Sandbox Lumumba District

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cory21, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    Ah I thought I already commented on this but I guess not. Anyway the games we played on this map were pretty damn fun and epicccc. I recommend this map for everyone, even if you hate infection, you and your friends will LOVE this map.

    BTW is that me completely owning Used Man in the hog? and then uh...... getting killed?
  2. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Yes, the weapons apawn at different times depending on how powerful they are. For example, Plasma Rifles have a 10 sec respawn, Invis and Sword have a 90 second respawn, and the Beam Rifle has a 150 sec respawn, so its very balanced and there won't be one class that is more dominant than the other. Some weapons in different classes may vary. For example the Brute's Spikers and Spike grenade have a 10 sec respawn while his Brute Shot has a 45 sec respawn.
    #22 cory21, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  3. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    really, really, cool looking game, ive seen several other games like this but this one impresses me more. defiant Download and party games galore. the game seems so balanced and fun to play. elite honor guard FTW.

    Health Packs (custom powerups) are vital to the survival of ODSTs. Since ODSTs don't have self regenerating shields, these give anyone who picks them up 100% Shield Regeneration. Each Health Pack has a 3 minute respawn timer and isn't placed at start. However, there must always be one Health Pack in the city at a time. If you pick up a Health pack, it will be instantly moved to another part of the city. The ODST shown above has no shields so he is trying to avoid Covenant soldiers at all costs.

    Since Covenant soldiers have self regenerating shields, picking up a health pack has no effect on them. if you see a health pack as a Covenant Soldier, guarding it would be a better idea so then ODSTs wouldn't be able to regenerate shields.

    Lol, thats an elite.
  4. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    Oh also a little sugestion on the gametype, make the gravity a bit higher for the ODST's
  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I considered about doing this, but it would make the game seem slower seeing as there is a lot of places where ODSTs can jump such as the wooden bridges that extend upward. I just decided to make all the players have the same movement as Matchmaking.
  6. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    Yeah guess that makes since
  7. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Ive only seen two other odst/firefight games and niether of them were as fun as this. Its just such an even fight between the odst's and the covenent. ALthough i like playing as the covenent more due to them being able to play as different classes and try out new strategies for each class. It was a challenging task to survive as the odst's, that is when you and your team break off from one another. But when we stayed together it was a cakewalk until a chieften came from behind us. So nice job. This is deffiantley one to stay on my hardrive for a while. 5/5

    EDIT: also ive been working on a map like this for a while now but its more like firefight. And i was wandering if i could use your spartan idea for the lastman standing. I would give you full credit for the idea to you. I just think thats a really cool idea and wouold actually give the lastman standing a chance.
    #27 Duckman620, Jul 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  8. Willby

    Willby Ancient
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    The map you made is awesomely amazing...I am downloading fo sho
  9. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Yeah, your right about ODSTs not staying in groups. There are a lot of times where the ODSTs complain about being overwhelmed. My answer: stay together. Focusing firepower makes it so much easier for ODSTs.

    Oh, I don't mind if you use the Spartan idea.
  10. 3vi1 K0K0nuT5

    3vi1 K0K0nuT5 Ancient
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    Love that you based this on ODST. Also the fact that you need to use teamwork is good also. I Think you could add a gametype for KOTH and Territories. Territories would be similar to VIP except everyone can capture a territory. Unless you hit the item limit though. Good job keep forging!
  11. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    This is Like Firefight before we actually Have firefight. The Class Idea is amazing as well
  12. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I've released a new gametype for ODST Escort that makes it a little more competitive. You get 2 points for arriving on a destination, but the Covenant gets 1 point for killing the VIP. This makes protecting, and killing, the VIP a little more strategic for both ODSTs and the Covenant.
  13. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    I'll bet someone has already asked this before, but which gametype do you prefer best, cory21? I'm wondering which one plays out most effectively, since you decided to make more than one gametype.
  14. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Awesome sauce! This looks like bundles of fun. I love how you managed to encorporate VIP, Slayer, and Infection all in one gametype style and map. The fact that the map works for all these different gametypes is a true testament to how well the map must be built.

    However, I am curious as to how you got the VIP (I'm assuming it's one sided) to always end up on the ODST's side. Wouldn't it switch back and forth, or just end up being random and end up giving the VIP to the Covenant? I'd actually really appricate an answer to this question, because I'm running into this roadblock with a gametype I've been thinking about.

    Anyways, this looks like a very good game, and I might even give this a dl (I don't download much). Great job!
  15. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I would prefer either ODST Infection, just because its already a popular gametype in custom games, but it doesn't play like an normal infection game. ODST Escort is also a very fun game; it plays casual, but at the end of the game, can become a very fast paced search for the last destination while trying to avoid any Covenant soldiers.

    To Time Glitch: Both VIP gametypes are one-sided. The VIP is always on the ODST's side since the Defenders spawn at the bottom (and the VIP is a defender), and Attackers (Covenant) spawn at the top. Its just like one-sided CTF; the flag always remains at the base, but teams take turns playing offence or defence.
  16. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    This is amazing. I love how you created the classes. I'm making a map thats based off of the Halo 3 ODST Firefight map Security Zone. Me and my friends will have loades of fun playing this. I like how you captured the actual feel for ODST with the health packs and the shields and damage. Great job.
  17. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Woot, 400+ downloads. Anyways, I'm working on the next ODST map that still uses these gametypes (Liwitoni District), and I'm ready to release it, but I want suggestions and problems from the community. If you had any problems from Lumumba District, or anything you think should be added, please post it so I can edit it for Liwitoni District.
  18. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    This is the best map I have ever played. The gametypes are great as well. A great amount of strategy CAN BE (doesn't need to be) involved in this game. I organized a cool game of this and made people change their colors/armor to match their faction. 20/10. Can't wait to see more from you
  19. BHS12Price

    BHS12Price Ancient
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    This is a really awesome representation of what ODST may be like. Though I've only played it with a party of 4, it is really fun. Strategy plays a huge role on both sides and for each class. I'm really hoping you make some more maps for this other than the two you have now because it is so great.

    I downloaded the other map too, but I believe that this one is much better. It may be that it has more of a city feel, and is more open, but I think Lumumba District is much better. Some of my friends seem to camp on the other one, but that never seems like a problem on this. Maybe try to make another city map, or one based off one of the actual firefight maps.

    Keep up the great maps and games, 5/5
  20. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    You are quite a resourceful guy.

    I didn't even release that map (liwitoni) yet. I forgot I put it on my fileshare (unless you tested it with me). Anyways, I tried to make Liwitoni feel similar to Lumumba; but it doesn't quite capture that, but I don't know what I could do. Any suggestions?

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