If they do make another map pack it would probabolly stray from the difficulty and call it like Cavalier or some kind of Rank, and If they do, please, please Give us this. 1. Headlong Remake 2. Relic Remake 3. New Forest map 4. New City map, with buildings (Clean new areas, not dirty anywhere!) That would be an epic way to finish making maps. Or to give us more new maps, or even remake all the Halo maps for one inal KaBOOM!
Idk, i like foundry boxes way more than traxus boxes Heretic is tiny. Theres not much you will be able to do. think cold storage
Benji, you quoted a paragraph about Citadel to back up your claim that Heretic is tiny. Cold Storage is probably a good map to compare Citadel too. Quite small but still able to support 8 players in teams or FFA. Heretic probably won't be much bigger but it is a more open, arena style map. Its one big room with the 2 smaller bases coming off it. I imagine Citadel will have several smaller rooms, all leading to the central room (in the screenshot) like Cold Storage.
Like, a metropolitan city that has been recently abandoned, so everything is clean and not new mombasa-ish, there could be like, elevators and locks. Then, if not a multi island relic like map, a relic remake with good forging items then, a forerunner forest map, with aesthetics like gaurdian, although it is on the ground, with 2 bases, kind of like vallhalla, except with a forest, different bases, and a smaller playing area.
lol its just me and u posting on this thread but seriously, the forerunner forest map is one of my best halo 3 ideas yet, i could go into details, in fact, I will. symmetrical forerunner bases, a little bit bigger than vallhalas bases with two floors, then, off to the sides, small paths leading to streams on the side of the map that flow downwards into the center structure, trees surrounding the map, with some groves in and off to the sides of the map, with grassy hills
lol yes we are the only ones. Anyway Ithought of it first lol I really want this map to become a reality. It would be the best of alltime aesthetically and gameplay wise, also could be transformered into the next good forging map. This is so off topic lol
forerunner aesthetics are pleasing automaticly, they are so cool looking, but its hard to copy them in forge, which brings me to another great idea, forerunner forging items. like a forerunner themed double box, no more traxus or foundry boxes, ya cant go wrong there. no u.............wait......... *facepalm*
I remember reading somewhere that Longshore was a semi remake. Like parts of it, not all. If I can find the link I'll post it.
I remember reading something like that in the MLG forums, don't remember the post exactly, then the other one was somewhere on b net. Edit: on the MLG forums they said that the docks was apparently like headlong?
Yeah, thats what I was expecting. I hope that it is, but they don't know for sure, since it is after all not playable yet. Man I can't wait, I hope its an accual Headlong Inspiration
Don't contradict me ROFL, lol I wonder if well be able to build out off the structure. or like into the water at least slightly so it doesn't look like a traxus box, but you can still walk on it. halfway submerged into water. Look out for sharkies!
god im just thinking about it and it would have been so cool if it was a relic remake. the fact that its a new mombasa theme is probably going to effect the map layout and looks in a negative way. rats nest, foundry, now this sad faic
it might not, and if longshore isnt that good, im dependin on citadel to be really awesome, im hoping you can go out onto the outside of the construct on citadel, like on the map Construct.