I'd try to render that guy in the back out. Then I would change the flow a bit. Move those vector arrows back towards the focal, and get rid of the stuff on his neck that disrupt the flow. Love the colors though.
It looks like you cut him from the neck.. Nice depth and i like the vectors, maybe soft erase some of the stuff under his head.
i like it, one thing is that the part of the border on the left is brown, but the border on the right is black, WTF. i really like it, i say leave the guy in the back were he is, and the stuff on his neck doesnt really disrupt the flow.
sorry no can do, thats one of the major parts and if I erase some of it I have to erase all of it because just having a piece of it would look weird. Besides you can see his left shoulder and the area right below his head.
The stuff beneath his head don't disrupt flow. And btw, flow is the least important part of vectors, it's different than normal flow. It's all about the effects flowing with depth, opposed to the flow you guys are complaining about, where the effects go in one direction to help aesthetically please the viewer and depth is only a small factor there, but a huge factor in the sig itself. Which brings me to my next point, you brought the main guys head out way too much. His body is so blurred, way too blurred, which makes his head look big and he actually reminds me of a bobble head. And weird border...
1. did not blur his body at all 2. I have no idea what happend to the border, it was solid colored in gimp.
Under the colour, it should say 25, Alpha something, Make that 0 Also, Just make his body a little more visible.