Left 4 Dead-The Boathouse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by EliteSlayer, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Most of us well enough know the game Left 4 Dead
    and some of the remakes people created.
    Well now, I bring to you, The Boathouse. If you
    have played Left 4 Dead, you will realize that
    this is,of course, the boathouse. The outside of this
    map is not from left 4 dead but the actual boathouse
    and inside of it is from left 4 dead. In the game, humans
    have to work together and watch each others backs
    because getting assassinated is your worst mistake. I have
    made two gametypes for this, one
    Left 4 Dead-N(Normal Difficulty), second
    Left 4 Dead-H(Hard Difficulty). As the difficulty moves
    from normal to hard, zombies become stronger and do more
    damage, making it harder for survivors. On normal mode,
    humans will die after 11-15 hits. On hard mode humans will
    die after 9-11 hits(and of course there is no sheild
    regeneration). But, the humans will also have to watch
    out for hunters, boomers, and smokers, because each
    one has ways to bring down your sheilds very quickly.

    The common infected(which every zombie
    starts out as) is very fast but very weak
    and cannot jump very high. With the right
    tatics, they shouldn't prove to be too much

    Hunters run just as fast as normal infected
    but, can jump higher, have a lot more
    health, and deal more damage.

    To become a smoker you must pick up
    a sential beam after you die and
    respawn. Smokers can nail survivors
    from long distance and take your sheilds
    straight down.

    Boomers work at medium to short range
    by picking up a flare and throwing it on
    the survivors, blinding them for a short
    time, allowing others to come in for the kill.
    Okay now here are the pics of the actual map.

    As you can see, that is the boathouse.
    All doors are closed so zombies need to
    break them down to get inside and all
    windows are boarded up.

    The inside and downstairs of the boathouse.
    This is where the humans will start off. It includes
    all your weapons, one firebomb, a front and back
    door, and one window.

    The Table
    The table is where you will get all your
    weapons and two trip mines used as gas

    This is the upstairs and the main spot
    where people will camp. It includes
    firebombs and spike gernades, two windows,
    a back door, and a breakable wall.

    Upstairs 2

    The porch cames handy with one turret,
    which can become very useful against
    zombies, and one firebomb and spike. In
    order to get to the porch, you will need
    to break the back, upstairs, door.

    Hope you enjoy the map and gametype! Please
    comment on the map and tell me what you think.
    By the way, my real gamertag is EliteArtem.

    Download Map:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    Download Gametype:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
  2. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    this map looks like a really good map but i have a couple of questions as to how this works:

    1) Are zombies able to pick up weapons because this could be a problem for humans if they get a sniper.

    2) why are there no tanks?

    3) Is there anything behind the house like regens or OS to heal yourself with if not you may want humans to regenerate the smallest of health possible so they dont die so easily.

    and also if you didnt hit object limit or money limit could you include the pavillion were the pipebomb and molotov are.
  3. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1) Zombies can only pick up weapons for 5 sec.(plenty of time) after respawning.

    2) There would be tanks, but the custom power-ups are used for hunters(if you have a better way to do this then please tell me).

    3) Regeneraters don't work if there is no sheild regeneration so sorry, but no medic packs(I tested this a lot and it seems to be fine with no medicine).
  4. Egg

    Egg Ancient
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    Ok, this looks like a pretty solid remake, I'm just wondering if you have the bathroom + room under the stairs

    Home-Made L4D Halo 3 Guide
    Overshields can be used for health for humans, they do not go away for some reason

    Boomer = Flare, Grav Hammer, Sword
    Hunter = Active Camo, Grav Lift, Sword
    Tank = Custom Powerup, Grav Hammer, Frag Grenades (Mimics throw), Sword
    Smoker = Sentinel Beam, Sword
    Common Infected = Sword

    L4D | Halo 3
    Assault Rifle = Battle Rifle
    Pistol = Magnum
    Shotgun = Shotgun
    Hunting Rifle = Sniper Rifle
    Uzi = SMG
    Molotov Cocktail = Flame Bomb
    Pipe Bomb = Frag
    Propane Tank = Fusion Coil

    That should clear things up. (Haven't posted my L4D Map on Fileshare or Forgehub)
    #4 Egg, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  5. Tigger

    Tigger Ancient
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    Tank should get an overshield (hard to kill), and Witch should have active camo (When you dont pay attention, you don't notice the witch, ...until its too late.)

