The charactor looks LQ or blurry, and the saddle bad thing is NOT working...The light source is to far from the focal and diminshes any flow the signiture might have. The colors look like ****, literaly.
Woah... being a bit harsh, don't you think? The colorization is ok. The border is fine. I would say that Marcus is a bit too blurry, he needs to be sharpened a bit. I think that the bloom-lighting is a bit too much, it makes the focal a bit hard to see. As DC said, the light coming from the top left corner of the sig is too far away from the focal; you should try moving the lighting to the bottom right corner and see how that turns out. You already said you were going to change the sandbags, so I will not comment on them until I see your updated version. Overall, an Ok sig. The main thing that needs tweaking is the lighting. You should also try adding additional effects, and see what you can come up with. It is nice so far, but a bit more work on it and it could be really good.