Onset Created by: Phuria Designed by: nickaaaa Recommended Players: 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2 Recommended Gametype: 1v1 Forge Gametype Onset can be summed up in one word: solid. A solid like none other in fact, a kind of solid that makes crashing headlong into a brick wall seem ethereal. Yet, in that instant of impact there is such chaos that the moment becomes surreal and lasts forever. This is the essence of Onset. A brick wall built from abrupt – time stops in a heartbeat – crashes. Onset floats high above mid-level sandbox in the sky. It’s features are solid providing several lifts and multiple ramps. Built specifically for the 1v1 Forge Gametype, Onset exceeds the fold of competitive play with room to room combat and wide corridors. The quick-spawning power-ups and weapons force players to cycle through the maps into inevitable crashes. Download Onset Download 1v1 Forge Gametype Original FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
Your pics and decription must not do it justice. Not a huge fan of Sandbox but with the diversity that 1v1 maps offer, i'm tempted to have a look. I'm still loving how a year down the line, you can still make any map sound like it's better than anything before it. Loves it. Dooo ittttttttttttttttttttt
no one cares you got 1st! downloading this map right now. I can see some good use of the the upside down golf tin there. Looks epic anyhow
Solid This does look really solid. I missed this one in the forums somehow. The spacing and layout look very comfortable and I see a variety of unique areas even on a smaller map. I saw in the original thread that you built this off of someone else's design. Was it a sketchup template? It would be really cool to see screen shots of the design as well, because the construction looks tight.
3.5/5 for camo... and why is this featured? I saw like 12 maps that should be on the competitive map list
To be honest I really don't see why this was featured. It is as good as any other competitive map. And I have seen so many others that are deserve it more.
You obviously never played the map. Go try it out, it is an instant classic that is so incredibly underrated. Congrats Phuria and Nicka!
I respect your opinions and if you feel the staff have neglected maps then by all means bug us about it or at least me. I look everyday at these forums for quality maps. That's not to say that we are neglecting and we're not holding other maps back. Again, let us know.
Rusty has a knack for that, which is why we brought back to the dark side the force. seriously underrated map is underrated. FH thread got one page of replies and thats it. See, guys? we see ALL maps congrats phuria/nickaaaa on a job very well done.
Let me ask you this, how often do you see us feature a 1v1 map? That's what I thought. Though, I never really got a game on this, I did download it (which is saying a lot since I usually just give a map "meh" and leave be in the forums) --this map however looked like a really well built one and seems like it'd play solid. Congrats on your feature guys/gals/robots (whatever you are).
you really havent been here for a while, have you? we all stoped the firssst thing about 7 months ago. now mods and such do it as a joke. as for the map, i trust rusty's judgement that it is good, or else it wouldn't be here on the front page. ill try it whilst waiting for people to join my pre build template submission.
Holy ****!!! Thanks for the feature Forgehub! Also thanks to Nicka for letting me forge this design/add onto it. : ) V2 is Comming as soon as I get time off of my other projects, also it's nice to know forgehub doesn't overlook any maps. : )
Yea, honestly i had absolutely nooo clue lol, thanks a ton again for forging the design Phuria Pretty sweet, hopefully this will get the Competitive 1v1 gametype some more recognition. Thanks forge hub dudes.
Hmm... Looks pretty nice, i dont know how offen a 1v1 is featured and i have never seen this before on the site but i will be sure to download it and try it with friend. I have been looking for a good 1v1 map and if its featured im geussing its good ^^
I downloaded and ran through it; it is a brilliant small (but not as small as you might think) map which reminded me a lot of Damnation for some reason. Could also be really fun for FFA. Oh and I must say, I loled at the "intimate" Banshees haha.
nice map seems to have great asthetics and from what im looking at it seems to be very smooth and well built. keep up the forgin