Sandbox TrenchWars 1918

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Sid Master

    Sid Master Ancient
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    Cool! This map looks so epic! DL'ing now.....

    P.S How long does the CP last?
  2. Grif2200

    Grif2200 Ancient
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    I have played the flash version of the map and it is awesome! This is an excellent adaptation of the flash game! 4/5! The only thing is the banshee, could it easily overpower the rest of the game?

    Oh and +
  3. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Sid Master, the Custom Power-up lasts 90 seconds. Also, the Banshee isn't overpowered, as it's usually:


    B:Taken down with turret fire.

    However, if there is a smart banshee pilot, sometimes it can take quite a while for this to happen. In that case, It becomes extremely epic. You really appreciate the trenches at that point. The only time that's happened, however, we actually won, and the Banshee user on the other team was really skilled.
  4. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Name would have been more original had it been "TrenchWars 2552". I mean, did they really have snipers, beam rifles, assault rifles, etc. in 1918? Well, maybe a few, but definitely not aliens.
  5. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Yes that is true but how is it not original. Also, around 1918 is the time that trenches were used. And beam rifles were not used in this game. These are the only weapons - Assault rifle, battle rifle, sniper rifle, machine gun turret, shotgun, and a sword. Even though the sword doesn't fit in it could represent (I can't recall what it is called) the knife on the ends of weapons.

    This is a human fight not humans vs elites. Even though people are elites that doesn't count
  6. Tigger

    Tigger Ancient
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    Its called a bayonet, its a metal knife thing at that you can use to poke people (or stab =X).
  7. Kropfi

    Kropfi Ancient
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    Omg i loved the game on armorgames hopefully you dont screw this up.
  8. cdn xxraiderxx

    cdn xxraiderxx Ancient
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    The map looks sweet! the only thing i can see wrong is the fact that the blue team (in pics) was closer to both trenches and had a smaller distance than the red team, you might wanna fix that up. or put grav lifts in to represnt barb wire. i will DL and try it out.
  9. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Though it may seem like it is a shorter distance it is not. It is six blocks to the 2nd trenches and 3 blocks in between the middle trenches.
  10. Izano Shaman

    Izano Shaman Ancient
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    I love this map so much! I downloaded the map and played it with 5 on 5. Everybody liked it so much! Congratulations on a great map.
  11. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    thanks so much. Its good to hear someone say that. Except do you have any constructive criticism at all? It would help us improve the map.
  12. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Even though it is a remake, it looks really bland. Sure you can't add any cover whatsoever?

    If people use shotguns, can't they just camp under those wood bridges? You may want to fix that.

    So, basically, they can stay in there for as long as they want? What if the whole team camps in slayer? Then no one would get kills. Maybe you should add something that slowly pushes them to the teleporter, but I doubt you can forge that good (Yes, that is a challenge). Also, you posted two of these pictures.

    That is a ton of teleporters. Each team comes out there, right? I mean, can't somebody camp there with a shotgun and kill everyone that comes out?

    Like I said, it is nice that you give them cover but that is only for one class. You should give everyone deploy-able cover as there is no cover whatsoever on the top of the battlefield.

    That is quite a lot of stuff compared to what the snipers get. You should balance it out.

    I guess it is smart using that for cover, but this map would be much better if you could drop all the way down to the floor and be able to shoot.

    Scratch what I said about the shotguns. Putting in swords makes it that much easier for people to camp.

    No medium/long range weapons at all? You should add at least one, maybe an SMG at the very least.

    Who would want to be part of the heavy class if they are so vulnerable when they carry turrets? Like I said, needs balancing.

    Is the heavy class the only group that gets shotguns? I recall many people having shotguns as a primary weapon if there are trenches.

    Really, a banshee? In 1918?! And wouldn't the person who pilots the banshee be able to easily kill everyone as there is no cover?

    Please refer to comment above.

    Oh, two banshees? That just adds to the fun. Please refer to the comment above the above comment.

    Please refer to any comment involving camping, this is a good example of that.

    Even though they are partly invisible, they are still very easy to see. In fact, I do not think it would give them even the slightest edge. If you are not going to give them a med/long range weapon, at least give them full camouflage. They are stealth, right?

    This would only happen if there was someone stupid piloting the banshee. If someone had half of a brain, they would stay high in the air and destroy everyone that came out.

    Wow, see that dude team shooting his teammate? Kind of sad.

