This is my 2nd map overall and my 1st in the sky bubble, it has two levels with two lifts,opposite each other, taking you up to the 2nd level. It may be a little crowded for 4v4, I would have made it bigger but I ran out of items. Its set up for slayer, oddball and king of the hill, team or FFA up to 8 players. Nightmare Falls Inspired by Construct, Nightmare Falls is a two leveled map in the sky bubble. It has two symmetrical lifts taking you up to the top floor, with a bridge in the middle. Weapons and Equipment BRx6 ( 2 spare clips & 45 sec ) Spikerx2 ( 2 spare clips & 30 sec ) Bruteshotx2 ( 1 spare clip & 90 sec ) Plasma pistolx2 ( 30 sec ) Sniper riflex1 ( 2 spare clip & 180 ) Needlerx2 ( 2 spare clips & 60 sec ) Carbinex2 ( 2 spare clips & 60 sec ) Plasma Sword ( 180 sec ) Frag grenadesx8 ( 20 sec ) Plasma grenadesx4 ( 20 sec ) Spike grenades x4 ( 45 sec ) Bubble Shieldx1 ( 150 sec ) Power Drainx1 ( 150 sec ) Active Camo ( 180 sec ) Thanks to minikloon and tartan spartan for testing and giving tips. I'm going to be testing it properly soon so give me a vm/pm if your interested. Images
wow this map looks awesome and the interlocking looks great. I would say 4/5, but the weapons list doesn't sound too well evened out, you may need to add a shotgun to even out the energy sword.
Wow. You turned one of the lamest Halo 3 maps into something actually good. I'd take this over construct any day for eternity. You made the 2 levels evened out, because the problem with construct was even though the bottom was ginormous, everyone went up the big grav lift to the top. But now you've made it symmetric, better, and balanced. Great job.
I'll playtest this eventually, but a first sights, it has plenty of straights, so the snipers and needles would Dominate. This may not be the case, so I'll give it a few rounds and I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks for the comments guys, I'm going to change the map slightly by removing two spike grenades next to the sword and adjust the lifts so you can't get stuck and they don't bounce you back which occasionally happens.
You should always test before a post, but I suppose that's what v2s are for... Anyways, the map looks very well Forged, and shows a lot of potential. It is definitely an original idea for a Sandbox map, and I hope you executed it well. I am going to download and play a few games on it when I get the chance, and I will message you over Xbox Live with any comments, concerns, or complaints that I may have.
Cheers chaotic, looking forward to any feedback you give. I'm going to apply for a test by the guild soon.
We played a slayer game on the map, and I was surprised at how well a 9 Man FFA played out. Still not anything amazing, but it was decent with that many players. Once we lost a few more, FFa was actually pretty fun on it. I was more concerned about the Forging itself, however. Some of the walls were very crooked, and the map was breakable. I couldn't really notice any spawn issues, or any problem with weapon placement. I highly recommend you get it tested, and I'll come to help if you need me. Just send me an invite over Xbox Live if you do.
Thanks alot for the feedback chaotic and I'm glad you had some fun on it. I've adjusted it slightly since and will be testing it tomorrow (28th) at 9PM EST, will send you an invite.
I played this the other day with dow and scope and a few other TG members, and i have to say, the map aesthetics are pretty impressive. Though in some places where you used walls for floors, it was bumpy, and not just the normal bumpy sandbox floors, i mean EXCEEDINGLY bumpy. The fact that the walkways were rather small and that people kept on falling down to the bottom level and coming back up via the lift caused a lot of lift camping and clustering of assault rifle battles near the lift at either side of the map, you could describe it as the construct lift, only 2 of them, meaning nearly twice the camping, luckily, sometimes the lift wouldnt work, and the person camping the lift wouldnt get their kill. personaly i think the sword has no place on this map , or plasma sword 1. Lift camping 2. small walkways overall,3.9/5 i think that the gameplay could be much better, and the lifts should be edited, i vote V2
I'm already halfway in changing that, adjusted lifts so they work. Will adjust the walkways and try and promote action elsewhere. Thanks for the great feedback.
Haha, I remember playtesting this. Sorry for cutting out, there was a massive thunderstorm and **** and I didn't want the console to blow up :3 Anyways, the map was fine, although more ways between the top and bottom would have been nice. The weapon sets are pretty balanced, so imo the only majotr nproblems are bumpyness and lack of access. Other than that, great!