Yes on the first one, but on the second one you're way off. Take note of how things usually look. I'll post help if the next two guess wrong.
No, sorry this was a retarded picture. It was easier on the Xbox. Here's before I was in the picture And here's the current picture.
ha now i see you thanks your on the bush right next to the tree because there is a change in direction very tricky!
The bush was bent to the left, indicating that something (an invisible master chief) was standing on it making it lean.
I don't see that the bush is bending, but I can see a few ripples in the pictures on the bush. Can players bend plants? I didn't think they could...
Look in the first picture, the bush stands up relatively strait. Now look in the second picture, the bush is bent over. And yes players can ahem "Bend plants".
I love I spy. Good idea for screensots. But like Cookieking23 said earlier, you shouldn't have to strain your eyes to see what your looking for. You just need to put it in a place they will never suspect it. BTW you should totally make a find Waldo or Wally or Master Chief or whatever.