    Again, please refer to camping.
  13. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    1. Are you stupid or something? The entire map is based around the cover of the trenches.
    2. One class gets a shotgun, so if that one class decides to camp, easier for the other team. The Heavy class is really the only defense against Banshees, so camping would cause more harm than good.
    3. I remember this being a Territories game, and that's what it was built for. The map wasn't supposed to work for every gametype.
    4. Each team comes out from either side. The teleporters are for the different classes.
    5. The cover is for the trenches, and deployable cover isn't great cover.
    6. Snipers need a sniper rifle and one close range weapon. They don't need anything else.
    7. No, not really. It's meant to be cover.
    8. You need to get in close with a sword, the teams spawn on different sides of the map. I don't see a problem with camping.
    9. The Stealth class is supposed to go to the other team and cause havoc, not sit back and die. One shot kills them, remember?
    10. The turrets are the anti-Banshee weapon. If no one uses it, the Banshee will dominate.
    11. I thought you just complained about people with shotguns. Hm, looks like you're just looking to boost your post count.
    12. The trenches are the cover, and the Heavy is the counter.
    13. I agree, they should have full camoflauge.
    14. And the point of that was...?
    15. And the point of that was...?

    The last two points didn't even have anything to do with the map...
  14. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Thanks everyone, but to clear it up, the stealth HAVE FULL CAMO. The reason they are visible in pictures is because they are either attacking, or the power-up has JUST been picked up.
  15. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Wow, my theory is true! There are more stupid people by the day!

    1. Are you stupid or something? I was talking about above the trenches, where there is no cover. That was his first screen shot. Kind of sad how we have only been one number in and I have already made you look stupid.
    2. I have no idea what heavy weapons and banshees have to do with camping under the wooden bridges with shotguns, killing anyone who tries to come under them. Two numbers in and now I am starting to think you may have a severe case of down syndrome. Well, that's what I get for arguing with a guy with 19 posts *snicker*.
    3. Weird, I thought this map worked perfectly with slayer. Guess not, thanks for helping me prove my point :).
    4. You just contradicted yourself in two sentences alone. What makes it even sadder, they are both right next to each other!
    5. Refer to first number
    6. I agree, too bad the snipers only have one weapon.
    7. Oh, so you would not like to be able to get down on the ground like almost every other game? Nice strategy.

    Sorry, normally I would continue to argue with you but every single number you posted made no sense. So I am really sorry, I am, but I can't communicate with someone too mentally challenged to make sense. Have a nice day :]

    Oh and 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, looking forward to seeing you reply to my first post. That would be great.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    You were just doing it in the other guys post.

    but any how I played the map with 5 friends, and i have to tell you, sniping each other is fun. Gets crazy when the banches spawn, but the camo with sword helps very well to balance that out. Awsome gameplay! :)
  17. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Alright. I don't want a map discussion to turn into a flame war, okay? Kryticate, you probably didn't read the whole post, and simply put, it didn't contribute much. The point is for it to be open, if you play the flash game, you will understand. But, I don't have much to say to the post otherwise. Like I said, It don't want this to turn into an argument. Thanks everyone! Now I'm going to sleep. :]
  18. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    1. You never specified that. I'm not a god, I do not know what you're thinking.
    2. You were complaining about camping with shotguns. One class has a shotgun. That class counters Banshees. Underneath boards, that class cannot hit Banshees. Do. You. Understand?
    3. Actually, it says in his first post that the map was made for territories. Just because I can run paint on my computer doesn't mean I will make great signatures.
    4. I think you need to specify what you mean.
    5. I think you need to specify what you mean.
    6. They have one weapon, AND weapon pickup enabled. You shouldn't force the other weapon on the sniper.
    7. Well, considering he is trying to simulate trench warfare, and you can't shoot through the one trench wall into the other, your idea is useless.

    Oh, and stop making excuses. You know I'm right, but your e-***** doesn't allow you to admit it. Overcome that and you will be so much better off.
  19. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Thank you sooo much for understanding the game. There are just morons out in the world. We have to be careful of them. The other guy's (Krytike or something like that) complaints make no since at all.

    And to Krytike - for your small brain I - Am - Z0mbie Kitten. I did most of the forging. This map does not need good forging to be fun. If you thought that this game was for slayer than you must not be able to read. Around the first paragraph says this is for TERRITORIES!!!!!!!!!! If you camp then your team gets no where. You have to constantly push ahead or you will lose. Can you comprehend. Oh Im sorry, do you u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d????

    I expieramented with a better foged version and it made the gameplay horrible. I can forge well except this map does not need it. Out of all the times I have played this with a lot of people. No one has complained about the forging because it does not mess anything up!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. LockeGenRedux

    LockeGenRedux Ancient
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    I've personally gotten to try out this map with a few of my friends, and Kudos. This map is TONS of fun, I somewhat wish that you could have more people supported on it, but its a good map overall. The sniper class seems to always be the starting class for me, I'm not sure what it is, but i always get Sniper at the start of the game, and alot during game.
    Great map though. 4.5/5

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