of my friends had a contest to construct the best drop pod on Sandbox when it came out- It isnt a stolen idea because the idea has allready been done numerous times. So no one can say that the idea is stolen...
*sigh* Can we please get past the stolen Drop Pod thing? I never said that he stole it. All I said was that I thought of it back in March so that you guys wouldn't accuse me of stealing. If you guys believe that you can't steal ideas, then great. Wonderful. I have nothing to worry about. Now, if you're going to comment, please comment on the map itself, not about the "stolen" Drop Pod thing. I'd much prefer actual helpful comments, or suggestions and ideas for improvement over silly arguments. Thank you.
I would like to be one of the testers, could you message me when you're starting to pick people, thanks it looks like it's going to be reallllly fun
I'm liking the garage area a lot right now. It makes me think of Longshore a bit, with that garage thing on the one picture Bungie's given. The drop pod looks nice, but does it stay close together until it hits the ground? Or does it fall apart right away? Either way doesn't really matter, but it'd look nicer if it stayed until it hit. Anyway, finish more so we can see
Well, thanks for the compliment, but if you'd read the Q and A Section, you would've seen that that question had already been answered. -_-
This looks awesome. shame about the glitch, try putting it on your fileshare, delete it from your xbox then redownloading it?