    Including all types of zombies plus this accurate looking map would really complete the L4D feel of the game.
    #5 Tigger, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  6. Egg

    Egg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well the Custom Powerup would make you have better health than the Overshield, and you could not play as the Witch in L4D so there is no need to include that overpowered bad word
  7. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1) Yes, there is the bathroom and area under the stairs.
    2) An oversheilds wouldn't work for the tank because he would still have the damage resistance of a normal infected and thats not a lot. Also, the tank would still run as fast as a normal infected when really, he runs a little slower than the survivors.
    3) I use an assualt rifle as the assualt rifle instead of a battle rifle(assualt rifle is rapid fire like in left 4 dead and has the same name).
  8. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    true, but besides my other reasons, a battle rifle has a scope and can zoom in with it, while in left 4 dead, the assault rifle can't zoom in and has no scope.
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice remake. It's genius how you can involve multiple powered up zombies with weapon pickup only for a short time. The forging is above-average for an infection map. My only concern is... how many of the respawn points are upgraded zombies versus normal zombies. I mean, what's the ratio of that. I think it should be around a 1/8 chance of being a better zombie. Because it surely wouldn't be cool if there was only 1 normal zombie and the rest, whatever.
  10. Shadow318

    Shadow318 Ancient
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    I aggre. This looks like a great map but I would also like to know what are the chances of becomeing special infected.
  11. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1) There are two boomers every 30 sec. (its only a 1 time use)
    2) There are two smokers every 45 sec. (smokers won't do much if the survivors are smart and stay in different corners around the boathouse, protecting each other)
    3) There are two hunters every minute. (that means that you will only see a maximum of 10 hunters)

    The thing is the weapons and custom powerups do not start to respawn until someone picks them up.
    So once someone picks up something, 30, 45, or 60 sec. later, it will respawn.
  12. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good. Now the only TRUE solution is to remake it on Sandbox. This would be greatly appreciated. But beforehand I tell you this map is a blast. Seriously perople, try it with some friends, you won't be disappointed.
  13. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Recreating this on sandbox just wouldn't work. The first thing is, it wouldn't look like the boathouse to much, it would be more of a very old house because of sandbox's objects. Second, some things inside the house will not be the same, such as the doors, windows, tables, senery, and the breakable wall. This left 4 dead remake is better where it is now.
  14. HarryGoss

    HarryGoss Ancient
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    looks very much like the the boathouse except you forgot the stairs underneath the turret. maybe you just did that so it was harder for the zombies though. im not sure
  15. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    I did want to put in the porch, but it would mess up other parts of the map and I really didn't have the objects to do so.
  16. SOGtheman838

    SOGtheman838 Ancient
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    boomer needs a flame thrower
  17. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    No, the boomer does not need a flame thrower. I understand that the flame thrower blinds people and acts as him throwing-up, but it does loads of damage and he can continue shooting it for quiet a while. Now how is that anything like what the boomer really does?
  18. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    Tank should get an overshield (hard to kill), and Witch should have active camo (When you dont pay attention, you don't notice the witch, ...until its too late.)
  19. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Oversheilds doesn't make the tank strong enough, he will still have only 10% damage resistance and he will also run as fast as a normal infected. Witch is unplayable in left 4 dead and will be unplayable here as well.
  20. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    It looks pretty good except for the scenery outside, it's just a lot of random boxes dotted around, maybe some broken vehicles or something more exciting could prove benefit.

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