Sandbox Bulwark

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MADMAN Redux, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    Update 7-27-09: Uploaded new version that fixes some spawn issues and moved some objective markers.


    This installation was the last line of defense for secrets that were desperately buried below. 4-12 players

    Description: At its core, Bulwark is an asymmetric map designed around the concept of a fortified base with limited choke points. It is meant to emphasize gameplay elements that put one team's back against a wall, while the other mounts an assault. Even Team Slayer games take up this stylized approach, as the spawn system treats the defensive base as a kind of hill one team should control. As long as a team occupies the base, it is guaranteed only teammates will spawn within the fortified walls. Games of one flag and one bomb are optimally suited for the design, but appearances are deceiving in that, if the defense makes one mistake, its perimeter's integrity might fall like a house of cards, leading to the offense's victory. In addition, at conception, spawn camping of the offensive team threatened to be an issue, but the design has ensured offenders can easily break spawn traps in play tests.

    Concept: I love working within the confines of Sandbox's environment to create maps that fit thematically. Bulwark is a kind of laser-defense station that hovers over and guards something. Having failed in the past, the Forerunners (or whoever) scrambled and buried what they were protecting in the sand.

    I started with the center piece, which is the area the laser would fire from. The "control room" is the area behind it behind all the half walls. The end of the bridge would be a landing pad, and the attackers' base would be some kind of gallery area.


    Overview Side 1

    Overview Side 2

    Front Door

    Peeking In

    Overview of Courtyard 1

    Overview of Courtyard 2

    Overview of Courtyard 3

    Overview of Courtyard 4

    The Control Room

    View From Control Room 1

    View From Control Room 2

    View From Control Room 3

    Overview Back

    Out Back

    Out Front 1

    Out Front 2

    Side Ledge 1

    Side Ledge 2


    Rendered Flythrough on

    Recommended Gametypes: One-sided objective games are optimal. Slayer games work well. All gametypes are supported.

    Weapons and Equipment:

    4xBattle Rifle
    3xCovenant Carbine
    1xSpartan Laser
    1xSniper Rifle
    1xBrute Shot
    1xRocket Launcher
    1xPlasma Pistol
    1x2 SMG
    1x2 Spiker
    4x2 Plasma Grenades
    1xDeployable Grav Lift
    1xBubble Shield
    1xActive Camo

    Thanks in advance for any feedback, and thanks to H3ITWP for feedback, support, and test films.

    Download Bulwark
    #1 MADMAN Redux, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  2. xboxfreak

    xboxfreak Ancient
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    i just downloaded the map. it looks really good. my only sudgestion is that you get a closer side shot of the whole thing.
  3. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    bravo dude. this is one of the most intricate/smooth map ive ever seen. im just astonashed. its just a great map with no flaws. 10/10. good job man
  4. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    This is a awesome looking map! Downloading! =D

  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I must tell you this is quite finely interlocked. I'm also jealous that you had the budget/item limit to make this because many of my maps turn out simple and partially incomplete. It's a fine specimen of a map and sorta reminds me of CoD maps (that's not an insult). To me I think this is as good a map as bungie has ever made, except you did it with assembling parts. It sorta looks like ascension in some spots too. 5/5
  6. darkhelmet98765

    darkhelmet98765 Ancient
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    That's too many power weapons for my taste, but I like the asymmetry. Nice creativity with the objects.
    #6 darkhelmet98765, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  7. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    Seems like a lot, doesn't it? If you're the type that prefers MLG style, yeah, you probably won't like the weapon set. Otherwise, I suggest you give it a try before you pass judgment on the weapon set. Really, I didn't realize it had so much until I saw the list. Also, it's very similar to High Ground's weapon set.

    #7 MADMAN Redux, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    Another awesome map MADMAN great job!!! The merging is flawless and the weapon load out is perfect. This map remineds me of High Ground so much but in my opinion plays a lot better.

    The comtrol room area looks great and playing any objective game or TS game on the map it seems you would have to control that area to win, but in fact it it is not necessary. Grenade boing in there keep it from being camped the entire game and you always have to push froward at l;east a little bit to keep control.

    Hopefully you will get more views of this as it is a great map.

    Senior Member

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    Huzzah! its here! Really glad I was able to take part of some of the preliminary tests for this bad boy. The addition of the right side pathway was a tremendous improvement in both flow and balance. I find Bulwark to be super fluid and most importantly, always fun. I agree that while it may seem like a ton of power weapons, they are spread pretty thin throughout the layout and I havent encountered a time where one team was really stocked on power weapons.. and if they were the layout lends itself to rooting them out without too much trouble anyway. I think the center structure in the courtyard has to be my favorite part. I wouldn't doubt that'll be used again in some map in the future. Its gorgeous AND functional. I also dig the open front-styled D-Base. It feels like a base, but doesnt give you a sense of security, which I like. Players are still vulnerable from multiple directions and it has that added sense of urgency about it that reallly adds to the map's overall atmosphere. Overall, I think you did a great job on this, MADMAN. Keep churnin em out!
  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I think it's fair to say that you've achieved what you've set out to do with your initial design. All the games I've played (albeit one-sided objective) have given off that frantic, back to the wall gameplay that you've designed the map to play around. Very enjoyable map even if a little confusing at first (especially for drunk people). The pictures posted don't really do the map justice, as the gameplay trumps the aesthetics by far. It's not a slight against your forging skills but more of a comment on how well the map runs.
  11. Codyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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    I think there is a few too many power weapons, but I see right off the bat that this map is finely interlocked, and looks like a great 2v2 map, 8.5/10
  12. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    I think some spots are pretty while others are ugly. I originally had this cool looking torch-like structure on top of the base. And it had a red light. It really made the base look beautiful. But I cut it in order to make other parts of the map look and feel more complete.

    I think Forgers can appreciate the aesthetic value of the attention I put in to interlock almost everything and to do so perfectly. You won't find one graphical glitch on the map, at least not in playable view, and skipping is minimal. However, since my focus was on function (always is), I chose to cut some of the pretty things. I think the map ultimately benefits from it.

    As for your comments cody, the weapon set is almost exactly like High Ground, if not a little more conservative. And it certainly works for 2v2, but it plays best with 4v4 or 5v5.
    #12 MADMAN Redux, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  13. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    A map to be proud of I feel, combining great visuals with great gameplay and layout. I see that your are the creator of apex, which was one of my favourite maps on the bungie playlist. I see a feature in the not so far future.

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