Sandbox Guardian Ball (2.0) and King Guardian on The Cog Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Noxiw, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Welcome to the Cog Arena
    Download links at the bottom of thread.

    A. Thanks
    B. The Cog Arena Details and Background
    C. Guardian Ball Rules and Gameplay
    D. Guardian Ball Images
    E. Guardian Ball Stratagies
    F. King Guardian Rules and Gameplay
    G. King Guardian Images
    H. King Guardian Stratagies
    I. Extras
    J. Download Links
    K: Conclusion

    A. Thanks
    Let me get started by thanking all those who gave their feedback on the original thread of Guardian Ball. Let me say that all the comments were taken into consideration in the construction of The Cog Arena. You will find this map has more attension to detail, absoultely no floor bumps, and is even more entertaining than the previous.

    B. The Cog Arena Details and Background:
    The Cog Arena (First called G.B. Arena) originally started off from some friends and I pointlessly forging, with the use of some small blocks, man cannons, and some target practice, a one thousand candle watt lightbulb went off in my head. A night of forging later, I finally came up with the idea of the G.B. Arena, and Guardian Ball, While the original game was freakishly addicting to myself and friends, it was full of issues, being relatively sloppy, with a walking bump every couple of feet, and poorly constructed walls.

    Over one month later, with no plans on making a 2.0 I released the G.B. Arena and Guardian Ball to the forgehub community as my first map and gametype. (I have ALOT of other maps before this, this was just my first public map) It was accepted rather well, and with the feedback from you guys, I decided to push myself and make The Cog Arena. (For those of you that don't know "Cog" isn't neccesarily a Gears of War term, a Cog is a mechanical peice, it basically looks like a gear.

    During construction, if something wasn't perfect it wasn't good enough. I redid every aspect of the map multiple times until I had a result I was pleased with. And I hope you are pleased with it too. Now, Getting to the actual point of you viewing this thread.


    C. Guardian Ball Rules and Gameplay:

    The basic point of this map is a free for all oddball game (between 3 and 6 players) or team oddball (2v2 or 3v3 (2v2 recommended.)) Just like any other Odd Ball game, the objective is to hold the ball for the most amount of time. However, the guardians, those lovely lovely guardians, play a major roll in this game:

    In four spots of the outer wall you'll see the haze from a man cannon shining through, out of those spots comes the lovely lovely Guardians, in the form of boxes. :) They have enough energy to push you, push other blocks or even splatter you.

    General Rules:
    • Score to win: 200
    • Team Oddball: Enabled (You decide whether or not it is single-player teams or multi-player teams)
    • Team Scoring: Sum of Team
    • Carrying Points: 1
    • Ball Count: 1
    • Initial Ball Delay: 5 Seconds
    • Primary Weapon: Pistol (experiment with this, many other weapons are also fun!!)
    • Secondary Weapon: None
    • Weapons on map: Battle Riffles and Carbines (spawn late into game)
    • Equipment on map: Sticky, Spike, Flame Grenades, and a bubble shield (spawning late into game)
    • Vehicles on map: none
    • Custom Powerups: none
    • Number of rounds: one
    • Time limit: none
    • Respawn time: 5 seconds
    • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
    • Betrayal Penalty: 5 seconds
    • All other non-player based traits unchanged.
    Base Player Traits:
    • No shield recharge
    • 25% shield vampirism
    • 200% damage multiplier
    • Grenade count: unchanged (2 frags)
    • Waypoint visible to allies
    Ball Carrier Traits:
    • 90% Damage Resistance
    • 75% of normal speed
    • 150% Gravity
    • Waypoint visible to everyone
    D. Guardian Ball Images:

