Legendary DLC Mudkipz

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Chase Uchiha, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    We were and still are trying to get recon, we made this when i first got my x box 360 with just a single mudkip, and me and my clan/friends editted it to make it even better, custom neutral bomb gametype as well.


    I only have one picture, cause the map despite the gametype is more of a novelty to show to people than anything.

    Links to map and gametype.

    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    The first picture on my fileshare is also pretty epic.

    Thanks, and gg to you all.
  2. leadh34d

    leadh34d Ancient
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    I love mudkips! And I love that there are more than one! I love that this is playable on. Are the eyes held in place by an immovable object? Nice job on building these!
    #2 leadh34d, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  3. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    Thanks, IT was so frustrating though cause I rotated the first one before building the second, then made the second, no problems at all... then I forgot to save, and rebuilt the second one again, accidentally deleted the whole map, then made them from scratch all over again.

    So i love mudkips too, i'm just sick of building the things.
  4. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well from the looks of it, the maps looks pretty descent... I would really be able to understand in more if you had maybe a side view and overview screenshot. Anyways adding more pics would be nice, i will edit post when you do.
  5. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Fromt he front view it looks pretty good, but you def. need more pictures. left and right sides, aswell as from behind.
  6. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    Well I didn't want to post anymore cause like i said, the map is more of a novelty anyway, so (not to be rude in any way) If you don't see it yourself, it's not worth it. You can see a picture of the eiffel tower, or you can load the map and see it in person. That's why the map was made ^^

    Oh, and it's like 12:35 here, so i'm going to bed cause I got school in the morning, and I gotta tell my clan members that the map is out etc. Night ^^ cya in like... 8 hours? ^^
    #6 Chase Uchiha, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    So basically... You dont want people to understand this map at all by not adding more screenshots...And you just want them to download it....?
  8. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Originally Posted by Chase Uchiha [​IMG]
    Well I didn't want to post anymore cause like i said, the map is more of a novelty anyway, so (not to be rude in any way) If you don't see it yourself, it's not worth it. You can see a picture of the eiffel tower, or you can load the map and see it in person. That's why the map was made ^^

    Oh, and it's like 12:35 here, so i'm going to bed cause I got school in the morning, and I gotta tell my clan members that the map is out etc. Night ^^ cya in like... 8 hours? ^^

    The only reason people would want to see it in forge is because they have seen it in pictures. But anyway, nice mudkip (he was my starter). U still need more pictures though.
  9. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    That's basically it in harsher terms. The map was made as a novelty, a trophy, to look at it and have your friends go "What the hell? Is that a giant mudkip!?" The gametype was just there to be there. There is no "Understanding" this map, it's a "NOVELTY" for like the 3rd time now. The gametype is to blow up the other team's mudkip, simple as that.

    Think of this map as a screenshot you can look at from different angles, anytime you want.

    and it's a mudkip, who doesn't love mudkips!
    #9 Chase Uchiha, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  10. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
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    this is the wrong forum, this should be in aesthetics...
  11. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    thanks i'll move it over the... It was already moved, sweet!
  12. Monitor

    Monitor Ancient
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    Well from the looks of it, the maps looks pretty descent... I would really be able to understand in more if you had maybe a side view and overview screenshot. Anyways adding more pics would be nice, i will edit post when you do.
  13. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    Fourth time now, and this time here's the whole story. I'm not posting any more pictures, BECAUSE if i do, it'll ruin the actual map, the mudkip map is meant to be looked at in normal or monitor mode as a work of art, so i'm not posting any more pictures, because that's what the map is for, to look at.

    Now please stop repeating things over again, or i'll have to repeat answers over again.
  14. Monitor

    Monitor Ancient
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    I really don't know what mudkip is so I can't really rate this, but the screenshot looks ok for my standards, next time get more than one screenshot!
  15. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    not to be rude, but your answer is pretty stupid. People will be able to better judge whether or not it is worth their time to download and walk through it by seeing it in screenshots first. Having only one screenshot tells me that your either lazy, or you're trying to hide part of your work. Both of those make me NOT want to DL your map. And more shots would certainly give me a better idea of what a mudkip is.

    Basically, if all you want is downloads, more screenshots will attract more people to DL it.
  16. Chase Uchiha

    Chase Uchiha Ancient
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    look, the picture is a preview of the map, if i put more screenshots of the map, then there's no reason you should download the map, it's just to look at! I'm trying to get the MAP known, not the screenshots of the map. It's like taking a tour of a building, it's not the same thing taking a virtual tour of a building, and seeing the actual thing. You want more screenshots? Download the map, there's screenshots galore let me tell you...

    now please, stop telling me to post more pictures, the map is supposed to be there for you to go in, press up on the d pad, and fly around to look at the mudkips, the gametype was just for bungie.
  17. HaIo

    HaIo Ancient
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    It looks pretty good but what does mudkip mean?
  18. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    the map will not be known if people dismiss it after only seeing one screenshot, which is exactly what i did. more shots makes it more interesting, which makes the urge to download greater.

    i see your point, but you're not drawing people in, you're pushing them away. That's my final piece.
  19. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    Cyndaquil or Torchick Please!
    Or maybe Giratina, Groudon, Palkia or Dialga...
    Nice looking from that angle,
    MORE PICTURES ARE NEEDED to be honest with you.
    Not much to say simply becuase there is not much to see.
  20. The Punisher

    The Punisher Ancient
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    I herd u liek Mudkipz? XD Awesome map. Nicely done. Good merging too.

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