First time entering a SOTW in a long time. Personally I think the stock wasn't very good, like last weeks, but liked the outcome to this one. Although I feel that it is someone bland. Suggestions?
The stock is a jpg. I didn't like the quality. Anyway, nice sig, Im still trying to find some kind of effect for my sig. I think a c4d works. I see you used one, but the whole sig still seems to be bland.
It's a .PNG, but yeah the quality is kind of poor. Work on sharpening and blurring different parts of your sig, that is the most you can do to improve the quality...
hey pigglez anyways, yeah i agree that is kinda bland. try gradient maps, fixing the lighting (basically making the lighting more defined) and i guess text could use some work.. thats it for my advice
No EGP meant for the sotw stock. As for the sig I think the effects are good but they need to be added to more of the sig. In other words there is a little to much empty space. Also the text is a little strong.