Looks the same as CoD4 only with custom killstreaks. I need to see a lot more to judge it fully though.
I have a sneaky suspicion of custom camoflague. And the video also shows a GPS map fitted to a gun, which must be another upgrade. I hope there is a broader variation of options, like Acog and telescopic sights, infra-red sights, reflex scopes, laser sights etc.
I'm not sure about all of you, but loads more customization is the last thing I want upgraded in MW2. I want diversity and variety in the online experience, and I want to be able to have a good time playing it without always focusing 100% on winning.
So your saying new Perks, weapon upgrades, kill streak unlocks and camoflagues aren't diversity to an online experience?
No, they aren't. Who cares if my bullets now do 15% more damage than they did before, or I can aim farther distances more easily with an ACOG scope, I'm still playing the game in the exact same way as I would had I not gotten those upgrades. It will prove fun and diverse for the first month-two months while I unlock everything, but I know that there's no way in hell I'm doing presitge. So, once I unlock everything, there's practically no variety, no changes, nothing different is going to happen from then on out.
Ye tis a heartbeat sensor. Also, nobody else seems to have noticed but at 0:21, it sayS: AC130 11 Killstreak and under that is says 'Be the gunner of an AC130', when I noticed I was like OMFG! But the weapons look like they've gone downhill, like someone pointed out earlier, they look kinda fake just like on BF:BC.
im pretty sure everyone noticed that, since it was the main focus of the video. you also see some shooting from the gunner point of view, as well as somebody shooting that gunship with what is assumed to be a stinger missile. its just that nobody really felt the need to point out the obvious. Contrary to some opinions, i thought those weapons looked very realistic. And shatakai, what would suggest should be done to diversify the online experience? and some more syuff i saw: in the gameplay HUD there was an army rangers emblem on the bottom right, so they are one team. im not sure what the shull one was. there was also a russian or spetznaz symbol at the stick part. the stick at the end said "you suck an enemy with semtex", semtex is a plastic explosive similar to C4. so you can choose between at least 2 different primary grenades. there was a compass at the bottom right of the HUD, which is a pretty cool addition. at 0:33, there seems to be something that completely jams your minimap, its all static. there also seems to be a segmented bar along the bottom of the HUD. im not sure what this is, perhaps a level progression indicator.
You know, people always ask me that, and I always have to answer with I don't know. I can't think of a big change to implement to diversify the experience. But then again it's not my job to think of what to add, it's Infinity Wards.
Anybody else think that the grenade sticking thing is kind of a rip off of halo 3...? I mean, it might work in gameplay but I can definitely see how it's not an original idea. Though I'm sure halo isn't the first game to use sticking grenades.
not really. it is semtex, the video says "you suck an enemy with semtex". which is a plastic explosive similar to c4, except obviously in a smaller, throw able form instead of more of a satchel charge. so im sure it has many uses besides sticking to people. just some variation other than frags for primary grenades.
So you steal an idea, half hide it with a different name and more than one use, and then use it. Still stealing, amiright?
They should have the gun that Batman had in The Dark Knight that shot those sticky bombs with timers. That'd be legit.
no, its an actual military weapon. are you going to tell me the assault rifles in the game like the AK are a ripoff of the halo AR? the m16 fires a three round burst, so its stealing an idea from the halo BR? no, i dont think so. if anything, halo used military weapons as inspiration for its weapons. which of course is not stealing. its a war based FPS, you cant just make up random weapons like a gun that shoots flaming grizzly bears. they are going to have to have similar weapons.
That would be the best gun for team killing, ever. But if you're going to take things from batman why stop with that gun? I'd love to drive around in the "bat-mobile (****in Tank)" and throw batarangs at people.
Here's a vid that notices all the little things you may have missed. YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 GT Pop-Block: Multiplayer Gameplay HD