    E. Guardian Ball Stratagies:
    While some stratagies are obviously carried over from most standard Odd Ball games, however, with the ever-moving environment, new stratagies were formed:
    You don't need to use these, but after many many games with friends, these were the most effective. Feel free to create your own stratagies as well, if you come with any good ones, I'd love to hear them!
    1) The Bubble: Every two and a half minutes a bubble shield spawns in the middle of the map, this sets the ball carrier up for 30 seconds of protection if deployed in a good area. (i.e. Against a wall, between a bunch of blocks etc)
    2) Ball Dropper: When you're in a tight situation, dropping the ball may be your best bet, drop it, kill your enemies, pick it up again. But be careful not to let it respawn to the centre of the arena.
    3) The Launcher: A great (but risky) escape route is to actually jump into the man cannons, it will quickly launch you across the map to the other side. But beware, Boxes are twice as likely to splatter you with your added velocity. (Note: You literally have to jump into the man cannons, walking along the wall will not launch you)
    4) Flamer: Flame grenades spawn in the center weapon holder every thirty seconds, but after alot of deaths, they're a pretty common pickup. Use these to your advantage, with no shield regeneration, flame grenades will usually be an instant kill!



    F. King Guardian Rules and Gameplay:

    General Rules
    • Number of Rounds: 5
    • Score to win round: 10
    • Team KotH: Disabled
    • Respawn Time: 3 seconds
    • Uncontested Control Points: 1
    • On Hill / Off Hill Points: 0
    • Kill Points: 0
    • No hill movement
    On Hill Traits:
    • 10% Damage Resistance
    • 0% Damage Modifier
    • 2x Overshield
    • -10% Shield decay
    • 25% Shield Vampirism
    • Grenade Regeneration: On
    • Infinite Ammo: On
    • Weapon Pickup: On
    • Movement: 110%
    • Active Camo: Good Camo
    Base Player Traits:
    • Damage Resistance: 100% (Normal)
    • 2x Overshield
    • Shield Recharge 200%
    • 25% Shield Vampirism
    • 300% Damage Modifier
    • Primary Weapon: Gravity Hammer
    • Secondary Weapon: None
    • Grenade Count: None
    • Grenade Regeneration: Off
    • Weapon Pickup: Disabled
    • Movement: 110%
    • Active Camo: Off
    What all this means, when you're in the hill, you can't do damage, but you can die easily, (i.e. splattered by guardians easily) When you're out of the hill you kill easily, grenades thrown in, hammering on the edge of the hill etc.

    G. King Guardian Images:

    NOTE: In the event that you fly out of the map, simply walk over to the nearest fusion coils, and kill yourself, this isn't a glitch, this is just an unexpected occurance. This is meant to happen occasionally. It's kind of a reward (or curse depending on what side of the stick you're on...) (note there are no objects (other than fusion coils) outside of the arena, don't bother looking.) If someone doesn't feel like killing themself once they're out, they'll just lose that round, it's their choice.

    H. King Guardian Stratagies
    Again, most King of the Hill Stratagies still work, but with the added crate splatters, things change...
    1) Grenade Chucker: Dealing damage while you're outside of the hill is a very beneficial thing, if there's say two or three people battling it out in the hill, throw in a grenade, get a double or triple kill, claim some points for yourself. Remember, any damage you deal out side of the hill is usually an instant kill. Also note that you have to enter the hill, and get your grenade regeneration going before you have grenades.
    2) Volley Ball: In the event someone gets launched high up in the air, keep them there! They're outside of the hill floating above, while you're racking in the points! Just watch out for falling grenades, remember, they're outside and can kill you.
    3) Anti-jumping: The Catches (outer weapon holders) fling the boxes into the air, if you're jumping, you're more likely to get splattered. Try to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground.
    4) Flamer: If you're outside the hill, throw in a flame grenade, that's basically a ten-second-instant-kill for anyone who comes close to it. Clean up!


    I. Extras:
    So far, of the hours of time my friends and I have spent playing the two of these maps this has happened only twice, getting a splatter medal. I'm not exactly sure of the stipulations of how it happens, but when it does, it is hilarious. You would think that inflicting damage upon someone whom is blasted by a passing crate would get you the medal, but it doesn't. Like I said, i'm not exactly sure of the exact stipulations in getting this medal. Let me know if you do get one, and feel accomplished about it.
    Another difficult medal to get is a killing spree or above, If you can get these, I congratulate you!

