Sandbox Chromatic

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by b0b43, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. b0b43

    b0b43 Ancient
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    Chromatic is a room-based, asymmetrical MLG map set in the Crypt of Sandbox. It is my second MLG map that I have forged and easily eclipses my first. It has taken a few months worth of forging, from just the simple laying-out Blue Room and the idea of using grass (which was fairly creative at the time) to the five-room megastructure it is now.

    -Map Description
    -Supported Game types
    -Weapon List

    • Map Pictures
    • Action Shots
    -Additional Notes
    • Change Log
    • Tactical Jumps
    -Special Mentions

    Map Description:

    Chromatic consists of five unique rooms – Red, Blue, Green, Objective and Wood. Each room has several entrances and exits, intertwining with each other to give the player plenty of options but not restrict their movement. An Overshield and an Active Camo spawn in the Red and Blue Rooms respectively, while a Rocket Launcher spawns in between Green and Wood Bridge. This weapon set is designed to keep players moving around the map and to reward efficient map control and knowledge.

    Line of sight plays a huge role in Chromatic. Generally, most rooms are fairly spacious to make sure the player is not cramped and has plenty of options to choose from. As a result, the lines of sight in each room are fairly uninterrupted and are designed for optimal mid-range combat. Line of Sight between rooms is much more restricted, but there are plenty of interesting angles to shoot and look through. An example of this would be from Wood Bridge to Green and from Red to Blue-Objective. This, combined with the few 90 degree angle turns on the map, eliminates camping and promotes map movement.

    Chromatic is fast-paced, but not overly so as to ensure bad spawns and extremely quick gameplay. It is also set-up to minimise standoffs wherever possible. This is made possible by the frequent spawning of power weapons and power ups such as Active Camo, Overshields and Rockets, and to a lesser extent, the Plasma Pistol and Mauler. The actual map design is set-out to encourage map movement, where staying in one room and camping will not be beneficial to the team. The result of this is fast-paced, competitive gameplay.

    Finally, aesthetics were an integral part of making Chromatic. It is well known that interesting features on a map help players to remember the map. To do this, I tried to create a variety of interesting structures that a player would see and remember. For example, the Camo Triangle and the Overshields spawn. Combined with smooth forging and clean transitions from each object to the next, the map is pleasing to the eye and engages the player.

    Supported Gametypes:

    Weapon List:

    -4x BR – 10 second respawn
    -2x Carbine – 90 second respawn
    -1x Plasma Pistol – 90 second respawn
    -1x Mauler – 150 second respawn
    -1x Rocket Launcher – 180 second respawn (Drop Spawn)
    -6x Plasma Grenades
    -1x Active Camo – 120 second respawn (Spawn at Start: No)
    -1x Custom Powerup – 120 second respawn (Spawn at Start: No)


    Map Pictures


    Red Base

    Blue Base

    NEW Green Room (Second Hill spawns here)

    Objective Room (Oddball and first and third Hill spawn here)

    NEW Wood Bridge (Fourth Hill spawns underneath)

    Red Street

    NEW Blue Window

    NEW Green Street

    NEW Objective Room from Ramp

    NEW Top Blue

    Action Shots


    Hill Contested

    The Ball

    Double Team

    Watch your back TaK…

    Additional Notes

    Change Log

    Release to Version 2: (for reasoning see page 4 on 10 posts per page)
    -Ramp from Top Blue to Green Room through Blue to help balance Green/Blue setup
    -Tube in Green replaced with Tube, Y-intersection and ramp added from tube to Green street
    -Rocket position slightly altered
    -Jump-up from Bottom Wood Bridge to Rockets
    -Obelisk on Wood Bridge lowered to prevent escaping
    -A few items subsituted to save budget
    -Objective Ramp moved slightly closer to Objective Room
    -OS structure moved half a block towards Objective Room
    -BR Run-time Max. changed to 7
    -Minor spawn tweaks
    -Aesthetic changes in Green, Objective

