Forerunner is my attempt at making the upcoming map Citadel. You can use it for free for all oddball, slayer and king of the hill. You can also play team slayer 4v4 and CTF 4v4. I have updated my map so that it is unbreakable (I think). If anyone finds a place that you can glitch out of then I'm sorry but I can't put anymore objects down as it keeps on telling me there are too many on the map... here's the new download link: Weapons: 2x battle rifle 2x carbine 1x assualt rifle 1x sentinal beam 1x rocket launcher 2x SMG 1x needler 1x energy sword 2x shotgun 2x plasma rifle 2x mauler Equipment: 1x bubble shield 1x flare 1x regenerator 4x plasma grenade 2x frag grenade Now for some screenshots... map overview the back room (the 'M' room) the main room the corridors, with grav lifts that take you up to the corridor above the door way to the back room, with the energy sword Now for some action shots (there's not many) stuck you good lazor beamz no rockets for you! I hope you like my map. any criticism is much appretiated.
first i must say very good forging but i dont think it would be good to remake a map thats not even out yet plus it kinda takes the surprise away for people who havent seen pictures of citadel yet but the forging is nice and i would remove the rockets for sush a small enclosed map because it seems like they would dominate but besides the negatives off course that is very nice forging and just a tip put grav lifts under an immovable object to prevent people from disabling them unless you want them to be like that. sorry i almost forgot welcome to forgehub so keep making maps but maybe not the ones that havent come out yet
thanks for the welcome also I tried to put the grav lift underneath an immovable object but every time i stepped on it the grav lift just dissapeared? any suggestions?
maybe try have a gap say about two walls high into the ground because i see that your not forking on the actual floor (correct me if im wrong) then put the grav lift and put say 2 tube ramps over it you may need to do it as if your interlocking to stop them from flying away and then put their run time minunum to maximum. so see if that help but if it dosent i dont really know what else might work
How do you make a remake of a map that hasnt come out? And does Citadel have that many power weapons?
Looks like a fun map and well made. 4/5. also what camyhead1 said about your lifts is a great idea and will help the overall aesthetic of your map as well as the gameplay. just my opinion. My Maps: Trotsky Map Pack More to come
i like the idea of trying to remake citadel, but i would say its more like you used the picture as inspiration for a map, not an actual remake. Overall, the forging is very good, and you did a good job of making the aesthetics match up with the one picture they have showed us. My only problem with the map is that i think there are too many power weapons, maybe not, but the sword, shotgun, and rockets seem like a lot for a pretty small map
You know, I've been seeing your posts on alot of threads lately, and you always complain about power weapons. Or something not being in the middle. Relax (Don't do it). Just appreciate the map as something very original and cool. And it does look very forerunner. But are you (maker of the map) really sure that the name FORERUNNER hasn't been taken?
the sentinal beam i think was a bad choice, and the sideways sword annoys me. other than that, fantastic job on matching up on something we know so little about.
From what I've seen of the map (citadel) you have pretty close weapon set to what I immagine would be on it, however I am almost positive that the actual thing will be a bit bigger. This meaning that I think there will be a couple of the stair wells like in the campaign. But on the map itself, I think you did a good job capturing a forerunner feel. I do think the name forerunner has been taken previously but that has no bearing on the map itself. As I need to play this more to get a better feel of it I can't say any more, but I do like it right now. 3.5/5
What really makes me sad about this map is that its VERY breakable. My friend and I found the break in the first 5 minutes of playing the map. However, because you have 381 dollars left in your budget, I suggest making those few proper changes, and you know what I mean. It's a pretty good remake, but you should have waited for more pics, 3.6/5
Technically it's a premake, kinda like secuirty zone and crater, but everyone, well most, have seen a lot of those, but I get what you're saying. Anyways, This map is amazing, The picture of the main room looks exactly like it, if not, then very close.
Okay I've found one place that is easy to get out of I'm going to look for some more and patch them up.
Cool then good job. Also, where the obelisks meet the ground in some (possibly one) areas of the map, A wall didn't spawn or you didn't interlock one.
Very good imagination of something you've seen so little of ( not a criticism ). I'd prefer the map to be slightly bigger and have more pathways/routes around. However, for 2v2 or 3v3 it plays great. Cleanly forged and visually appealing, good job.