    J: Download links:
    Sorry to keep you waiting, you knew they were down here, if you didn't want to read all that, you didn't have to, don't be mad at me! Here are the links:

    The Cog Arena
    Guardian Ball

    K: Conclusion
    That sums up this minigame thread! PLEASE give me your feedback! Thank you, and enjoy!

    P.S. Look at the old version!!
    #1 Noxiw, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha, love the idea. I actually played something like this before, although there were not items flying at you. Pretty good job for originality. Aesthetics are also good and im sure my friends will get a fun kick outta this.
  3. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    Wow this looks very fun. Moving cover that kills you. The cog design is brilliant, too. I might prefer guardian ball over king guardian, just because you can utilize the moving cover more. Both gametypes look like a blast, however. Great job, very original.

    EDIT: I'm pretty sure (But not positive) that the splatter medal is given if you affect the movement of the item that hits the other person. (ie. Shooting the block, or hitting the block with a grav hammer before anything else affects the movement of that block.)
    #3 Mr Garfunkle, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  4. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    "This is an A map for me. I love the idea and originality. I mean, we've all seen these types of maps on Foundry and a few on Sanbox, but this looks really well made and thought out. Guardian ball seems a bit funner to me (is funner a word?) but they both would be a blast. Couple hits out the bong, call up the friends and watch them get creamed by moving small blocks! This is going to be blast." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
  5. jonnypro50s

    jonnypro50s Ancient
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    hey i love playing this game it so should be like in action sack or something
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments guys! Support is very much apreciated!! Glad you guys enjoy it. :)
    #6 Noxiw, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  7. drunk

    drunk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, SICK its weird but cool all in one nice job.
  8. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    I like this much better than the first version. The arena being round has a much better feel for the map type. Great job. Keep Forging!

    My latest map: Leolism 1.1
  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, anything I can improve on?

    I really want to think of new gametypes that can be used in there... any ideas?
  10. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    making it a cog arena has no effect on the game play so it's useless but the game itself looks alright.... it is good for oddball and all that but it isn't a game that you could play long it would get dull and repetitive really quickly...
  11. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    This is a mini-game forum, a forum comprised primarily of mini-games. So Oddball is the primary game on this map? Go to 99% of the other mini-games, they, as well, only have one dedicated game type. If you've read any of feedback on the old thread, (or this one for that matter) or if you actually tried the game out you would realize that the relentless unpridictability of the game keeps it from becoming dull. The fact that it is shaped like a cog simply adds to the aesthetics of the map, which to many of the members of forgehub, plays a large factor of it's originality and overall quality.

    Going back to the old phrase: Don't judge a book by it's cover; try it out, and if you still feel that way, so be it. But I am willing to bet, you would change your mind if you tried it out.

    Constructive. Critisism. Please.
    #11 Noxiw, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  12. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Thanks for the great feedback Bullets, I would love to know, what about it don't you like? Everyone I have played with has had a blast, and leaving a comment like that doesn't help me improve anything, and it makes you look like a tool.
  13. jpisaniello

    jpisaniello Ancient
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    I however LOVE this map. I played it awhile ago and LOVED it and the concept. Good map, keep up the good work, and maybe we will see a v3?

    P.S. first post!!!!!
  14. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i Dont really catch the goals of the game but it could be fun ! I will download it and look the good point and the bad !
  15. DarkShadowxXx66

    DarkShadowxXx66 Ancient
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    Amazing map, me and my friends however just avoided the gametypes you gave us and instead went to random-random weapons and cranked up the speed to 200% and had wicked fun on it. Actually, now that I think of it, I made this: YouTube- Cog Arena Free For All
    Of me and my friends doing that. Keep up the great work!
  16. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey thanks Darkshadow!
    You'll be happy to know that the third installment will be here soon.

    You can read my preview thread here.

    Thanks for making a vid of it. :)
  17. DarkShadowxXx66

    DarkShadowxXx66 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem, we had wicked fun with laughing our asses of at getting owned by blocks, so thank you. :)
    And sweet, too bad I don't really play Halo a lot any more...

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