I definitely missed this one in the forums. But I gave it a download because it does look solid, and I could really use a nice solid map.
I downloaded this a long time ago already. Didn't get the chance to play it though. Well, since the staff approves of it, I guess I'll get a game here soon. Great job and congrats on the feature you guys!
The grass effect has been used many times before. I don't see why this map is featured, but it does have some originality which I lke. I don't even see a weapons list.
The map was made awhile ago and was based off a foundry design Nicka designed in sketchup which we changed up to work even better. The grass was to give a little bit more colour variation and a nice aesthetic touch to courtyard.
I love 1v1 and 2v2 so I'll try to download this ASAP. I like the grass at the bodttom. It's kinda hard to tell it's in the skybox which I like.
Honestly, I like it but it does not seem feature worthy. I'm sorry but it's not very original, it could play amazingly but so could many other maps. Don't get me wrong though it's a good map, without a doubt. I'm just saying what a lot of people are thinking which is, "why did this get a feature?" Oh and to the staff, please don't get defensive, I'm just giving my opinion.
This map is epic, go play a game on it and tell me it doesnt deserve a feature Over 9000 happy faces for Nicka and Phuria on their first features! And to those who say its unoriginal, it is based off Quake and UT as are most of Nicka's and Phuria's old maps/ designs.
True that. In fact, here are a couple of pics from my old photobucket that are of the first stage of design, (before me and Phuria changed some things around once Sandbox came out.)
This is a fantastic feature and helps promote the "Any map can be featured system". Now members don't have to think "well the only way I'll get featured is if I make a really good competitive/MLG map." We've seen a great variety of maps being featured lately and this continues the trend. From Aesthetics, under/over budget race tracks, under/over budget remakes, competetive maps, MLG maps, Minigames, to 1v1 maps. The whole gambit of maps is being covered. We know now that no matter what you make or how you make it (budget glitch, etc) that your map has as good of a chance to be featured as any other map as long as you made it well and it plays well. It's nice to see a 1v1 map with so much thought and complexity involved. I've been looking for a new map since Hype has lost it's flair and this will be the perfect replacement. You can disagree with them featuring this particular map, but what 1v1 maps out there are better than this?
You just implied that it got featured because its a 1v1 map? Because it is a 1v1 map does that mean it is any more deserving than the rest? Does it being a 1v1 map differentiate it as "better" or more "deserving" as any other map? I dont CARE if its a 1v1 map, I simply don't like this map. Its a matter of opinion, NOTHING to do with its player size.
This looks like a good map, but whats the gametype for?? Why would this map need one? It seems that this would be perfect for normal slayer...... I must be missing something
I think a lot of the members on this site have built up featured maps to a degree that people now view them as having to be an "absolute-must have-epic beyond all proportions-master piece of forging". This is actually far from the truth. We try and find maps that are good, plain and simple. And this map is good, plain and simple. Remember, how it plays is the most important factor. Everything after that is just gravy :0)
That's a nice response, that wouldn't be lightsouts reaction to someones opinions. But, alas, this map looked pretty solid. My friends and I tried a 6 player FFA but let me tell you that we agreed that is definitely not the maps purpose. We agreed overall that it would play well for the intended purpose, 1v1. So, its a great map overall, decent layout and things.
No, I implied that we hardly ever feature 1v1 maps. This 1v1 map simply put played good enough and was aesthically nice enough to be apart of the maps featured on this site. And no, it doesn't mean that just because it's a 1v1 map it is better or more deserving than any other map. We just see this as a great 1v1 map. That is fine by me that you don't like it. It's highly improbable for everyone to like something.
Really this map deserved the feature. No doubt. People apparently think all maps must be important to the 100th% and really they don't. Lets look at it this way. A map could be pure crap yet it it could be featured WHY? Because clearly the person had put there time and effort into what they were in there mind thinking was a very very good idea and that is perfectly understandable. So please consider some of the maps you made and then think did you put the effort it really needed into the map or did you just screw with it because it looked good or thats what he did. Seriously ill say it again... A MAP COULD BE A PIECE OF CRAP, YET WITH EFFORT AND TIME IT CAN BE GREAT! All you need to know really and im taking what ive been told or seen a 100 times and putting into this.
Finally this map got featured, it should of been right off the bat. I love almost everything about this map even the banshee's getting it on in the background. 5/5 & Congrats on the feature.