    Beta to Release:
    -Re-designed Green Room
    -Line of sight reduced between Wood Bridge and Green
    -Pillar in Objective room slightly moved
    -Minor spawn tweaks
    -Various item swaps to save budget
    -Flag Gametypes now supported

    Tactical Jumps
    Green to Blue Street (discovered by HanpMechWarrior)
    1. Run up onto the Wedge and as you hit the bump, jump forward
    2. Hold crouch and land on Blue Street

    Red Ramp to Red Street
    1. Jump up on top of the Red Double Box
    2. Crouch jump over to the pillar
    3. Jump over onto Red Street

    Blue Street to Blue Window
    1. Jump off Blue Street at the place shown
    2. Slide jump off the top of the Camo Triangle
    3. Hold crouch and land in Blue Window

    Special Mentions:
    I would like to thanks these people for helping out:
    -Someguy343 – for keeping progress of the map and providing some ideas
    -Cerberus_Beast – for providing the idea of the Blue Column ramp and letting me use it. Thanks heaps, your thread was at the exact same time I was considering what to do with that area ;)
    -TaK/Seth – for providing much feedback (there were many people who provided feedback, but these two the most)
    -Everyone who helped test – thanks heaps, I hope you enjoyed it
    -Everyone who was amazed by the Camo Triangle, proceeded to stand on it and Change teams to make it look like the spike killed you, and then a week later, stared at the Custom spawn for about a minute proclaiming it the “coolest thing ever”. Yes, there was more then one of you. :D

    Well that’s it. Please download the map, take a look around on it and give me some feedback on what you could see improved. I will gladly accept any valid constructive criticism. If you like it, play a few games on it and tell me how those went too. I can’t force anyone to do this, but it is satisfying as a forger to know that your map is being played on and enjoyed.

    #1 b0b43, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  2. Zombie Time

    Zombie Time Ancient
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    Judging from the pictures i can see a various amount of light of sights which I think will be very interesting with the MLG factor involved. Hopefully when I'm finished playing this it will prove to be amazing because this map honestly does look it. Nice job!

  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your link is broken.

    Wow, this map has a lot of potential judging from the pics. I can't wait to play on it. I really like how you incorporated the room-to-room combat style of maps. Those floors on some rooms make the map look amazing. Every object seems to be well placed and very clean.

    Great job man. You really have the potential to be a good forger, keep it up.
  4. b0b43

    b0b43 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry about that, the link is fixed now. Had problems with the post, but it's good now. Thanks for the comments guys!
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Featurre this nao!
    No honestly, this map is great, interlocking is very pleasing. The way it should be.
    The map looks as if it has nice gameplay aswell, if this doesnt get featured, then we all know that the mods play favriotes with other memebers. This diserves it.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I cannot wait to play on this. I've been waiting for quite a while to see what you've been working on, and so far it doesn't seem to disappoint (bad me for judging off pictures). It's times like this that I wish I wasn't at work (along with most other days, but still...). I'll certainly be returning with some feedback after I get some games on it. Do you have a favorite gametype?
  7. deadlyshotz247

    deadlyshotz247 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice looking map. It surely shows that you were patient on this and took your time. The only thing that I would change is maybe add some center cover in the grassy area ,seems a bit open. I will dl and give you some more insightful feedback after I run some games on this with my friends. Great forging keep it up. 4/5 before dl from me based on its simplicity. Although simple it looks to be a very affective map.
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Oh man am I impressed. That geomerging made me beat myself in the head thinking of how much effort you spent in a map. Anyways, I ABSOLUTELY love the Obelisk design and Green is still quite original. Though if one thinks its not, I'll help to prove them wrong. 5/5, already downloaded and put into my fileshare. No, I'm honored ='D
    #8 Gollygeeanelite, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  9. Limeyy

    Limeyy King of the Fruits
    Senior Member

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    The pictures do not say enough about the gameplay, it is absolutely amazing. The amount of unforced movement with the geometry allows you to take on any situation with more abstract ways, movement is consistant and neccassary, and after playing a quick 3v3, everything from the previous testing is improved. For a gametype, even though you are asking Bob, play KOTH. It will blow your mind. This needs featured.
  10. Muiriled

    Muiriled Ancient
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    Only problem that I have is the fact that as a MLG map, it has both camo and CP. I find having 2 powerups on a map over power. And I don't think camo and rockets/camo and hill on the same map are a good idea for highly competative gameplay. Otherwise it looks amazing.
    #10 Muiriled, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  11. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    Wow this should be the "fap" section of forgehub cuz this is orgasmically amazing. So clean and beautiful! Believe me, everyone does or will appreciate your originality. Auto download. I agree with MR P1B that this should be featured nao!
    Great job. Keep forging great maps like this one.

