*Rolls up sleeves* Alright, well I really dislike all the effects on and aroudn Marcus. Although it gives you a clear focal, it seems a little spoilt by all the root-like things pretruding from his head. Next, I think that if you were goign to use the whole image, you woudl at least leave in the brumak. The space seems so empty now, albeit filled with some darkening....thing. I think making it narrower would be a good bet, because at the moment it's a large sig with everythign going on in one concentrated space. Wow, This thorough CnC'ing is good fun, no wonder you do it.
i think theres to much empty space and the effects around marcus are cool, but theres to much of them. I also dont like the color of the light source, doesnt really flow with the picture.
It sucks. Spoiler Muahahahhahahahahaha, you thought the criticism was over?!?! HA! HAHAhahahaha The effects. They distract too much from the focal on the left. Blur the BG. Fix that puple light thing you have by the focal. The lightning brushes, or whatever they're called, kind of stick out too much. Make them a tad more transparent so they look like texture more than... stuff.
Haha thank you for good CnC!!! I am scratching this piece, I have a nwe idea in mind... Making a full new signature next... Hahaha... Frag gave full CnC for once, glad to see you guys being constructive for me this has helped, I will make a new signature tonight, thanks a bunch guys.
loshon is right lol, I am not giving out any handmade effects, and I used C4D for an effect in this one.