YouTube - Halo 3 :: The Blue Haze :: Minitage 1 Be sure to go to and!
That was a interesting montage. I liked the swat clips a lot. Your pretty good with a br/sniper. I liked how the music fit with the game play. Also the clip on The Pit where you were about to get the killtacular was cool, how the killtacular symbol popped up in the middle before you got it. Nice job
Thank you Yeah, people have been saying different stuff about the swat clips.. I like them too. But some people don't, so we added them at the end, so it wouldnt ruin it for others.
Loved the editing, and the gameplay even more. I didn't even notice the transitions until I see a different map already on the screen. I thought the killtacular medal flashing on the screen foreshadowing the kill was sick. Keep making montages! Also, where can I download the Chariots map?
I would actually love to see a nice swat montage. I find it impressive if you can get an overkill with four shots and all four people are firing back at you. I do understand that some people do not like swat clips. You were pretty smart by putting them at the end.
Very nice. Glad to see you got a nice HD montage up. Much better than you recording your tv lol. Song was alright, and the gameplay was pretty good. Also I like the idea of putting the swat clips at the end.
Dude that was freaking SICK, I love your editing! Great syncing and gameplay, your my new favourite montager.
0:52 - RxB, i swear to god.. Ryan, do you hack? I also just realized how sexy the syncing is, ive watched it like, twenty times already