    Need a tester for your next map? Message me. GT = Prong23
  12. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    Wow! What an awesome map! I love the curved custom powerup holder. So, the interlocking rocks, and the playability looks very good. My only problem is that you might want to remove the rockets and add a bit move cover.
  13. b0b43

    b0b43 Ancient
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    Like Limey said, Hill plays the best. I think everyone agreed with that. Slayer also plays very well and not just by default like on many other maps. I personally like Oddball, but Hill and Slayer do play better - but in no means is Oddball a weak gametype.

    You would be quite suprised to hear then it plays really well. As they are on same timers, it takes skill to be able to control them effectively throughout the game. They are not always picked up exactly on 2mins either, so timing them is a great skill. The rockets are a definate set-up breaker and work to their exact purpose. Not to mention the craziness that occurs at 9mins in a Hill game, where Rockets, Camo, OS and a new Hill is up - then somehow realising you have each one ;)

    A bit like how Onset (featured on the front page now) and other MLG Forge 1v1 games work. Having an OS + Snipe + Camo on 45/60 respawns seems way overpowered, but it works very well because you must traverse the map and be able to control each when the time is right.

    Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm working on a few changes and reviewing films. I'll update when it is read.
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    During a forgethrough, I noticed that your BR's have their runtime max set to 4, the amount that's on the map. No biggie, but just thought I'd mention it since you're making tweaks. Beautiful map, though. I'm looking forward to some games.
  15. b0b43

    b0b43 Ancient
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    The run-time min is 4, so having a maximum spawn limit should be balanced by the BR spawning instantaneously. The main reason however was to save budget, because I didn't really know whether or not I would need that $11 I have left.

    I don't want to release a whole new version just for one change, so if I can find enough valid changes to make to the map I will include this in, budget permitting.
  16. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    I downloaded and ran through this yesterday and I was amazed :) I was only able to play a 1v1 on it which I know is not ideal, but it was even fun for that.

    The map itself looks fantastic; the multiple changes in texture increase the replayability tenfold as it is far more interesting than your usual crypt MLG map. Oh and I love the custom spawn, the curved pillars are sexy.

    The greatest thing about this map however is that it reminded me so much of H CE (though I can't work out why). I would happily 5/5 this but for some reason I still can't rate maps :(
  17. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Great to see you post this over here on forgehub bob, hopefully people here will finally learn what makes a good MLG map and stop doing Ons/Amp v7 haha.

    Anyways i cant believe how long you spent on this map, 3 months right? It is extremely clean and is a MASSIVE jump in quility from your other maps. I applaud you for creating a completely original H:CE esque room based map. Cant wait to get some games on it!

    Me and Phuria are teh epicsauce.
    #17 HezbollaHector, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  18. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    This map is the craziest thing i have ever seen. I did a forge through and my brain almost exploded. The path manipulation is frickin insane. If forging is life...this is sex. This is what keeps people going. The thought of possibly making somehthing this amazing someday will keep people going. This inspires everybody.
  19. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    i envy you. i still dont know how to geomerge that cleanly. its INSANE. nice map du. i hope it gets featured
  20. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This really is a stellar map with an extremely nice layout. My favorite part of the map is on the right side of the sixth picture. It's awesome how you have the ramp underneath and the walkway over top so close to each other, yet they are almost completely different areas of the map in terms of where they lead to. Gameplay is amazing... try 1v1 Sniper SWAT. The forging is top notch too.

    Oh yeah... did I say how much I love this map?

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